Publications by authors named "N Yu Saakyan"

The simplified preoperative planning of multiprobe prostate cryoablation limits its efficiency. In order to improve it, the thermal history prediction software is being developed. However, the problem of high risks at the prostate-urethra boundary has not been solved yet.

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In this fragment of the study, the change in the ratio of low (LF) and high frequency (HF) waves to the heart rhythmogram during prolonged immobilization (5 hours) of sexually mature white non-linear rats was studied by spectral analysis of heart rate variability, which causes psychoemotional stress and the accompanying vegetative equilibrium shift, indicating on the dysregulation of the sympatho-parasympathetic balance without and against the background of daily intraperitoneal injection of taurine (50 mg/kg) and its participation in the mechanisms of adaptive processes in the early poststress period (from 1 to 14 days). Spectral analysis of both absolute and relative indices of the I-th group (stress without taurine) revealed significant shifts in the frequency spectrum. On the first day after immobilization, the total power of the spectrum decreased by 4.

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In recent years the identification of regulatory mechanisms of the general adaptation syndrome, manifesting itself as the response of an organism to drastic changes in the environment and leading to emotional stress, acquires a special significance. The control over visceral functions plays a particular role in stress reactions because of emerging threat of violation of neurodynamic balance of sympathetic-para- sympathetic relationships with their most sensitive element - the heart. Quick adaptation to stress helps to restore not only the sympathetic-parasympathetic homeostasis but also the energy metabolism.

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Bilateral lesioning of the presublingual nucleus (nucleus praepositus hypoglossi) of the medulla oblongata induced significant changes in the nature of baseline spine activity in the locus coeruleus. After lesioning, the mean frequency of spike activity of locus coeruleus neurons decreased more than two-fold. The numbers of neurons with train-grouped activity and polymodal neurons increased significantly.

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