Publications by authors named "N V Coleman"

Background: Procarbazine-containing chemotherapy regimens are associated with cytopenias and infertility, suggesting stem-cell toxicity. When treating Hodgkin lymphoma, procarbazine in escalated-dose bleomycin-etoposide-doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide-vincristine-procarbazine-prednisolone (eBEACOPP) is increasingly replaced with dacarbazine (eBEACOPDac) to reduce toxicity. We aimed to investigate the impact of this drug substitution on the mutation burden in stem cells, patient survival, and toxicity.

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  • MicroRNAs (miRNAs) such as miR-99a-5p, miR-100-5p, and miR-125b-5p are typically downregulated in malignant germ cell tumors (GCTs), leading to potential issues in tumor growth and behavior.
  • In this study, researchers used quantitative RT-PCR and treatments like 5-azacytidine to investigate the dysregulation of these miRNAs and their effects on cancer cell growth in different types of malignant GCTs.
  • They found that replenishing levels of miR-100-5p and miR-125b-5p inhibited the growth of GCT cells and altered related signaling pathways, suggesting a potential therapeutic approach
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The genome of the methanotrophic bacterium strain 10Ki contains a gene cluster that encodes a putative coenzyme-M (CoM)-dependent pathway for oxidation of epoxyethane, based on homology to genes in bacteria that grow on ethylene and propylene as sole substrates. An alkene monooxygenase was not detected in the genome, so epoxyethane is likely produced from co-oxidation of ethylene by the methane monooxygenase enzyme. Similar gene clusters were detected in about 10% of available genomes from aerobic methanotrophic bacteria, primarily strains grown from rice paddies and other wetlands.

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Purpose: Since the inaugural workshop "Understanding High-Dose, Ultra-High Dose Rate and Spatially Fractionated Radiotherapy." hosted by the NCI and sponsored by the Radiosurgery Society (RSS), growing collaborations and investigations have ensued among experts, practitioners, and researchers. The RSS GRID, Lattice, Microbeam & FLASH (GLMF) Working Groups were formed as a framework for these efforts and have focused on advancing the understanding of the biology, technical/physical parameters, trial design, and clinical practice of these new radiation therapy modalities.

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Background: Breast cancer incidence rates are rising in Africa and mortality is highest in West Africa. Reasons for poor survival are multifactorial but delays in seeking appropriate health care result in late presentation which contributes significantly to poor outcomes. Total delays of more than 3 months have been associated with advanced stage at presentation and poorer survival.

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