The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the transference of passive immunity (TPI) and growth achieved by calves born to dams with low or high SCC at dry-off and fed with colostrum from cows with low or high SCC at dry-off. Forty multiparous (3.2 lactations; SD = 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe purpose of this experiment was to determine the effects of feeding increasing levels of fresh forage (FF) as a proportion of total dry matter intake (DMI) on nutrient intake, rumen digestion, nutrient utilization, and productive performance of total mixed ration (TMR)-fed cows. Twelve dairy cows (90 ± 22 d in milk, 523 ± 88 kg of body weight, 7,908 ± 719 kg of milk production in the previous lactation) were housed in individual tiestalls and assigned to treatments according to a 3 × 3 Latin square design replicated 4 times. Treatments were 100% TMR (T100), 75% TMR plus 25% FF (T75), and 50% TMR plus 50% FF (T50).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the Southern Hemisphere, ruminants are mostly raised in grazing systems where animals consume forage and are supplemented with low amounts of concentrates. Concentrates are usually given separately and are rapidly ingested. This practice leads to changing rumen environment conditions during the day, may alter the rumen microbial metabolism and could affect host performance.
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