Introduction: Infertility is the complex and urgent problem in reproductology. Now HPV involvement in male infertility is considered proven.
Objectives: of the study: To study the etiological structure of human papillomavirus infection (HPV) in ejaculate in men with infertility, as well as to assess the effect of HPV on the parameters of sperm (motility, quantity, morphology).
Introduction: The involvement of human papillomavirus (HPV) in male infertility is becoming increasingly evident. There are no approved treatment for male infertility associated with human papillomavirus infection (HPV).
Research Objective: To study the effectiveness of interferon therapy (recombinant interferon -2b with an antioxidant complex of vitamins E and C) in the treatment of male infertility associated with HPV MATERIALS AND METHODS: An analysis of the results of a survey of 103 patients aged 28 to 46 years with a diagnosis of infertility associated with HPV was carried out.