Publications by authors named "N I Antonenko"

Non-Markovian dynamics of a charged particle in a two-dimensional harmonic oscillator linearly coupled to a neutral bosonic heat bath is investigated in an external uniform magnetic field and two perpendicular time-dependent electric fields. The analytical expressions for the time-dependent and asymptotic angular momentum are derived for the Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics. The dependence of the angular momentum on the frequency of the electric field, cyclotron frequency, collective frequency, and anisotropy of the heat bath is studied.

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The non-Markovian dynamics of a charged particle confined in the harmonic oscillator and linearly coupled to a neutral bosonic heat bath is investigated in the external uniform magnetic field. The analytical expressions are derived for the time-dependent and asymptotic orbital angular momenta. The transition from non-Markovian dynamics to Markovian dynamics and the transition from a confined charge particle to a free charge particle are considered.

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The time evolution of an occupation number is studied for a fermionic or bosonic oscillator linearly fully coupled to several fermionic and bosonic heat baths. The influence of the characteristics of thermal reservoirs of different statistics on the nonstationary population probability is analyzed at large times. Applications of the absence of equilibrium in such systems for creating a dynamic (nonstationary) memory storage are discussed.

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For the fermionic or bosonic oscillator fully coupled to several heat baths with mixed statistics, the analytical expressions for the occupation numbers are derived within the non-Markovian quantum Langevin approach. Employing two or three heat baths and the Ohmic dissipation with Lorenzian cutoffs, the role of statistics of the system and heat baths in the dynamics of the system is studied.

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Employing the fermionic and bosonic Hamiltonians for the collective oscillator linearly FC-coupled with several heat baths, the analytical expressions for the collective occupation number are derived within the non-Markovian quantum Langevin approach. The master equations for the occupation number of collective subsystem are derived and discussed. In the case of Ohmic dissipation with Lorenzian cutoffs, the possibility of reduction of the system with several heat baths to the system with one heat bath is analytically demonstrated.

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