Publications by authors named "N H Huffels"

Background: Assertive community treatment (ACT) is one of the most important models for the care and treatment, in the community, of people with severe mental illness (SMI). ACT is concerned primarily with smi-patients who have the most complex problems and it provides care by means of intensive assertive outreach. Function act (FACT) provides care for the entire group of SMI - patients and combines the principles of case management and ACT.

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Swine influenza A (H1N1) viruses were isolated from two people in Switzerland and one in the Netherlands in early 1986. In haemagglutination-inhibition and neuraminidase-inhibition assays, the three viruses were closely related to one another and to the A/New Jersey/8/76 strain. The Swiss patients showed only mild symptoms, whereas the Dutch patient suffered from severe pneumonia.

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Peripheral blood and spleen lymphocytes from pigs infected with a low-virulent strain of swine fever virus (SFV) were transiently hyporesponsive to the mitogenic action of PHA, PWM and Con A. The mitogenic reactivity of lymphocytes from lymph nodes from such pigs appeared to be enhanced rather than depressed at that time. In addition, hyper-responsiveness of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) to these mitogens occurred in some pigs.

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