Aim: The early-onset intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with severe placental insufficiency and Doppler abnormalities. The late-onset IUGR is associated with mild placental insufficiency and normal Doppler velocimetry. The computerized cardiotocographic (cCTG) monitoring is used to evaluate the fetal well-being in pregnancies complicated by IUGR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe selected 4012 cCTG records (one trace for each patient) performed in healthy pregnancies from 30th to 42nd gestational week using foetal heart rate (FHR), short-term variability (STV), long-term irregularity (LTI), Delta, approximate entropy (ApEn), spectral components as low frequency (LF), median frequency (MF), high frequency (HF) and LF/(HF + MF) ratio were analysed. Reference nomograms were created and sensitivity and specificity for the prediction of foetal compromise were calculated which were 90% and 89%, respectively. Changes of cCTG parameters according to gestational week were evaluated: FHR (r = -.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: To analyze computerized cardiotocographic (cCTG) parameters (baseline fetal heart rate, baseline FHR; short term variability, STV; approximate entropy, ApEn; low frequency, LF; movement frequency, MF; high frequency, HF) in physiological pregnancy in order to correlate them with the stages of labor. This could provide more information for understanding the mechanisms of nervous system control of FHR during labor progression.
Methods: A total of 534 pregnant women were monitored on cCTG from the 37th week before the onset of spontaneous labor and during the first and the second stage of labor.
Analyzing velocimetric (umbilical artery, UA; ductus venosus, DV; middle cerebral artery, MCA) and computerized cardiotocographic (cCTG) (fetal heart rate, FHR; short term variability, STV; approximate entropy, ApEn) parameters in intrauterine growth restriction, IUGR, in order to detect early signs of fetal compromise. POPULATION STUDY: 375 pregnant women assisted from the 28th week of amenorrhea to delivery and monitored through cCTG and Doppler ultrasound investigation. The patients were divided into three groups according to the age of gestation at the time of delivery, before the 34th week, from 34th to 37th week, and after the 37th week.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe BamA protein of Escherichia coli plays a central role in the assembly of β-barrel outer membrane proteins (OMPs). The C-terminal domain of BamA folds into an integral outer membrane β-barrel, and the N terminus forms a periplasmic polypeptide transport-associated (POTRA) domain for OMP reception and assembly. We show here that BamA misfolding, caused by the deletion of the R44 residue from the α2 helix of the POTRA 1 domain (ΔR44), can be overcome by the insertion of alanine 2 residues upstream or downstream from the ΔR44 site.
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