Computed tomographic analysis of lesions of the corpus callosum in 13 patients with "inner cerebral trauma" showed significant congruence of linear translation of acceleration and the topographic distribution of such lesions. This congruence permits computed tomography to be used to reconstruct the course of linear translation and the site of the main blow, which can be important for forensic use. The findings of even a small lesion in the corpus callosum indicates the need for further investigation of other structures which are usually involved in inner cerebral trauma, such as the hippocampus and brain stem.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeurol Croat
December 1991
This study deals with the topographic distribution of traumatic lesions in the corpus callosum within the pattern of "inner cerebral trauma". Material for neuropathological investigations consisted of 49 brains of patients who suffered closed head injury of the acceleration type with linear translation of acceleration acting along the longer axis of the head. As a control, 5 brains were investigated in which the direction of linear translation was latero-lateral.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEstrogen (ER), progestin (PGR), and androgen (AR) receptors were assayed in cytosols prepared from 38 various intracranial tumors. The receptors were in the following proportions (number of receptor-positive/number of tumors examined): meningiomas were positive for PGR (4/6) and AR (2/5); glioblastomas were also positive for PGR (3/21) and AR (7/21); astrocytomas were positive only for PGR (4/5); and oligodendrogliomas only for AR. In two hamartomas AR was present, while in one chordoma both PGR and AR were present.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe pattern of "inner cerebral trauma" is a morphological and functional-pathological correlate of biomechanical conditions at the event of severe closed craniocerebral injury of acceleration-type, if the traumatizing forces act in the direction of the longest diameter of the skull. The lesions are characteristically localized in the "centro-axial" regions of the brain involving most frequently: corpus callosum, septum pellucidum, fornix, tela chorioidea, peri- and para-ventricular zone, infundibulobasal region and cingulum; this pattern also includes lesions of the hippocampal area, upper brainstem, pontocerebellar complex, and parasagittal areas of the cerebrum. This pattern includes lesions, which are from the onset "primary irreversible" as well as "primary reversible" lesions, which spread apart from the "epicentres" of the primary irreversible damage and are in principle more diffuse but still within the basic pattern of the main predilection.
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