Objective: To describe a bone preservation technique commonly used in neurosurgery in an orthopedic procedure.
Material And Methods: We describe the case of a patient who undergoes primary hip arthroplasty with an initial unsatisfactory result, the need for a revision with acetabular reconstruction is considered before the wound closure. Keeping the patient's femoral head in soft tissues for second-time reconstruction.
Introduction: The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is one of the main stabilizers of the knee, but its injury occurs in conjunction with other ligaments.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of MCL lesions by magnetic resonance imaging, their degrees and associated lesions in our institution.
Material And Methods: Retrospective study from January to April 2018 where KNEE MRIs were evaluated where the MCL lesion was presented to evaluate the degree and type of associated injuries.
Introduction: Despite the MRI findings present an adequate sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis, there is a poor correlation between the imaging results in imaging centers and the diagnosis of a shoulder surgeon and the surgical findings.
Objective: To evaluate the correlation of the diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis by MRI between imaging centers and the shoulder and elbow surgery service, with subsequent surgical verification.
Material And Methods: Retrospective, observational and comparative study in 41 patients with adhesive capsulitis diagnosis, the concordance among the MRI reports of different radiology cabinets and the Joint reconstruction clinic was calculated, in 10 cases the diagnosis was corroborated by surgery.