Bt soybean cultivation is increasing worldwide. The Cry1Ac protein expressed in Bt soybean efficiently controls several lepidopteran pests. The stink bug, Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood), a major pest for soybean in the Americas, is not controlled by Bt crops, although possible sub-lethal effects may occur.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBacillus sensu lato were screened for their capacity to mineralize organic phosphorus (P) and promote plant growth, improving nitrogen (N) and P nutrition of soybean. Isolates were identified through Type Strain Genome Server (TYGS) and Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI). ILBB95, ILBB510 and ILBB592 were identified as Priestia megaterium, ILBB139 as Bacillus wiedmannii, ILBB44 as a member of a sister clade of B.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGrassland biomes provide valuable ecosystem services, including nutrient cycling. Organic phosphorus (Po) represents more than half of the total P in soils. Soil microorganisms release organic P through enzymatic processes, with alkaline phosphatases, acid phosphatases and phytases being the key P enzymes involved in the cycling of organic P.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAntimicrobial resistance is a growing concern in public health and current research shows an important role for bacterial biofilms in recurrent or chronic infections. New strategies, therefore, are necessary to overcome antimicrobial resistance, through the development of new therapies that could alter or inhibit biofilm formation. In this sense, antibiofilm natural products are very promising.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInsect epicuticle hydrocarbons (CHC) are known to be important determinants in the susceptibility degree of insects to fungal entomopathogens. Five Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Hypocreales; Clavicipitaceae) strains were phenotypically analyzed regarding their response to CHC nutrition and their pathogenicity and virulence towards high fungal-susceptible Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Carpintero and Dellapé) (Heteroptera: Thaumastocoridae) and low fungal-susceptible Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), which are important hemipteran pests in eucalyptus and soybean plantations, respectively. Two of these strains, which were the most (ILB308) and the least (ILB299) virulent to P.
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