There was performed the assessment of the degree of the impact of the chemical occupational factors on the development of allergic diseases in healthcare practitioners of the Sverdlovsk Region. According to results of the certification of 145 workplaces in medical institutions of the Sverdlovsk Region's it was revealed that the health care professionals mostly contact with the chemical substances which were the strong allergens with potent nfavorable impact on the health. In the formation of allergic diseases in healthcare practitioners the leading role is belonged to antibiotics, vitamins and other medicines, as well as formaldehyde; there is less detected sensitization to cotton dust and synthetic detergents.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere was performed a comparative analysis of the parameters of humoral immunity factors and topical immunity of 3000 workers of metallurgical enterprises exposed to effects of industrial mixts of different composition. Under exposure to aerosols with weak fibrogenic action there is observed simultaneous decrease of the number T-cytotoxic lymphocytes, and the increase of the number of T-helper cells, as under the influence of aerosols of complex composition (contains compounds with fibrogenc action--Silicon and irritants--nitrogen dioxide, sulfur there are formed signs of hyperergic immune response with the activation of humoral compartment, T-helper cells, and the inhibition of cytotoxic lymphocytes. Aerosols with fibrogenic action have the most pronounced suppressive effect on topical immunity
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOn the basis of individual occupational fluoride loads (IOFN) it was established that under current levels of air pollution of the working area by fluorine compounds, occupational fluorosis can occur in mostly sensitive workers with 66 or more years of accumulated period of work, while the most vulnerable are workers with of 9.4 or more years of accumulated period of work. The results obtained in comparison of clinical data with individual fluoride load, testify that in the high-risk group for the development of occupational fluoride intoxication include workers with an average accumulated period of work of 10.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnnual levels of morbidity and mortality due to respiratory diseases and certain infectious and parasitic diseases in Russian Federation exceed the corresponding values in some European countries. Thus, wide implementation of national program for vaccine-preventable infections not only among children, but also in adults. Implementation of National immunization calendar for routine and epidemic indications, wider vaccination for adult population especially in occupational teams will be an important step to lower social and economic loss caused by those infectious diseases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe research purpose is an estimation of influence of the bauxite dust on the state of the bronchopulmonary system of workers. It has been indicated that exposure of the poor fibrogenic dust while the process of the bauxite ore extraction, results in development of pnevmokoniosis characterized by substantial ventilatory and haemodynamic disorders limiting the workability of patients.
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