Publications by authors named "N A Iasinetskaia"

Introduction of unwarranted shorter courses of chemotherapy, physicians' decreased attention to pathogenetic treatments, nonadherence to the standard of examination while transferring to a further follow-up of clinically cured patients have increased a risk for early tuberculosis recurrences. In the years ahead, there may be a further rise in the number of late recurrences in the general population of the Russian Federation as preventive measures have deteriorated amongst the tuberculosis-cured individuals after their referral for the general health care system. The persons who have experienced tuberculosis and stricken off the register in a tuberculosis dispensary more than 5 years ago make up a late recurrence risk group.

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Restriction endonuclease in situ digestion of metaphase chromosomes gives an opportunity to reveal strips with different structure within GC-rich pericentric heterochromatin of the domestic horse and the wild Przewalski horse. Blocks of heterochromatin, which are insensitive to HaeIII and brightly stained with chromomycin A3 after restriction enzyme digestion, are localized on the border with euchromatin in the majority of chromosomes of Equus caballus and E. przewalskii.

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Analysis of albumin, transferrin, receptor to vitamin D, esterase, alpha 1-beta glycoprotein polymorphisms in Przhewalski's horse, Orlov's and Russian trotters, Guzul and Yakutian domestic horse breeds was carried out. The data about similarity of intraspecies differentiation of Przewalski's horse's populations and interbreed distinctions were obtained. Locus-specific particularities of genetic structures of investigated animal groups were revealed.

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Heterochromatin distribution was studied in three species of subfamily Bovinae: bison (Bison bison), European bison (Bison bonasus), and gayal (Bos frontalis). In all of the studied species, C- and CMA3-banding and in situ hybridization with satellite DNAII (satDNAII) revealed the conservative distribution of heterochromatic regions in autosomes; sex chromosomes did not contain the classical constitutive heterochromatin. The Y chromosome was the most variable element of the karyotypes of both bison species and the gayal.

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The investigation of genetic interrelation between a number of Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla species with the use of different types of molecular-genetic markers (proteins, RAPD-PCR) were carried out. The marker-specific features of interspecific relations and their similarities on the groups of markers of both types were revealed. The distinctions between interspecies genetic relations and ones estimated from the phylogeny on the determined group of different types of markers were observed.

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