Publications by authors named "Myoungshic Jhun"

Regarding survival data analysis in regression modeling, multiple conditional quantiles are useful summary statistics to assess covariate effects on survival times. In this study, we consider an estimation problem of multiple nonlinear quantile functions with right censored survival data. To account for censoring in estimating a nonlinear quantile function, weighted kernel quantile regression (WKQR) has been developed by using the kernel trick and inverse-censoring-probability weights.

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Quantile regression methods have been used to estimate upper and lower quantile reference curves as the function of several covariates. Especially, in survival analysis, median regression models to the right-censored data are suggested with several assumptions. In this article, we consider a median regression model for interval-censored data and construct an estimating equation based on weights derived from interval-censored data.

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In analysis of recurrent event data, recurrent events are not completely experienced when the terminating event occurs before the end of a study. To make valid inference of recurrent events, several methods have been suggested for accommodating the terminating event (Statist. Med.

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In cancer trials, a significant fraction of patients can be cured, that is, the disease is completely eliminated, so that it never recurs. In general, treatments are developed to both increase the patients' chances of being cured and prolong the survival time among non-cured patients. A cure rate model represents a combination of cure fraction and survival model, and can be applied to many clinical studies over several types of cancer.

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Ridout, Hinde, and Demétrio (2001, Biometrics 57, 219-223) derived a score test for testing a zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression model against zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) alternatives. They mentioned that the score test using the normal approximation might underestimate the nominal significance level possibly for small sample cases. To remedy this problem, a parametric bootstrap method is proposed.

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