Publications by authors named "Muylder X"

Acute myocardial infarction is an un-frequent event during pregnancy. It clearly causes an increase in both maternal and fetal mortality. We describe a case of pregnancy complicated during the second trimester by an acute myocardial infarction witch was treated by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty combined with stenting.

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To take care of a patient presenting with chronic pelvic pain requires a long-term approach considering all the organic, psychological and sexological aspects of the problem. To relieve the patient, it could be very useful to analyse the doctor-patient relationship. Most probably a multidisciplinary team with all the colleagues caring for the patient is the best place to discuss these items.

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After menopause, especially after bilateral oophorectomy, androgens are significantly reduced in blood and this would influence the well-being of the woman. A Female Androgen Deficiency Syndrome has been described and it is logical to add androgens to the classical oestrogen replacement therapy. There are several advantages of such combined treatment including higher bone density, better sexual function, improved mood and general sense of well-being, less depression and enhanced cognitive functioning.

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To compare two methods of measurement of oestrogen receptor (ER)-expression in invasive breast cancer tissue. Sections from 299 breast cancer cases were stained for the ER by immunocytochemical assay (ICA), using mouse monoclonal antibody (MAb) NCL-ER-6SF11, and by the dextran-coated charcoal assay (DCC). Concordant results were observed in 230 of the 299 cases (77%), 69 patients had discordant results (kappa=0.

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[Benign endometrial lesions induced by tamoxifen].

J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris)

September 1999

Tamoxifen is a nonsteroidal antiestrogen drug which has some estrogen agonist activity on the female genital tract. This influence could generate endometrial modifications. The most important lesion is adenocarcinoma but it remains very rare and most lesions are benign.

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The outcome of pregnancy in patients with end-stage renal failure has long been considered to be extremely poor, and the literature concerning pregnancy while on dialysis is rather scarce. We reviewed the records of five pregnancies in dialysis patients and performed a national survey on this topic. The dialysis technique and dialysis dose, the effects of erythropoietin (EPO), and the evolution of blood pressure levels in our patients are presented.

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Infertility affects a great number of women in Black Africa and tubal obstruction seems to be common. Because of this high incidence, an accurate test for tubal patency is needed and several examinations have been proposed. Recent reports indicate that the method of choice is hysterosalpingography since it is simple, quick, and reliable.

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Heterotopic pregnancy is a life threatening condition which seems to occur more frequently than previously estimated. We report a case of combined ovarian and intrauterine pregnancy after clomiphene treatment. Diagnosis was delayed because clinical presentation was atypical and ultrasound was falsely reassuring.

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Objective: Our objective was to determine the presence of intrauterine lesions in patients with a cervical polyp.

Study Design: We performed a retrospective analysis to determine the influence of hormonal treatment and age on 165 patients with a cervical polyp and bleeding on admission. All 165 patients underwent a diagnostic hysteroscopy to rule out intrauterine lesions, including polyps, fibroids, hyperplasia, and adenocarcinoma.

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The use of caesarean section (C.S.) has been analysed in the 12 hospitals of the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe during a 2-year period.

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Urinary incontinence in females has been evaluated in a prospective series of 408 patients by comparing the clinical diagnosis and the subsequent urodynamic findings. The presenting symptoms or combination of symptoms were shown to have only a limited diagnostic predictive value as measured by urodynamic diagnostic criteria. The symptom of stress incontinence was a sensitive detector of genuine stress incontinence (94% sensitivity) but was not very specific (65%).

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A prospective study was designed to assess the relationship between a woman's attitude toward pregnancy, sociomedical factors and preterm labor among 434 consecutive pregnant women who filled out a self-reporting, multiple choice questionnaire at 24-28 weeks' gestation. The score on "poor investment in pregnancy," evaluating the maternal attitude toward pregnancy and the antepartum fetomaternal relationship, was the best predictor of preterm labor, followed by the risk score based upon sociomedical factors. Psychologic factors could play a significant role in the onset of preterm labor.

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