Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open
June 2023
Pulsatile lavage is utilized to copiously irrigate contaminated wounds; however, the current devices can cause significant splashing and increase the risk of contaminated fluid exposure to healthcare professionals. To create a larger splash guard for the standard pulsatile lavage device, we use heavy scissors to remove the end of a plastic light handle. We then place the nozzle of the lavage device through the open end to create a larger splash guard.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Microsurgical free flaps have largely supplanted pedicled flaps as the gold standard for head and neck cancer reconstruction. However, incidence of postoperative complications after accounting for patient comorbidities based on choice of reconstruction has not been well-defined in the literature in recent years.
Methods: Patients undergoing head and neck reconstruction were identified in the 2011-2016 ACS-NSQIP (American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program) database and stratified into groups by free flap, myocutaneous pedicled flap, and other reconstruction.
Introduction: Survival for women diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) has improved with advances in multimodal therapy. This study was performed to evaluate trends, predictors, and survival for reconstruction in IBC patients in the United States.
Methods: Women who underwent mastectomy with or without reconstruction for IBC between 2004 and 2016 were included from the National Cancer Database.
Introduction: Many patients seek breast reconstruction following mastectomy. Debate exists regarding the best reconstructive option. The authors evaluate outcomes comparing implant, free flap, and pedicled flap reconstruction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Reconstr Microsurg
November 2019
Background: The deep inferior epigastric artery flap is an integral component of autologous breast reconstruction. The technical aspects of performing the flap have been well-established. A prior mathematical model suggested using the largest perforator and concluded that the inclusion of additional perforators may decrease resistance and increase flow, but at the downside of increased tissue trauma.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPatients can experience significant pain during routine procedures in the plastic surgery clinic. Methods for clinical pain reduction are often impractical, time-consuming, or ineffective. Vibration is a safe, inexpensive, and highly applicable modality for pain reduction that can be readily utilized for a wide variety of procedures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Optimal wound healing in negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) depends on a properly sealed vacuum system. Anatomically difficult wounds disrupt the adhesive dressing, resulting in air leaks that impair the integrity of this system. Several techniques have been used in previous reports to prevent air leaks, including the addition of skin adhesives (eg, Skin-Prep [Smith and Nephew, St.
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