Int J Geriatr Psychiatry
August 2006
Objectives: The main objectives were to examine the relation between age-comparative (self vs others of same age) self-rated health (SRH) and time-comparative (self this year vs last year) SRH, and to evaluate which was more strongly associated with specific physical health problems.
Methods: Cross-sectional data on two SRH measures and various physical health problems from 18749 male and 37413 female clients aged 65 or over from 18 Elderly Health Centres in Hong Kong were analysed using logistic regression with adjustment for potential confounders.
Results: Men were more likely to report 'better' and less likely to report 'worse' SRH than women.
Objectives: The main objective was to examine the association between obesity and depressive symptoms among Chinese elderly in Hong Kong.
Methods: Cross-sectional data on depressive symptoms and body mass index from 56 167 clients aged 65 or over who enrolled as members of Elderly Health Centres from July 1998 to December 2000 were analysed using multiple logistic regression with adjustment of potential confounders.
Results: Among 18 750 men and 37 417 women, the prevalence [95% confidence interval (CI)] of depressive symptoms (based on the Geriatric Depression Scale) was 4.