Publications by authors named "Mukhamadeev I"

Presented in the article is a clinical case report regarding successful treatment of a patient with infection of a vascular graft after bifurcation aortofemoral bypass grafting by means of partial removal of the graft's branch with extra-anatomical graft-to-femur prosthetic repair through the iliac wing. The patient was admitted 6 months after bifurcation aortofemoral bypass grafting with a purulent and ligature fistula, discharge in the inguinal area. The findings of computed tomography showed no infection of the central anastomosis in the retroperitoneal space, with however periprosthetic infection in the area of the distal branch and severe comorbid background, thus not allowing complete removal of the prosthesis.

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Aim: The aim of our investigation was to analyse the results of treatment of patients with atherosclerotic lesions of the femoropopliteal segment by means of femoropopliteal bypass grafting or loop endarterectomy within the framework of a single-centre retrospective study.

Patients And Methods: The study included a total of 177 patients who were divided into two groups. Group One was composed of 108 patients subjected to loop endarterectomy from the arteries of the femoropopliteal segment, and Group Two comprised 69 patients who endured femoropopliteal bypass surgery using a synthetic graft.

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Endarterectomy is considered to be the most physiological technique of correcting arterial blood flow, since it does not require implantation of a synthetic material, with blood flow restored through its own bed. However, surgeons have long sought to work out the most effective modification of endarterectomy, which eventually resulted in creation of a method known as loop endarterectomy. Mention should be made that some researchers report patency which may be comparable to that of autovenous bypass grafting, while others report negative results of using loop endarterectomy.

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We present a clinical case of successful correction of aneurismatic dilatation of the anastomosis zone after allotransplant implantation. In 2004 this patient underwent implantation of an arterial allotransplant of "complex architectonics" because of trauma of the iliofemoral arterial segment. After 12 years he reported appearance of discomfort in the left side of the abdomen.

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Described herein is a variant of surgical reconstruction performed in a male patient with a retroaortic position of the left renal vein by means of creating a vein-allograft-vein configuration. Unfortunately, to date, there are no generally accepted recommendations on proper treatment of patients presenting with similar pathology. A situation wherein it is impossible to create an intervenous anastomosis (because of a significantly altered portion of the vein and prestenotic dilataion) dictates the necessity of searching for new variants of surgical management.

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A new original instrument is proposed for draining the cystic duct into the common bile duct through the stump. The device combines a reliable fixation of the drainage tube in the stump of a narrow (less than 3 mm) or scared altered cystic duct and the not traumatically embedded cannula into the common bile duct.

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