Publications by authors named "Muhammad Osto"

Several studies in the past decade have highlighted the lack of adequate dermatological care in skin of color (SOC) patients. This inquiry has led to further research to identify the sources of this disparity. Previous studies have highlighted the uneven geographic distribution of dermatologists, with a higher density of dermatologists in urban areas compared to other areas.

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Objective: Woringer-Kolopp disease (WKD), also known as localized pagetoid reticulosis, is a rare variant of mycosis fungoides as described by the World Health Organization-European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (WHO-EORTC) classification system for cutaneous lymphomas. Our objective was to conduct a comprehensive review that describes and evaluates patient demographics, clinical presentation, immunohistochemical findings, management, and outcomes of WKD.

Methods: The databases PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library were searched for relevant literature.

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Recently, the authors of this study undertook a systematic review, and during the data collection phase, a systematic review was published on the same topic, despite not being registered on Prospective Registration of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO). As a result we sought to perform an evidence-based review of the dermatology literature evaluating PROSPERO registration for published systematic reviews. Prospective systematic review protocol registration can help optimize resources, time, and the efforts of research teams rather than committing unplanned duplication.

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Objectives: Malignant proliferating trichilemmal tumors of the scalp can exhibit aggressive presentation and recurrences. Our objective was to perform an evidence-based systematic review evaluating clinical presentation, tumor characteristics, and treatment modalities used to determine which treatment strategies had the best outcomes.

Methods: The databases PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library were searched for relevant literature by the authors.

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Individual typology angle (ITA) measures constitutive pigmentation while skin phototypes (SPT) categories are based on sun reactiveness. However, the association between the two, ITA and SPT, is yet to be established. Since both systems provide six categories, recent studies have used ITA classifications as synonymous to SPT.

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Objective: Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABCs) are blood-filled, locally destructive, benign bone tumors. Our objective was to conduct a systematic review outlining patient demographics, clinical characteristics, management, and outcomes of those with ABCs of the craniofacial bones.

Data Sources: Using PubMed, Cochrane, and Embase databases, 116 studies were included.

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Acute abdominal pain in pregnancy is common and the differential diagnosis is vast. Mature cystic teratomas are rarely the cause of adnexal torsion during pregnancy and can be difficult to diagnose. Timely surgical intervention is required to avoid ovarian infarction.

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Previable preterm premature rupture of membranes (PV-PPROM) is defined as rupture of membranes prior to 24 weeks and is a rare phenomenon with an estimated prevalence of 0.5% of all pregnancies. Given that this phenomenon is even more rare in patients with dichorionic diamniotic (DCDA) twin pregnancies, there is no clear consensus in the literature on outcomes and management of DCDA PV-PPROM due to the scarcity of reports.

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Objectives: To conduct a systematic review on the demographics, characteristics, management, treatment, complications, and outcomes of Ewing sarcomas in the craniofacial bones.

Data Sources: Using Cochrane Library, EmBase, and PubMed, the authors identified 71 studies to be included.

Review Methods: The Cochrane Library, EmBase, and PubMed databases were used to identify literature relating to Ewing sarcomas in the craniofacial bone to conduct a systematic review.

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Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the tongue base (BOT) is an extremely rare entity with only a few cases described in the English literature to date. The incidence of BOT non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) increases with age, most commonly after the sixth decade of life with no observed gender differences. Our patient presented with a six-month history of right neck swelling, one-month history of dysphagia, a change in voice, and ultimately acute airway distress, which led to a tracheostomy.

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Hidradenocarcinomas are rare malignant sweat gland tumors that typically arise in the head and neck area. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only reported instance of hidradenocarcinoma of the abdominal wall as well as the first case arising from a region of prior trauma. A 72-year-old female presented with a left abdominal wall lesion, which she had first noticed after an injury to the area.

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