Publications by authors named "Movsesyan R"

This report describes our experience with a 5-year-old girl who had an extremely rare presentation of a right atrial aneurysm and associated Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Before being referred to our department, she underwent an ineffective radiofrequency ablation for repeated episodes of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia that were causing dizziness, palpitations, and chest discomfort. We resected the aneurysm with good results; she was doing well and was in normal sinus rhythm at the time of her 1-year follow-up visit.

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The study examined effectiveness of pharmaco-cold cardioplegia employing solutions of enhanced buffer capacity during surgery of obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in adult patients (N=51) operated during 2013-2018. In group 1 (N=28), the cardioplegia was performed with HTK (Custodiol) solution, whereas in group 2 (N=23), it was carried out with Bokeria-Boldyrev ACH solution. The mean, minimum, and maximum ages in group 1 were 46, 21, and 64 years, respectively; in group 2 - 42, 14, and 70 years, respectively.

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The histological and immunohistochemical methods were employed to examine the peculiarities of histological structure of pulmonary veins and left atrium of the heart in norm and in various types of total anomalous drainage of pulmonary veins. In contrast to normal pulmonary vein covered with external multiple muscle layers (myocardial sleeve), such sleeve is absent in veins that have no connection with the left atrium irrespective of the type of the defect. In patients with total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage, the structure of left atrium was heterogeneous featuring either the presence or absence of inner angiomural lining in this atrium.

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Pulmonary atresia with defect of interventricular septum and collateral pulmonary blood flow refers to complicated congenital malformation of the heart. Surgical treatment represents itself as very difficult task because of anatomical variability of this abnormality. The main problem of surgery is a definitive repair of the defect including correction of maldistributions of pulmonary arterial bed (unifocalization of pulmonary blood flow), reconstruction of outflow tract of the right ventricle and closing of interventricular septum defect.

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We measured the level of cardiac markers (high-sensitivity troponin T and MB fraction of creatine kinase) in children of the first year of life with congenital heart disease in the perioperative period. After cardiac surgery, plasma levels of the above markers exceed the reference limits in the examined children. The diagnosis of myocardial ischemia using biochemical markers in the postoperative period is possible only by dynamic monitoring of the cardiac marker level.

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A new cardioplegic solution based on three natural dipeptides was developed and introduced at the Laboratory of Cardioplegia, A. N. Bakulev Research Center of Cardiovascular Surgery.

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The cardioprotective effect of cardioplegic solution based on histidine-containing dipeptides was evaluated on isolated rat heart under conditions of hyporthermia and long ischemia. The use of natural dipeptides in cardioplegic solutions promoted an increase in the buffer capacity of myocardial cells and creation of an additional anti-ischemic effect under conditions of long ischemia and hypothermia.

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Serum concentration of autoantibodies to myosin light chains was measured after resumption of the bloodflow recovery in patients who underwent hypothermic aortocoronary bypass surgery. The patients were divided into 3 groups according to postoperative hemodynamic parameters and degree of myocardial injury. The studies showed significant differences in the concentrations of autoantibodies to myosin light chains between the groups.

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We analyzed changes in bioelectric impedance of the myocardium during cardiac surgery under conditions of cardioplegy. The results suggest the possibility of using bioelectric impedancemetry for evaluation of the state of the myocardium during surgery. Bioelectric impedancemetry allows evaluation of interstitium filling during infusion of the cardioplegic solution and reperfusion damage to cardiomyocytes.

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The first results of the use of pH-monitoring of the myocardium with a Khuri monitor (Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation) are presented. Before aorta clamping, the pH changes depended on the initial degree of damage to the examined myocardial segment. The cardioplegia protocol was urgently modified due to pH-monitoring, which helped to normalize pH and to prevent severe postoperative complications.

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