Publications by authors named "Mounier L"

This study assessed the phytotoxicity of a mixture of five different trace elements (TEs) frequently found as pollutants in soils: arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead and zinc. On the other hand, the plant response to a magnetite (FeO) nanoparticle amendment on this mixture as well as nanomagnetite remediation potential has been tested. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) plants were grown for 90 days in soil contaminated with the five mentioned TEs at the limit levels of TEs in soils likely to receive sludge established by French legislation.

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After several years of implementation, the original Welfare Quality scoring model for dairy cows appears to be highly sensitive to the number and cleanliness of drinkers and not enough to the prevalence of diseases, and as a consequence may not fit the opinion of some animal welfare experts. The present paper aims to improve the Welfare Quality calculations for the criteria 'Absence of prolonged thirst' and 'Absence of disease' in dairy cows, so that the results are more sensitive to input data and better fit experts' opinion. First, we modified the calculation of 'Absence of prolonged thirst' by linearising the calculation for drinkers' availability to avoid threshold effects.

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Pasture is generally perceived as positive for dairy cow welfare, but it nevertheless exposes cows to heat, parasites, and other challenges. This review is intended for people ready to design comprehensive protocols for assessing the welfare of dairy cows at pasture. We provide an overview of the benefits and risks of pasture for cows, and then go on to identify the available and feasible measures for assessing cow welfare at pasture and the gaps that need to be addressed to develop specific welfare measures.

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The Welfare Quality® consortium has developed and proposed standard protocols for monitoring farm animal welfare. The uptake of the dairy cattle protocol has been below expectation, however, and it has been criticized for the variable quality of the welfare measures and for a limited number of measures having a disproportionally large effect on the integrated welfare categorization. Aiming for a wide uptake by the milk industry, we revised and simplified the Welfare Quality® protocol into a user-friendly tool for cost- and time-efficient on-farm monitoring of dairy cattle welfare with a minimal number of key animal-based measures that are aggregated into a continuous (and thus discriminative) welfare index (WI).

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Official inspections to check the compliance of farms with European legislation to protect farm animals are often perceived negatively by farmers. In addition, the inspections have a limited effect on improving farm compliance. We looked at the perceptions of both farmers and their inspectors about animal welfare and the inspections in a case study of dairy production in France.

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Maladjusted cubicles for dairy cattle may cause increased skin alterations, lameness, and dirtiness. The International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering has produced several recommendations for cubicle design, but a previous study showed that not all of them seem efficient. Here, we aim to refine and complete these recommendations.

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Osteoporosis is currently treated with drugs targeting the differentiation or viability osteoclasts, the cells responsible for physiological and pathological bone resorption. Nevertheless, osteoporosis drugs that target only osteoclast activity are expected to preserve bone formation by osteoblasts in contrast to current treatments. We report here the design, synthesis, and biological characterization of a series of novel -arylsufonamides featuring a diazaspiro[4,4]nonane nucleus to target the guanine nucleotide exchange activity of DOCK5, which is essential for bone resorption by osteoclasts.

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The design of self-locking barriers can affect cows' skin injuries and impair welfare. This study aimed to propose and refine recommendations, expressed relatively to the cows' dimensions, for self-locking barrier design to reduce risks for skin injuries on the neck/shoulder/back and on carpus of dairy cows. We recorded individual body dimensions and the dimensions of self-locking barriers (e.

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Design of cubicles and self-locking barriers can affect cow skin alterations, lameness, and dirtiness. We investigated whether the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR, Gainesville, FL)-recommended cattle housing design and dimensions actually improve cow welfare. We recorded individual cow body dimensions and assessed skin alterations, dirtiness, and lameness on 3,841 cows from 131 loose housing dairy farms (76 farms with cubicles and 55 straw-yard systems).

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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between cow reproductive performance and welfare evaluated at the herd level using the Welfare Quality protocol. The 11 criteria, four principles (good feeding, good housing, good health and appropriate behavior, scale 0-100) and overall welfare category (excellent/enhanced/acceptable/not classified = poor welfare) were included as risk factors for calving to first service interval (CFSI) and calving rate (CR). The confounding factors cow breed, parity, season of calving and AI, calving to AI interval, rank of AI (1-3) and milk production were taken into account.

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A high-throughput screen against Inventiva's compound library using a Gal4/RORγ-LBD luciferase reporter gene assay led to the discovery of a new series of quinoline sulphonamides as RORγ inhibitors, eventually giving rise to a lead compound having an interesting in vivo profile after oral administration. This lead was evaluated in a target engagement model in mouse, where it reduced IL-17 cytokine production after immune challenge. It also proved to be active in a multiple sclerosis model (EAE) where it reduced the disease score.

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Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is a highly contagious and devastating viral disease affecting mainly sheep and goats, but also a large number of wild species within the order Artiodactyla. A better understanding of PPR transmission dynamics in multi-host systems is necessary to efficiently control the disease, in particular where wildlife and livestock co-occur. Notably, the role of wildlife in PPR epidemiology is still not clearly understood.

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Background: The aetiologies of chronic respiratory failure (CRF) are moving in many western countries. Obesity-Hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) has become one of the most common indications of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD). Long-Term Oxygen Therapy (LTOT) technology is the treatment plan for CRF patients in the new era.

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Here, we describe the identification and synthesis of novel indole sulfonamide derivatives that activate the three peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) isoforms. Starting with a PPARα activator, compound 4, identified during a high throughput screening (HTS) of our proprietary screening library, a systematic optimization led to the discovery of lanifibranor (IVA337) 5, a moderately potent and well balanced pan PPAR agonist with an excellent safety profile. In vitro and in vivo, compound 5 demonstrated strong activity in models that are relevant to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) pathophysiology suggesting therapeutic potential for NASH patients.

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Cohort of patients initiated to home ventilation. Observational and prospective study. The effectiveness of home noninvasive ventilation (NIV) for chronic respiratory failure (CRF) is well established.

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The Welfare Quality (WQ) protocol for on-farm dairy cattle welfare assessment describes 27 measures and a stepwise method for integrating values for these measures into 11 criteria scores, grouped further into 4 principle scores and finally into an overall welfare categorization with 4 levels. We conducted an online survey to examine whether trained users' opinions of the WQ protocol for dairy cattle correspond with the integrated scores (criteria, principles, and overall categorization) calculated according to the WQ protocol. First, the trained users' scores (n = 8-15) for reliability and validity and their ranking of the importance of all measures for herd welfare were compared with the degree of actual effect of these measures on the WQ integrated scores.

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Human-animal relationships are essential for dairy farming. They affect work comfort and efficiency, as well as milk production. A poor human-animal relationship can result in stress and accidents to both animals and caretakers and needs to be improved.

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The human EGF receptor (HER/EGFR) family of receptor tyrosine kinases serves as a key target for cancer therapy. Specifically, EGFR and HER2 have been repeatedly targeted because of their genetic aberrations in tumors. The therapeutic potential of targeting HER3 has long been underestimated, due to relatively low expression in tumors and impaired kinase activity.

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The aim of this study was to compare the responses in fattening performance and meat composition for high-concentrate diets rich in either starch and lipids (especially omega-3 fatty acids) or fibrous by-products. A total of 140 Charolais bulls (initially 319 ± 27 kg BW) were allocated to 3 high-concentrate diets and were fattened for up to 18 mo. The diet treatments included concentrate mixtures rich in either fiber (FR; n = 56) or starch plus linseed (diets SL and SLR; n = 56 and n = 28, respectively) and barley straw.

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Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the recent weight history in patients with the obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS) needing treatment with continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP).

Patients And Methods: Over a period of 18 months, a self-administered questionnaire concerning recent weight history was given to patients during the installation of CPAP.

Results: The study population consisted of 1337 patients.

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Under the assumption that milk yield may be reduced in herds with impaired welfare, the present study aimed at investigating whether milk yield could be used as a reliable indicator of welfare. In 125 commercial French dairy herds, the association between the welfare of the herd (evaluated using the Welfare Quality assessment protocol) and cow milk yield was investigated using linear mixed models. Positive associations were identified between milk yield and low aggressions between cows and good emotional state of the herd but there was a negative association with good health assessed through the occurrence of diseases and injuries.

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Extensive information is available in the literature on the specific risk factors of the main health disorders afflicting dairy cattle herds. However, it remains difficult to manage a herd's overall health because measures to control one risk factor can exacerbate the risk of another disease. To achieve and maintain good overall herd health, livestock systems and management practices need to simultaneously take into account all of the main health disorders.

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In most social interactions, an animal has to determine whether the other animal belongs to its own species. This perception may be visual and may involve several cognitive processes such as discrimination and categorization. Perceptual categorization is likely to be involved in species characterized by a great phenotypic diversity.

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