Publications by authors named "Mothersill C"

This paper starts with a brief history of the birth of the field of radioecology during the Cold War with a focus on US activity. We review the establishment of the international system for radiation protection and the science underlying the guidelines. We then discuss the famous ICRP 60 statement that if "Man" is protected, so is everything else and show how this led to a focus in radioecology on pathways to "Man" rather than concern about impacts on environments or ecosystems.

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The aim of this paper is to review the history surrounding the discovery of lethal mutations, later described as delayed reproductive death. Lethal mutations were suggested very early on, to be due to a generalised instability in a cell population and are considered now to be one of the first demonstrations of "radiation-induced genomic instability" which led later to the establishment of the field of "non-targeted effects." The phenomenon was first described by Seymour et al.

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It is now well accepted that the mechanisms induced by low-dose exposures to ionizing radiation (LDR) are different from those occurring after high-dose exposures. However, the downstream effects of these mechanisms are unclear as are the quantitative relationships between exposure, effect, harm, and risk. In this paper, we will discuss the mechanisms known to be important with an overall emphasis on how so-called "non-targeted effects" (NTE) communicate and coordinate responses to LDR.

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It is well established that cells, tissues, and organisms exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation can induce effects in non-irradiated neighbors (non-targeted effects or NTE), but the mechanisms remain unclear. This is especially true of the initial steps leading to the release of signaling molecules contained in exosomes. Voltage-gated ion channels, photon emissions, and calcium fluxes are all involved but the precise sequence of events is not yet known.

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Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) is considered to be a multidimensional illness whose etiology is unknown. However, reports from Chernobyl, as well as those from the United States, have revealed an association between radiation exposure and the development of CFIDS. As such, we present an expanded model using a systems biology approach to explain the etiology of CFIDS as it relates to this cohort of patients.

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Purpose: Radiation-induced bystander effect (RIBE), a non-targeted effect of ionizing radiation in which non-irradiated individuals behave as if they have been irradiated after interactions with irradiated individuals, has been well documented in vertebrates. However, little research has been done investigating RIBE in terrestrial insects, this paucity of invertebrate RIBE leads to lack of knowledge on invertebrates living in fallout and exclusion zones. This paper aims to better understand the impacts of RIBE on terrestrial insects.

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Purpose: To investigate sources, accumulation, and vertical migration of radionuclides in Armenia, and their impact on biota.

Conclusions: This review describes the radiation status in the landscape of Armenia and features of the impact of natural and human-generated radiation on human and non-human biotas, according to studies of Armenian scientists carried out since the middle of the last century. The mountain landscape demonstrates the diversity, speciation, and radioresistance of the biota, which arise under radiation exposure in a variable environment.

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Purpose: We characterize for the first time the emission of acoustic waves from cultured cells irradiated with X-ray photon radiation.

Methods And Materials: Human cancer cell lines (MCF-7, HL-60) and control cell-free media were exposed to 1 Gy X-ray photons while recording the sound generated before, during and after irradiation using custom large-bandwidth ultrasound transducer. The effects of dose rate and cell viability were investigated.

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The role of signalling in initiating and perpetuating effects triggered by deposition of ionising radiation energy in parts of a system is very clear. Less clear are the very early steps involved in converting energy to chemical and biological effects in non-targeted parts of the system. The paper aims to present a new model, which could aid our understanding of the role of low dose effects in determining ultimate disease outcomes.

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Objective: To determine whether the width of the shoulder and the size of the bystander effect are correlated using clonal lineages derived from a cultured cell line.

Methods: HCT 116 (p53 wildtype) cells were grown at cloning density and individual viable colonies were picked off and grown to establish a series of cell lines from both unirradiated and irradiated progenitors. These cell lines were then irradiated to generate full survival curves.

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This paper reviews the current understanding of low dose radiobiology, and how it has evolved from classical target theory. It highlights the uncertainty around low dose effects, which is due in part to the complexity of "context" surrounding the ultimate expression of biological effects following low dose exposure. The paper makes special reference to low dose non-targeted effects which, are currently ignored in radiation protection and population level risk assessment, because it is unclear what they mean for risk.

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The emphasis of the international system of radiological protection of the environment is to protect populations of flora and fauna. Throughout the MODARIA programmes, the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has facilitated knowledge sharing, data gathering and model development on the effect of radiation on wildlife. We present a summary of the achievements of MODARIA I and II on wildlife dose effect modelling, extending to a new sensitivity analysis and model development to incorporate other stressors.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) and Cancer-Related Fatigue (CRF) are syndromes with considerable overlap with respect to symptoms. There have been many studies that have compared the two conditions, and some of this research suggests that the etiologies of the conditions are linked in some cases. In this narrative review, CFS/ME and cancer are introduced, along with their known and putative mechanistic connections to multiple stressors including ionizing radiation.

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Purpose: This review focuses on recent research in understanding the different aspects of what society should expect from a radiological attack. Although some scenarios of a radiologic event can be impossible to be prepared for, the effort put toward educating and better preparing for these types of events can help minimize some of the issues. The different areas discussed in this review include radioisotopes of concern, detection of radiation dose, biological effects of ionizing radiation exposures, low dose effects, targeted and non-targeted effects (NTE), psychological effects, mitigations, with a brief mention of other considerations such as medical preparedness, communication, policy implications and ethical issues.

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Purpose: To measure medium borne bystander effects, to study the influence of radioadaptive response (RAR) on bystander response, and to discover reliable radioresponsive biomarkers in radio-adapting frogs from Duke Swamp contaminated with an above-background radiation level and in naïve frogs from Twin Lake as the background control site.

Materials And Methods: Frogs were captured at Duke Swamp and Twin Lake and brought to the lab at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories facility. Half of the frogs from each site were irradiated with 4 Gy while the other half of the frogs were left with no further radiation treatment.

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Purpose: This investigation forms part of a wider study into the legacy effects of exposure of rainbow trout eggs 38 h after fertilization, eyed eggs, yolk sac larvae (YSL) or first feeders to a single 0.5 Gy X-ray dose, including the induction of a bystander effect, by the irradiated fish, to non-irradiated fish. Fish may be exposed to multiple environmental stressors, including waterborne metals, during their lifespan and, while there are data on how the legacy of early life stage irradiation and bystander effect induction is affected by waterborne aluminum and cadmium, there are no studies into the effects radiation or the radiation induced bystander effect on metal uptake.

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Purpose: A major issue in radiotherapy is the relative resistance of hypoxic cells to radiation. Historic approaches to this problem include the use of oxygen mimetic compounds to sensitize tumour cells, which were unsuccessful. This review looks at modern approaches aimed at increasing the efficacy of targeting and radiosensitizing hypoxic tumour microenvironments relative to normal tissues and asks the question of whether non-targeted effects in radiobiology may provide a new "target".

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Chronic fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) is a heterogeneous disease that may be promoted by various environmental stressors, including viral infection, toxin uptake, and ionizing radiation exposure. Previous studies have identified mitochondrial dysfunction in CFIDS patients, including modulation of mitochondrial respiratory chain activity, deletions in the mitochondrial genome, and upregulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This paper focuses on radiation effects and hypothesizes that CFIDS is primarily caused by stressor-induced mitochondrial metabolic insufficiency, which results in decreased energy production and anabolic metabolites required for normal cellular metabolism.

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Objectives: This review aims to trace the historical narrative surrounding the low dose effects of radiation on the immune system and how our understanding has changed from the beginning of the 20th century to now. The particular focus is on the non-targeted effects (NTEs) of low dose ionizing radiation (LDIR) which are effects that occur when irradiated cells emit signals that cause effects in the nearby or distant non-irradiated cells known as radiation induced bystander effect (RIBE). Moreover, radiation induced genomic instability (RIGI) and abscopal effect (AE) also regarded as NTE.

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Objective: To describe the contributions of Marie Sklodowska-Curie and her daughter Irene Curie to radiation science and how these studies in physics, chemistry and medicine led to the need to study radiobiological effects.

Conclusions: The seminal discoveries of Maria Sklodowska-Curie in radiation physics and chemistry provided the basis for later investigations of the effects of ionizing radiation on cells and tissues and the role of radioactivity in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Both Maria and Irene contributed to the development of radiotherapy and the use of x-rays and radioisotopes in medical diagnosis.

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Objectives: To describe the contribution of women radiobiologists in Ireland to the development of the discipline internationally and at home and to discuss the history of radiobiology in Ireland to date. This parallels the history of the evolution of a small radiobiology group in Kevin Street, Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) which was formerly part of the City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee. There followed years of development first as a radiobiological research center which evolved in the FOCAS Research Institute now embedded within Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin).

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Purpose: Radium is the most common source of alpha radiation exposure to humans and non-human species in the environment but the dosimetry is complicated by the decay chain which involves gamma exposure due to radon daughters. This paper seeks to determine the separate contributions of alpha and gamma doses to the total dose and total direct and non-targeted effect in a fish and a human cell line.

Materials And Methods: This study aimed to isolate the effect of alpha particles following exposure to low doses of radium in cells, and their progeny which received no further exposure.

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