Publications by authors named "Morten Schiott"

Real-time PCR assays are valuable tools for the rapid and accurate diagnosis of infectious diseases by identifying the nucleic acid sequences of pathogens. Here, we aimed to develop a recombinant plasmid-based standard for validating the sensitivity of different molecular diagnostic methods adopting the Jonstrup assay (J assay). Chimeric plasmid DNA (cpDNA) harboring various pathogen genes and the target site of the J assay was constructed.

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Seaweeds (macroalgae) are an attractive resource for diverse microbial- and enzymatic production processes. They are abundant, underutilized, cheap, and rich in carbohydrates, and therefore have the potential to be used as a source of mono- or oligosaccharides, and as substrates for industrial fermentation processes. Many seaweed polysaccharides, including the sulfated polysaccharides ulvan and fucoidan, are however complex and heterogenous in structure, and there are currently few enzymes available to modify them, and understanding of their enzymatic depolymerization remains limited.

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The mutualistic interaction specificity between attine ants and antibiotic-producing Actinobacteria has been controversial because strains cannot always be isolated from worker cuticles across attine ant species, while other actinobacteria can apparently replace and also inhibit growth of mycopathogens. Here we report that across field samples of Panamanian species: (i) Cuticular were largely restricted to species in the crown of the attine phylogeny and their appearance likely coincided with the first attines colonizing Central/North America. (ii) The phylogenetically basal attines almost always had cuticular associations with other Actinobacteria than .

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Vector or reservoir species of five fish diseases listed in the Animal Health Law were identified, based on evidence generated through an extensive literature review (ELR), to support a possible updating of Regulation (EU) 2018/1882. Fish species on or in which highly polymorphic region-deleted infectious salmon anaemia virus (HPR∆ ISAV), Koi herpes virus (KHV), epizootic haematopoietic necrosis virus (EHNV), infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) or viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) were detected, in the field or during experiments, were classified as reservoir species with different levels of certainty depending on the diagnostic tests used. Where experimental evidence indicated transmission of the pathogen from a studied species to another known susceptible species, the studied species was classified as a vector species.

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Vector or reservoir species of three diseases of crustaceans listed in the Animal Health Law were identified based on evidence generated through an extensive literature review, to support a possible updating of Regulation (EU) 2018/1882. Crustacean species on or in which Taura syndrome virus (TSV), Yellow head virus (YHV) or White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) were identified, in the field or during experiments, were classified as reservoir species with different levels of certainty depending on the diagnostic tests used. Where experimental evidence indicated transmission of the pathogen from a studied species to another known susceptible species, the studied species was classified as vector species.

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Vector or reservoir species of five mollusc diseases listed in the Animal Health Law were identified, based on evidence generated through an extensive literature review, to support a possible updating of Regulation (EU) 2018/1882. Mollusc species on or in which , , , and were detected, in the field or during experiments, were classified as reservoir species with different levels of certainty depending on the diagnostic tests used. Where experimental evidence indicated transmission of the pathogen from a studied species to another known susceptible species, this studied species was classified as a vector species.

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  • Rhizobiales are known for helping plants with nitrogen fixation, but the role of Rhizobiales in insects, specifically in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants, is not well understood.
  • Genomic analysis revealed that these Rhizobiales have lost essential amino acid biosynthesis and nitrogen-fixing abilities, making them fully reliant on their ant hosts, yet they provide vital compounds that support the ant-fungus mutualism.
  • These symbionts also possess robust defense mechanisms against phages, indicating their significance in maintaining the stability of the fungus-farming relationship in the hosts.
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Subzero temperatures are among the most significant factors defining the distribution of organisms, yet, certain taxa have evolved to overcome this barrier. The microscopic tardigrades are among the most freeze-tolerant animals, with selected species reported to survive milli-Kelvin temperatures. Here, we estimate survival of fully hydrated eutardigrades of the species Ramazzottius varieornatus following exposures to -20 °C and  -80 °C as well as -196 °C with or without initial cooling to -80 °C.

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  • The cuticular microbiomes of Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants show a balance between vertically transmitted bacteria, like Pseudonocardia, which help control harmful fungi, and the potential for acquiring new bacteria, suggesting a unique microbiome dynamic.
  • Researchers used RNA-stable isotope probing and other methods to demonstrate that these ants can sustain a variety of beneficial bacteria by providing resources that enhance competition and the growth of antibiotic-producing strains.
  • The study supports the idea that competition-based screening helps maintain a strong mutualism between leaf-cutting ants and their microbiome, offering insights into the stability of other complex biological relationships.
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Inquiline ants are highly specialized and obligate social parasites that infiltrate and exploit colonies of closely related species. They have evolved many times convergently, are often evolutionarily young lineages, and are almost invariably rare. Focusing on the leaf-cutting ant genus Acromyrmex, we compared genomes of three inquiline social parasites with their free-living, closely-related hosts.

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The symbiotic partnership between leaf-cutting ants and fungal cultivars processes plant biomass via ant fecal fluid mixed with chewed plant substrate before fungal degradation. Here we present a full proteome of the fecal fluid of leaf-cutting ants, showing that most proteins function as biomass degrading enzymes and that ca. 85% are produced by the fungus and ingested, but not digested, by the ants.

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Genomic imprinting results in parent-of-origin-dependent gene expression biased towards either the maternally or paternally derived allele at the imprinted locus. The kinship theory of genomic imprinting argues that this unusual expression pattern can be a manifestation of intra-genomic conflict between the maternally and paternally derived halves of the genome that arises because they are not equally related to the genomes of social partners. The theory thus predicts that imprinting may evolve wherever there are close interactions among asymmetrically related kin.

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Queens of social insects make all mate-choice decisions on a single day, except in honeybees whose queens can conduct mating flights for several days even when already inseminated by a number of drones. Honeybees therefore appear to have a unique, evolutionarily derived form of sexual conflict: a queen's decision to pursue risky additional mating flights is driven by later-life fitness gains from genetically more diverse worker-offspring but reduces paternity shares of the drones she already mated with. We used artificial insemination, RNA-sequencing and electroretinography to show that seminal fluid induces a decline in queen vision by perturbing the phototransduction pathway within 24-48 hr.

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Background: Tardigrades are renowned for their ability to enter cryptobiosis (latent life) and endure extreme stress, including desiccation and freezing. Increased focus is on revealing molecular mechanisms underlying this tolerance. Here, we provide the first transcriptomes from the heterotardigrade Echiniscoides cf.

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Termites forage on a range of substrates, and it has been suggested that diet shapes the composition and function of termite gut bacterial communities. Through comparative analyses of gut metagenomes in nine termite species with distinct diets, we characterize bacterial community compositions and use peptide-based functional annotation method to determine biomass-degrading enzymes and the bacterial taxa that encode them. We find that fungus-growing termite guts have relatively more fungal cell wall-degrading enzyme genes, while wood-feeding termite gut communities have relatively more plant cell wall-degrading enzyme genes.

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There are few environments more hostile and species-poor than deserts and the mounds of Nasutitermitinae termites. However, despite the very different adaptations required to survive in such extreme and different environments, the fungal genus Podaxis is capable of surviving in both: where few other fungi are reported to grow. Despite their prominence in the landscape and their frequent documentation by early explorers, there has been relatively little research into the genus.

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Mollicutes, a widespread class of bacteria associated with animals and plants, were recently identified as abundant abdominal endosymbionts in healthy workers of attine fungus-farming leaf-cutting ants. We obtained draft genomes of the two most common strains harbored by Panamanian fungus-growing ants. Reconstructions of their functional significance showed that they are independently acquired symbionts, most likely to decompose excess arginine consistent with the farmed fungal cultivars providing this nitrogen-rich amino-acid in variable quantities.

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The attine ants are a monophyletic lineage that switched to fungus farming ca. 55-60 MYA. They have become a model for the study of complex symbioses after additional fungal and bacterial symbionts were discovered, but their abdominal endosymbiotic bacteria remain largely unknown.

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Leaf-cutting ant queens mate with multiple males during a single nuptial flight and store sperm for up to two decades. During mating, males transfer sperm from their accessory testes to the queen bursa copulatrix from where it enters the spermatheca, an insect sperm storage organ that has become highly specialized in long-lived ant queens who never re-mate later in life. Long-term storage without the possibility to obtain new sperm creates an immune defence dilemma, because recognition of non-self cells eliminates infections but may also target irreplaceable sperm and reduce lifetime reproductive success.

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The social Hymenoptera have distinct larval and adult stages separated by metamorphosis, which implies striking remodeling of external and internal body structures during the pupal stage. This imposes challenges to gut symbionts as existing cultures are lost and may or may not need to be replaced. To elucidate the extent to which metamorphosis interrupts associations between bacteria and hosts, we analyzed changes in gut microbiota during development and traced the transmission routes of dominant symbionts from the egg to adult stage in the leaf-cutting ants and , which are both important functional herbivores in the New World tropics.

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Tardigrades are microscopic aquatic animals renowned for their tolerance toward extreme environmental conditions. The current study is the first to investigate their tolerance toward heavy metals and we present a novel tardigrade toxicant tolerance assay based on activity assessments as a measure of survival. Specifically, we compare tolerance toward copper in four species representing different evolutionary lineages, habitats and adaptation strategies, i.

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The attine ants of South and Central America are ancient farmers, having evolved a symbiosis with a fungal food crop >50 million years ago. The most evolutionarily derived attines are the and leafcutter ants, which harvest fresh leaves to feed their fungus. and many other attines vertically transmit a mutualistic strain of and use antifungal compounds made by these bacteria to protect their fungal partner against co-evolved fungal pathogens of the genus .

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