Publications by authors named "Morozova G"

The objective of the present study was to evaluate hair levels of toxic and essential trace elements and minerals in male and female patients with chronic gout. A total of 223 examinees aged from 27 to 82 years old including 116 healthy controls (64 women and 52 men) and 107 patients with gout (56 women and 51 men) were enrolled in the current cross-sectional study. Analysis of hair toxic and essential trace element and mineral content was performed using inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry.

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Unlabelled: The objective of the present study is assessment of serum trace element and amino acid levels in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients with subsequent evaluation of its independent associations with markers of liver injury and metabolic risk.

Materials And Methods: 140 women aged 20-90 years old with diagnosed NAFLD and 140 healthy women with a respective age range were enrolled in the current study. Analysis of serum and hair levels of trace elements and minerals was performed with inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ICP-MS).

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In modern athlete assessment, the integration of conventional biochemical and ergophysiologic monitoring with innovative methods like telomere analysis, genotyping/phenotypic profiling, and metabolomics has the potential to offer a comprehensive understanding of athletes' performance and potential longevity. Telomeres provide insights into cellular functioning, aging, and adaptation and elucidate the effects of training on cellular health. Genotype/phenotype analysis explores genetic variations associated with athletic performance, injury predisposition, and recovery needs, enabling personalization of training plans and interventions.

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Background: The National Organ Retrieval Service (NORS) 2015 review recommended a single scrub practitioner provide support simultaneously to abdominal and cardiothoracic teams in UK multiorgan retrieval. Previously, this model had been used only by the combined abdominal and cardiac team in Scotland. This study reports the impact on performance as part of the Vanguard project, which utilized the single scrub practitioner role with 5 NORS teams, to determine applicability United Kingdom wide.

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Introduction: The National Organ Retrieval Service (NORS) 2015 review recommended a Joint Scrub Practitioner for abdominal and cardiac teams during combined organ retrieval. To evaluate the feasibility of this role, and to understand the functional implications, this study explores the use of simulation and provides a novel and comprehensive approach to assess individual and team performance in simulated multiorgan retrievals.

Methods: Two high-fidelity simulations were conducted in an operating theatre with porcine organs, en bloc, placed in a mannequin.

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Cell thermosensitivity of Escherichia coli B/r increases with the cooling rise, especially in hypertonic conditions after heating at 50, 55 and 60 degrees C. A certain relationship is suggested between the observed phenomenon and the osmotic homeostasis system of microorganisms under condition of thermogenic and tonic stress.

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The influence of 60Co gamma-ray radiation of high intensity (85 Gy/min) on the viability of E. coli B/r and E. coli BS-1 bacteria, cultivated in salt buffer with the concentration about 10(8) cells/ml, was studied.

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The experimental data on radiation reduction of the dynamics of Escherichia coli BS-1 ageing and dying-off with the increase of intensity of chronic exposure to 60Co gamma-Rays in the range of dose rates from 0.1 to 7.6 x 10(2) microGe/h are presented.

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Published data on both flora and phytocoenosis genesis and plant population dynamics are reviewed. Urbanized environment is rated as a stress factor for single plants and their communities. The change of plant population structure in cities and towns is analysed as the important indicator of the environment quality.

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The influence of NaCl water solutions and glycerine hypertonic concentration on the survival of bacteria Escherichia coli B/r heated with different values of heat drop was investigated. It was shown that the transfer of cell suspensions from isotonic conditions to media with raised osmotic pressure, preliminarily heated up to 60 degrees C, and the following heating at this temperature inhibited differences in cell sensitivity to heating at different heat drop. Unlike, it was found that the transfer of cell suspensions from isotonic conditions to hypertonic media before and after heating at 60 degrees C increased differences in resistance of these microorganisms to heating at different heat drop.

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Clonal plants viability has been studied on the basis of morphostructure variability of clone modules. The research has been carried out on the Calamagrostis langsdorffii (Poaceae) in the flood-lands of the Amur River Basin (Khabarovsk Territory). Plants vitality has been evaluated by 26 morphometric parameters, characterizing their growth, productivity and reproduction.

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The influence of media with different osmotic pressure (NaCl water solutions) on survival and permeability of Escherichia coli B/r and Escherichia coli Bs-1 cells heated up to 50, 52 and 60 degrees C was investigated. Hypotonic media increased, while hypertonic media, within a certain range of sodium chloride concentrations, decreased the damaging action of heating independently of the temperature. The effectiveness of thermoprotection was seen to increase, and the range of osmolyte concentrations, at which the highest effect of protection takes place, to move markedly towards higher concentrations of NaCl with increase in heating temperature.

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The cell lethality and permeability induced in Escherichia coli B/r and Escherichia coli BS-1 by 60Co gamma-ray irradiation, ultrasound and hyperthermia in media containing different concentrations of NaCl have been investigated. It was shown that independently from the nature of damaging factors hypotonic media increase while hypertonic media in certain range of osmolyte concentration decrease sensitivity of cells to action of this factors. It was proposed that discovered phenomenology was caused by salt modification of status of the cell osmotic homeostasis destabilizing by ionizing radiation, ultrasound or hyperthermia and was not related with the system of dark repair of DNA.

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Using of protein and vitamin enriched preparation "Miprovit" in treatment of 90 patients with obesity showed decreasing effect on serum cholesterol and glucose levels and coefficient of atherogenity which were increased in these patients. Decreasing of appetite and feeling of hungry were noted in 75% of patients. "Miprovit" favoured more comfortable feeling of patients during course of body weight reduction.

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The influence of microwaves and heat on dynamics of heating of samples of intact and inactivated bacteria Escherichia coli and solutions of some basic molecular components of cell was investigated. It was shown that microwaves induce different dynamics of heating of all samples. On the contrary, thermal action induces identical dynamics of heating of all this samples except vegetable oil which was heated more intensively.

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The reduction of photoreactivity and the change of UV-sensitivity of E. coli Bs-1 bacteria have been demonstrated after irradiation of cells with 60Co gamma-rays. The effect resulted from interaction of sub-damages induced by processes of ionization and excitation.

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The influence of water solutions of NaCl on the osmoresistance and reproduction of E. coli B/r and E. coli Bs-1 at different temperatures was studied.

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The energy metabolism changes in isolated hepatocytes at different levels of proton conductivity of cellular membranes were studied. The low doses of the uncoupler which increased hepatocyte respiration rate but did not markedly affect the mitochondrial potential caused: the reduction in total adenine nucleotide contents (ATP + ADP + AMP), the oxidation of mitochondrial NADH, the increase in the rates of glycogenolysis and net flux via phosphofructokinase without any changes in the rates of glucose, lactate and pyruvate accumulation. High doses of the uncoupler which eliminated completely oxidative phosphorylation decreased Atkinson's energy charge down to 0.

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Fluorescent probe-cation 4-(p-dimethylaminostyryl)-1-methylpyridinium (DSM) can be accumulated in mitochondria of rat thymus lymphocytes. A method is proposed for microfluorometric measuring of DSM concentrations ratio inside the thymocyte mitochondria and in the external medium. This method requires no knowledge about the cell and mitochondria volume, the number of accumulated probe and formation of ionic gradients in the cell by carriers.

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