Publications by authors named "Morovic C"

This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of autologous platelet derivatives (APD), specifically platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), combined with autogenous iliac crest bone grafts in secondary alveoloplasty for patients with cleft lip and palate. Electronic databases, relevant journals, and reference lists of included studies were searched until July 2022. Best-evidence synthesis was performed to draw conclusions.

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Microtia poses a great challenge in auricular reconstruction, due to a great number of anatomical details on the anterior aspect, and its tridimensional shape. Numerous techniques have been described in an attempt to optimize results. We have designed a hollow tridimensional silicon template to serve as an intrasurgical guide for ear's anatomy, size and projection, according to the normal side, which allows better results of auricular reconstruction.

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The Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) is characterized by the triad of micrognathia, glossoptosis, and airway obstruction. Conservative management in Pierre Robin sequence consists of nasogastric tube feeding and positioning of the neonate (prone or lateral position) that facilitates the anterior position of the tongue or the application of continuous positive nasal pressure. In case of failure of this treatment, emergency tracheostomy and/or mandibular distraction must be performed.

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Craniofacial microsomia covers a set of morphogenetic anomalies that affect structures arising from the first and second brachial arches. Due to the vast phenotypic variation and complexity of the malformation, a global treatment that is coordinated by a multidisciplinary team is imperative. Herein, the authors describe 3 clinical patients and discuss the different therapies used according to the type of microsomia present.

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Background: Nasomaxillary dysplasia (Binder syndrome) and cleft are congenital malformations of the midface. Ideally, the nasal deformity is treated from childhood. This approach leads to the need for several surgeries and revisions until full growth is reached.

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Background: Poland Syndrome (PS) is a rare disorder characterized by hypoplasia/aplasia of the pectoralis major muscle, variably associated with thoracic and upper limb anomalies. Familial recurrence has been reported indicating that PS could have a genetic basis, though the genetic mechanisms underlying PS development are still unknown.

Case Presentation: Here we describe a couple of monozygotic (MZ) twin girls, both presenting with Poland Syndrome.

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Background/purpose: Poland syndrome (PS) is a congenital anomaly of the thoracic wall characterised by a variable degree of unilateral agenesis of pectoralis major and minor muscles associated with ipsilateral breast, rib and upper-arm anomalies. In female patients, breast reconstruction is particularly challenging because of cranial pectoralis muscle defects and partial or complete breast agenesis. Different techniques have been used to treat the thoracic anomaly, including the positioning of an implant, fat transfer or latissimus dorsi transposition, but in some cases these techniques are not feasible resulting in a poor reconstruction.

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Parotid fistulae are a very infrequent complication after ear reconstruction in microtia when the local conditions are favorable. We report 2 cases of salival fistulae after microtic ear reconstruction. Timing of the diagnosis is important to decide the treatment.

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The use of a local island flap, designed with retroauricular skin, is an excellent, simple, and reproducible innovation to the classic microtia ear reconstruction, allowing adequate coverage of the cartilage framework, specifically of the conchal area, sparing tense skin closure, reducing skin suffering and necrosis, with a better aesthetic result achieving the naturally depressed concha aspect. The flap design and surgical technique is described. This flap was used in 13 consecutive microtia ear reconstructions in our unit, no complications were encountered, and aesthetic results were excellent.

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Background: Since 1990, primary bilateral cleft nasal reconstruction has been focused on placing the lower lateral cartilages into normal anatomical position. Of the four major techniques in this class, the Cutting (i.e.

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Amniotic band syndrome has been proposed as a sequela of intrauterine rupture of the amnion, resulting in oligohydramnios and passage of the fetus into the chorionic cavity. Amnion disruption with loss of amniotic fluid, causing fetal compression and localized fetal ischemia, possibly results in a pathogenic mechanism of extremely variable malformations. The prominence of the nasal processes and the adjacent stomodeal orifice facilitates free band attachment and adherence, resulting in a spectrum of similarly oriented facial defects.

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Infants with congenital craniofacial malformations often have associated severe mandibular hypoplasia causing obstruction of the hypopharynx by retroposition of the base of the tongue into the posterior pharyngeal airway. Management depends on the severity of the airway obstruction. Most cases can be managed by prone positioning until the infant outgrows the problem at 3 to 6 months of age.

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Comparing the treatment protocols for cleft lip and palate requires a study of facial growth and development. Serial orthodontic study models aid in delineating the effects of surgery on maxillary mandibular relationships. In 1978, a new protocol, POPLA (presurgical orthopedics followed by periosteoplasty and lip adhesion), was developed and put into practice.

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Primary nasal correction at the time of rotation-advancement of the lip has been rendered practical by developing a symmetrical nasal platform by presurgical orthodontics and a gingivoperiosteoplasty. The nasal correction involves unilateral columella lengthening, alar cartilage positioning, and alar base cinching to present a nose within normal limits. This is accomplished before the age of recall, and by avoiding retention of the nasal deformity through childhood, it by-passes the ridicule that invariably accompanies it.

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