In animal pathogens, assembly of the type III secretion system injectisome requires the presence of so-called pilotins, small lipoproteins that assist the formation of the secretin ring in the outer membrane. Using a combination of functional assays, interaction studies, proteomics, and live-cell microscopy, we determined the contribution of the pilotin to the assembly, function, and substrate selectivity of the T3SS and identified potential new downstream roles of pilotin proteins. In absence of its pilotin SctG, Yersinia enterocolitica forms few, largely polar injectisome sorting platforms and needles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBacteria use type III secretion injectisomes to inject effector proteins into eukaryotic target cells. Recruitment of effectors to the machinery and the resulting export hierarchy involve the sorting platform. These conserved proteins form pod structures at the cytosolic interface of the injectisome but are also mobile in the cytosol.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFModern biology investigations on phytochromes as near-infrared fluorescent pigments pave the way for the development of new biosensors, as well as for optogenetics and in vivo imaging tools. Recently, near-infrared fluorescent proteins (NIR-FPs) engineered from biliverdin-binding bacteriophytochromes and cyanobacteriochromes, and from phycocyanobilin-binding cyanobacterial phytochromes have become promising probes for fluorescence microscopy and in vivo imaging. However, current NIR-FPs typically suffer from low fluorescence quantum yields and short fluorescence lifetimes.
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