Introduction: Refractory headache is a common and frequently disabling disorder, affecting 2-12 million patients each year in the US alone. This case series provides initial insight into the safety and effectiveness of lidocaine infusions into the middle meningeal artery (MMAL) for the treatment of refractory headache.
Methods: A retrospective review of a prospectively maintained database was conducted to identify patients undergoing MMAL at two institutions.
α-actinin (ACTN) is a pivotal member of the actin-binding protein family, crucial for the anchoring and organization of actin filaments within the cytoskeleton. Four isoforms of α-actinin exist: two non-muscle isoforms (ACTN1 and ACTN4) primarily associated with actin stress fibers and focal adhesions, and two muscle-specific isoforms (ACTN2 and ACTN3) localized to the Z-disk of the striated muscle. Although these isoforms share structural similarities, they exhibit distinct functional characteristics that reflect their specialized roles in various tissues.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlant protection products (PPPs) undergo rigorous safety assessments. In Europe, non-dietary risk assessments for operators, workers, bystanders and residents are highly conservative as this area of exposure science has historically been data poor. CropLife Europe (CLE) companies have collaborated to generate new data and pool existing data to refine the approaches prescribed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) guidance on non-dietary exposure (2022).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLipids contribute to hematopoiesis and membrane properties and dynamics; however, little is known about the role of lipids in megakaryopoiesis. Here we show that megakaryocyte progenitors, megakaryocytes and platelets present a unique lipidome progressively enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-containing phospholipids. In vitro, inhibition of both exogenous fatty acid functionalization and uptake as well as de novo lipogenesis impaired megakaryocyte differentiation and proplatelet production.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAims: Reduced left atrial PITX2 is associated with atrial cardiomyopathy and atrial fibrillation (AF). PITX2 is restricted to left atrial cardiomyocytes (aCMs) in the adult heart. The links between PITX2 deficiency, atrial cardiomyopathy, and AF are not fully understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRigorous risk assessments for those exposed to pesticides are carried out to satisfy crop protection regulatory requirements. Non-dietary risk assessments involve estimating the amount of residue which can be transferred from plant foliage to the skin or clothes, known as dislodgeable foliar residues (DFRs). DFR data are less available than crop residue data as studies are costly and limited by seasonality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the EU, predicted exposure to spray drift for residents and bystanders from applications in orchards and vineyards is based on data from one study published in 1987, where one downwind distance (8 m) was considered. CropLife Europe conducted sixteen new GLP compliant studies in 4 EU countries, 8 in orchards, 8 in vineyards with early and late season applications, using adult and child mannequins located 5, 10 and 15 m downwind from the last row to measure dermal and inhalation exposures. The resulting "Bystander Resident Orchard Vineyard (BROV)" database comprises 288 observations and offers a more comprehensive option for exposure prediction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNew transfer coefficient (TC) values were derived for vineyard workers handling treated grapevines during harvesting and crop maintenance activities. Re-entry exposure and dislodgeable foliar residue (DFR) studies were performed in Europe, covering hand harvesting, pruning/training, pruning/tying and pruning/shoot lifting. Foliar applications of fungicides (iprovalicarb, dimethomorph, dithianon, pyrimethanil and fenbuconazole) were made and 73 workers at 16 sites were monitored over one working day.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Scott syndrome is a mild platelet-type bleeding disorder, first described in 1979, with only 3 unrelated families identified through defective phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure and confirmed by sequencing. The syndrome is distinguished by impaired surface exposure of procoagulant PS on platelets after stimulation. To date, platelet function and thrombin generation in this condition have not been extensively characterized.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe increasing drive to understand the likelihood of skin sensitisation from plant protection products (PPPs) in workers and the general public has resulted in recent initiatives to establish a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) methodology applicable to these products and their exposure scenarios. The effective evaluation of skin sensitising substances requires not only the identification of that toxicological hazard, but also determination of relative sensitising potency. Typically, this has been achieved by interpretation of local lymph node assay (LLNA) dose response data, delivering what is known as the EC3 value.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Inherited bleeding, thrombotic, and platelet disorders (BTPDs) are a heterogeneous set of diseases, many of which are very rare globally. Over the past 5 decades, the genetic basis of some of these disorders has been identified, and recently, high-throughput sequencing has become the primary means of identifying disease-causing genetic variants.
Objectives: Knowledge of the clinical validity of a gene-disease relationship is essential to provide an accurate diagnosis based on results of diagnostic gene panel tests and inform the construction of such panels.
A database of field measurements of air concentrations of pesticide active ingredients has previously been compiled by CropLife Europe with an aim to revise the default air concentration values and assumptions applied in assessing vapour exposure in the risk assessment of bystanders and residents. The BROWSE model, released in 2014, which is a regulatory risk assessment model that includes the exposure of residents and bystanders has a component relating to post-application vapour inhalation. Predictions of concentration deduced from exposures obtained using the BROWSE model were compared with field measurements of 24-h and 7-day average concentrations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Cardiovasc Med
September 2023
Pesticides are vital in meeting the challenge of feeding the rapidly increasing world population. However, it is crucial that they are used in a way that does not compromise the safety of humans or the environment. Non-dietary worker risk assessments consider the amount of residue which can be transferred from plant foliage to the skin or clothes, known as dislodgeable foliar residues (DFRs).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExposure to skin sensitizers is common and regulated in many industry sectors. For cosmetics, a risk-based approach has been implemented, focused on preventing the induction of sensitization. First, a No Expected Sensitization Induction Level (NESIL) is derived, then modified by Sensitization Assessment Factors (SAFs) to derive an Acceptable Exposure Level (AEL).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLipids contribute to hematopoiesis and membrane properties and dynamics, however, little is known about the role of lipids in megakaryopoiesis. Here, a lipidomic analysis of megakaryocyte progenitors, megakaryocytes, and platelets revealed a unique lipidome progressively enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-containing phospholipids. In vitro, inhibition of both exogenous fatty acid functionalization and uptake and de novo lipogenesis impaired megakaryocyte differentiation and proplatelet production.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere is an identified need to revise the default air concentration values and assumptions applied in assessing vapour exposure in the risk assessment of bystanders and residents to plant protection products. To address this, we evaluated inhalation exposure via vapour using previously unpublished data from 29 field and wind tunnel studies. The database comprises 35 trials with 11 active ingredients covering a wide range of scenarios with respect to vapour pressure, crops, application rates and European regions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe GATA1 transcription factor is essential for normal erythropoiesis and megakaryocytic differentiation. Germline GATA1 pathogenic variants in the N-terminal zinc finger (N-ZF) are typically associated with X-linked thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction, and dyserythropoietic anemia. A few variants in the C-terminal ZF (C-ZF) domain are described with normal platelet count but altered platelet function as the main characteristic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFADAMTS13 is a plasma metalloprotease with the primary function of cleaving VWF to maintain hemostasis. Circulating ADAMTS13 is in the closed conformation until blood vessel injury triggers a VWF-dependant activation to the open active form of the protein. ADAMTS13 is a multi-domain protein with the domains broadly functioning to interact and cleave VWF or maintain global latency of ADAMTS13.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe dislodgeable foliar residue (DFR) is the amount of pesticide that exists on foliage after the pesticide has dried and which could dislodge to the skin or clothes of workers and is a key parameter for non-dietary risk assessments required to demonstrate safe use for pesticide registration. DFR data in the literature are described as insufficiently reliable, limited, and encompasses considerable statistical uncertainties. The purpose of this article is to describe a newly developed laboratory method for the quantification of DFR with an illustrative example.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn current European non-dietary risk assessment for bystanders and residents, one of the plant protection product exposure pathways to be addressed is vapour inhalation. At present, active ingredients are grouped according to vapour pressure and assigned corresponding values. Risk assessments are driven by only two default air concentration values.
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