Publications by authors named "Morgan Lee"

Forensic pathologists recognize the importance of estimating the range of fire for gunshot entrance wounds. Classically described ranges of fire include contact, close range, medium (or intermediate) range, and indeterminate (or distant) range. The presence or absence of gunshot residue (smoke/soot and/or gunpowder) and the characteristics of the gunshot residue are evaluated in order to estimate the range of fire.

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This study tested two versions of parent-led, Internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety among autistic youth; one that provided weekly email support (iCBT-Email), and one that provided alternating bi-weekly emails and video calls (iCBT-Video) across 12 weeks. It was expected that those in the iCBT-Video condition would complete more treatment content, which in turn would lead to more anxiety improvement. Fifty-seven autistic youth (7-15 years-old) with anxiety disorders were randomized to iCBT-Email or iCBT-Video.

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Background: Neonates exposed to painful procedures require pain assessment and reassessment using nonverbal scales. Nurses perform initial assessments routinely, but reassessment is variable. The goal was to increase pain reassessments in neonates with a previous score of 4 or higher within 60 minutes from 50% to 75% within 12 months.

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The Move Your Way® campaign was developed to encourage physical activity contemplators to get active. A pilot test of campaign implementation was conducted and evaluated in eight communities between March and October 2020. A web-based, cross-sectional survey of adults collected pilot campaign outcome data after campaign implementation.

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Background And Objective: Social determinants of health impact various clinical health outcomes in the population. We conducted this study to examine the impact of adverse social determinants of health (SDOH) characteristics on maternal obesity among hospitalized pregnant women in the US and its potential differential impact on women of different races/ethnicities.

Methods: The nationwide pregnancy hospitalization data analyzed in this study were collected through the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) database during 2016-2018.

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Background/aim: Temozolomide plays a role in treating melanoma refractory to immunomodulatory and mitogen-activated protein kinase-targeted approaches, but its efficacy is limited. 4-Demethyl-4-cholesteryloxycarbonylpenclomedine (DM-CHOC-PEN) is a polychlorinated pyridine cholesteryl carbonate. Its mechanism of action is considered to be via alkylation/adduct formation with N-guanine.

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The Mediator complex controls transcription of most eukaryotic genes with individual subunits required for the control of particular gene regulons in response to various perturbations. In this study, we reveal the roles of the plant Mediator subunits MED16, MED14, and MED2 in regulating transcription in response to the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) and we determine which elements are under their control. Using synthetic promoter reporters we established an effective system for testing relationships between subunits and specific acting motifs in protoplasts.

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Objective: The goal of this study was to explore the impact of 5 decision rules for removing outliers from adolescent food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) data.

Design: This secondary analysis used baseline and 3-month data from a weight loss intervention clinical trial.

Participants: African American adolescents (n = 181) were recruited from outpatient clinics and community health fairs.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study explores the potential of the amygdala in motor brain-computer interfaces (BCI) for patients with motor deficits, examining its connection to motor control through gamma oscillations.
  • Conducted on 8 epilepsy patients with implanted electrodes, the research uses a "center-out" direct-reach experiment to analyze gamma-band activity during movement tasks.
  • Results showed a significant increase in gamma power during movement trials in 5 out of the 8 patients, suggesting the amygdala's involvement in motor activity modulation.
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Objective: Characterize the role of the beta-band (13-30 Hz) in the human hippocampus during the execution of voluntary movement.

Approach: We recorded electrophysiological activity in human hippocampus during a reach task using stereotactic electroencephalography (SEEG). SEEG has previously been utilized to study the theta band (3-8 Hz) in conflict processing and spatial navigation, but most studies of hippocampal activity during movement have used noninvasive measures such as fMRI.

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Background: Stereotactic localization of neurosurgical targets traditionally relies on computed tomography (CT), which is considered the optimal imaging modality for geometric accuracy. However, in-depth investigations that characterize the precision and accuracy of CT images are lacking. We used a CT phantom to examine interscanner precision and interprotocol accuracy in coordinate localization.

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The ideal modality for generating sensation in sensorimotor brain computer interfaces (BCI) has not been determined. Here we report the feasibility of using a high-density 'mini'-electrocorticography (mECoG) grid in a somatosensory BCI system.Thirteen subjects with intractable epilepsy underwent standard clinical implantation of subdural electrodes for the purpose of seizure localization.

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Objective: Stimulation of the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) has been successful in evoking artificial somatosensation in both humans and animals, but much is unknown about the optimal stimulation parameters needed to generate robust percepts of somatosensation. In this study, the authors investigated frequency as an adjustable stimulation parameter for artificial somatosensation in a closed-loop brain-computer interface (BCI) system.

Methods: Three epilepsy patients with subdural mini-electrocorticography grids over the hand area of S1 were asked to compare the percepts elicited with different stimulation frequencies.

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Background: Three-dimensional fluoroscopy via the O-arm (Medtronic, Dublin, Ireland) has been validated for intraoperative confirmation of successful lead placement in stereotactic electrode implantation. However, its role in registration and targeting has not yet been studied. After frame placement, many stereotactic neurosurgeons obtain a computed tomography (CT) scan and merge it with a preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to generate planning coordinates; potential disadvantages of this practice include increased procedure time and limited scanner availability.

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Recently, efforts to produce artificial sensation through cortical stimulation of primary somatosensory cortex (PSC) in humans have proven safe and reliable. Changes in stimulation parameters like frequency and amplitude have been shown to elicit different percepts, but without clearly defined psychometric profiles. This study investigates the functionally useful limits of frequency changes on the percepts felt by three epilepsy patients with subdural electrocorticography (ECoG) grids.

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Implantable neurostimulation devices provide a direct therapeutic link to the nervous system and can be considered brain-computer interfaces (BCI). Under this definition, BCI are not simply science fiction, they are part of existing neurosurgical practice. Clinical BCI are standard of care for historically difficult to treat neurological disorders.

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Examine cross-sectional associations between body mass index (BMI) and related health behaviors, barriers and facilitators to health care, and perceived health status among a sample of U.S. Marshallese adults with Type 2 diabetes and evaluate associations of interest between participants and their family members.

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Although a growing body of literature demonstrates negative effects of internalized weight bias (IWB), the relationships between IWB and relevant social, psychological, and behavioral variables have not yet been evaluated systematically. The purpose of the present study was to create and assess a model of hypothesized risks and outcomes of IWB. In an online survey, 650 adult males and females completed self-report measures of IWB, self-esteem, weight-related stigma experiences, body-related shame, body satisfaction, societal influence on body image, appearance comparisons, binge eating, distress, and weight-related quality of life.

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Previous work in directional tuning for brain machine interfaces has primarily relied on algorithm sorted neuronal action potentials in primary motor cortex. However, local field potential has been utilized to show directional tuning in macaque studies, and inferior parietal cortex has shown increased neuronal activity in reaching tasks that relied on MRI imaging. In this study we utilized local field potential recordings from a human subject performing a delayed reach task and show that high frequency band (76-100 Hz) spectral power is directionally tuned to different reaching target locations during an active reach.

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Cognitive models of depression suggest that depressed individuals exhibit a tendency to attribute negative meaning to neutral stimuli, and enhanced processing of mood-congruent stimuli. However, evidence thus far has been inconsistent. In this study, we sought to identify both differential interpretation of neutral information as well as emotion processing biases associated with depression.

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Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) are implantable devices that interface directly with the nervous system. BCI for quadriplegic patients restore function by reading motor intent from the brain and use the signal to control physical, virtual, and native prosthetic effectors. Future closed-loop motor BCI will incorporate sensory feedback to provide patients with an effective and intuitive experience.

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Objective: Restoration of somatosensory deficits in humans requires a clear understanding of the neural representations of percepts. To characterize the cortical response to naturalistic somatosensation, we examined field potentials in the primary somatosensory cortex of humans.

Methods: Four patients with intractable epilepsy were implanted with subdural electrocorticography (ECoG) electrodes over the hand area of S1.

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Closed-loop brain-responsive neurostimulation via the RNS System is a treatment option for adults with medically refractory focal epilepsy. Using a novel technique, 2 RNS Systems (2 neurostimulators and 4 leads) were successfully implanted in a single patient with bilateral parietal epileptogenic zones. In patients with multiple epileptogenic zones, this technique allows for additional treatment options.

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Despite revisions to the DSM-5, current diagnostic criteria poorly capture the phenomena of eating disorders. The construct of food craving may help to explain the range of disordered eating and compensatory behaviors, but current measures do not fully capture the construct. Borrowing from the substance use literature and emphasizing both approach and avoidance craving inclinations, the ambivalence model of craving (AMC) provides a useful framework for predicting broad patterns of disordered eating behaviors.

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