Introduction: Post-stroke cognitive impairment is associated with impaired quality of life. Remote testing provides a potential avenue to measure cognitive outcomes efficiently.
Patients And Methods: Prospective cognitive outcomes were collected at 90-180 days using both telephone MoCA (T-MoCA; range 0-22; <17 impairment) and Creyos, a computerized cognitive battery.
Introduction: Women with early bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO) have greater Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk than women with spontaneous menopause (SM), but the pathway toward this risk is understudied. Considering associative memory deficits may reflect early signs of AD, we studied how BSO affected brain activity underlying associative memory.
Methods: Early midlife women with BSO (with and without 17β-estradiol therapy [ET]) and age-matched controls (AMCs) with intact ovaries completed a face-name associative memory task during functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Living in isolation is associated with a lack of stimulating experiences, which negatively impacts quality of life and increases risk of advancing cognitive decline for older adults. We examined how engaging in unique events would enhance memory and improve well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, a period characterized by social isolation and monotonous daily experiences lacking diversity. Over 8-weeks during lockdowns, 18 healthy older adults used a smartphone-based application called "HippoCamera", capturing a total of 670 unique and routine events with short audio-video cues that were later replayed to prompt memory.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEarly stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are associated with volume reductions in specific subregions of the medial temporal lobe (MTL). Using a manual segmentation method-the Olsen-Amaral-Palombo (OAP) protocol-previous work in healthy older adults showed that reductions in grey matter volumes in MTL subregions were associated with lower scores on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), suggesting atrophy may occur prior to diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment, a condition that often progresses to AD. However, current "gold standard" manual segmentation methods are labour intensive and time consuming.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMemories for life events are thought to be organised based on their relationships with one another, affecting the order in which events are recalled such that similar events tend to be recalled together. However, less is known about how detailed recall for a given event is affected by its associations to other events. Here, we used a cued autobiographical memory recall task where participants verbally recalled events corresponding to personal photographs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDrawing is a powerful tool to enhance memory in healthy participants and patients with probable dementia. Here, we investigated whether the drawing effect could extend to patient CT, a young woman with severe anterograde amnesia. Following surgery for a midline tumor involving her septum pellucidium and extending down into her fornices bilaterally, CT experienced a severe case of sleep-related amnesia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFResearch has documented changes in autobiographical memory and episodic future thinking in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, cognitive decline occurs gradually and recent findings suggest that subtle alterations in autobiographical cognition may be evident earlier in the trajectory towards dementia, before AD-related symptoms emerge or a clinical diagnosis has been given. The current study used the Autobiographical Interview to examine the episodic and semantic content of autobiographical past and future events generated by older adults (N = 38) of varying cognitive functioning who were grouped into High (N = 20) and Low Cognition (N = 18) groups based on their Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCombining information from multiple senses is essential to object recognition, core to the ability to learn concepts, make new inferences, and generalize across distinct entities. Yet how the mind combines sensory input into coherent crossmodal representations - the - remains poorly understood. Here, we applied multi-echo fMRI across a 4-day paradigm, in which participants learned three-dimensional crossmodal representations created from well-characterized unimodal visual shape and sound features.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRemembering life experiences involves recalling not only what occurred (episodic details), but also where an event took place (spatial context), both of which decline with age. Although spatial context can cue episodic detail recollection, it is unknown whether initially recalling an event alongside greater reinstatement of spatial context protects memory for episodic details in the long term, and whether this is affected by age. Here, we analysed 1079 personally-experienced, real-world events from 29 older adults and 12 younger adults.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTau pathology accumulates in the perirhinal cortex (PRC) of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) during the earliest stages of the Alzheimer's disease (AD), appearing decades before clinical diagnosis. Here, we leveraged perceptual discrimination tasks that target PRC function to detect subtle cognitive impairment even in nominally healthy older adults. Older adults who did not have a clinical diagnosis or subjective memory complaints were categorized into "at-risk" (score <26; n = 15) and "healthy" (score ≥26; n = 23) groups based on their performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn March 2020, C.T., a kind, bright, and friendly young woman underwent surgery for a midline tumor involving her septum pellucidum and extending down into her fornices bilaterally.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnnu Rev Vis Sci
September 2023
Perception and memory are traditionally thought of as separate cognitive functions, supported by distinct brain regions. The canonical perspective is that perceptual processing of visual information is supported by the ventral visual stream, whereas long-term declarative memory is supported by the medial temporal lobe. However, this modular framework cannot account for the increasingly large body of evidence that reveals a role for early visual areas in long-term recognition memory and a role for medial temporal lobe structures in high-level perceptual processing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe ability to flexibly categorize object concepts is essential to semantic cognition because the features that make two objects similar in one context may be irrelevant and even constitute interference in another. Thus, adaptive behavior in complex and dynamic environments requires the resolution of feature-based interference. In the current case study, we placed visual and functional semantic features in opposition across object concepts in two categorization tasks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn
February 2024
Associative memory deficits in aging are frequently characterized by false recognition of novel stimulus associations, particularly when stimuli are similar. Introducing distinctive stimuli, therefore, can help guide item differentiation in memory and can further our understanding of how age-related brain changes impact behavior. How older adults use different types of distinctive information to distinguish overlapping events in memory and to avoid false associative recognition is still unknown.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAtten Percept Psychophys
July 2023
Why can't we remember everything that we experience? Previous work in the domain of object memory has suggested that our ability to resolve interference between relevant and irrelevant object features may limit how much we can remember at any given moment. Here, we developed an online mouse-tracking task to study how memory load influences object reconstruction, testing participants synchronously over virtual conference calls. We first tested up to 18 participants concurrently, replicating memory findings from a condition where participants were tested individually.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring navigation, information at multiple scales needs to be integrated. Single-unit recordings in rodents suggest that gradients of temporal dynamics in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex support this integration. In humans, gradients of representation are observed, such that granularity of information represented increases along the long axis of the hippocampus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe act of remembering an everyday experience influences how we interpret the world, how we think about the future, and how we perceive ourselves. It also enhances long-term retention of the recalled content, increasing the likelihood that it will be recalled again. Unfortunately, the ability to recollect event-specific details and reexperience the past tends to decline with age.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn
May 2023
The modulation of gaze fixations on neural activity in the hippocampus, a region critical for memory, has been shown to be weaker in older adults compared to younger adults. However, as such research has relied on measures of memory, it remains unclear whether the relationship between visual exploration and measures of memory is similarly disrupted in aging. The current study tested older and younger adults on a face memory eye-tracking task previously used by our group that showed that recognition memory for faces presented across variable, but not fixed, viewpoints relies on a hippocampal-dependent binding function.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThough much progress has been made to understand feature integration, debate remains regarding how objects are represented in mind based on their constituent features. Here, we advance this debate by introducing a novel shape-color "conjunction task" to reconstruct memory resolution for multiple object features simultaneously. In a first experiment, we replicate and extend a classic paradigm originally tested using a change detection task.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProc Natl Acad Sci U S A
December 2021
The brain supports adaptive behavior by generating predictions, learning from errors, and updating memories to incorporate new information. Prediction error, or surprise, triggers learning when reality contradicts expectations. Prior studies have shown that the hippocampus signals prediction errors, but the hypothesized link to memory updating has not been demonstrated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn memory, representations of spatial features are stored in different reference frames; features relative to our position are stored egocentrically and features relative to each other are stored allocentrically. Accessing these representations engages many cognitive and neural resources, and so is susceptible to age-related breakdown. Yet, recent findings on the heterogeneity of cognitive function and spatial ability in healthy older adults suggest that aging may not uniformly impact the flexible use of spatial representations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this issue of Neuron, Bonnen et al. (2021) use artificial neural networks to resolve a long-standing controversy surrounding the neurocognitive dichotomy between memory and perception. They show that the perirhinal cortex supports performance on tasks that cannot be solved by the ventral visual stream.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile atypical sensory processing is one of the more ubiquitous symptoms in autism spectrum disorder, the exact nature of these sensory issues remains unclear, with different studies showing either enhanced or deficient sensory processing. Using a well-established continuous cued-recall task that assesses visual working memory, the current study provides novel evidence reconciling these apparently discrepant findings. Autistic children exhibited perceptual advantages in both likelihood of recall and recall precision relative to their typically-developed peers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWiley Interdiscip Rev Cogn Sci
May 2021
Representations of space in mind are crucial for navigation, facilitating processes such as remembering landmark locations, understanding spatial relationships between objects, and integrating routes. A significant problem, however, is the lack of consensus on how these representations are encoded and stored in memory. Specifically, the nature of egocentric and allocentric frames of reference in human memory is widely debated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevailing theories of hippocampal function argue that memories are rapidly encoded by non-overlapping memory traces. Concurrently, the hippocampus has been argued to integrate across related experiences, enabling generalization. The cognitive neuroscience of memory has been transformed by the recent proliferation of studies using pattern similarity analyses to investigate the neural substrates of memory in humans, marking an exciting and significant advance in our understanding of population-level neural representations.
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