Publications by authors named "Morere P"

BACKGROUND When people in their 60s experiences abdominal pain, vomiting, and unexplained weight loss without a history of abdominal surgery, the usual diagnosis is obstruction caused by a neoplastic mass. Nevertheless, in exceptionally rare cases, these symptoms arise from complications linked to a visceral artery aneurysm. CASE REPORT We present a case of a 60-year-old man with immunodeficiency and Sneddon-Wilkinson disease (a rare subcorneal pustular dermatosis), who developed a pancreaticoduodenal aneurysm of uncertain origin, associated with pancreatic mass, retroperitoneal hematoma, and duodenal obstruction.

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Contrast induced nephropathy has long been considered as the third cause of inpatients acute renal insufficiency after functional renal insufficiency and acute tubular necrosis. This entity is now controversial. Numerous studies failed to show a direct link between intravenous iodinated contrast injection and a worsening of renal function after injected scanners in patients with normal renal function.

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In case of atheromatous disease, the practitioner should be part of a multidisciplinary decision due to the associated comorbities. The angiologic assessment is of paramount importance in the diagnosis of peripheral artery disease even when the diagnosis seems clear. Unfortunately the patient is very often straightforward sent to radiological investigations who are faster.

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Purpose: Percutaneous embolization and surgical repair are the current treatment options for varicocele, but determining method superiority remains controversial. In this retrospective study, we evaluate the technical success, complication and recurrence rates following percutaneous embolization in a pediatric group, which were compared to reported outcomes for surgical repairs.

Methods: Thirty children treated for percutaneous varicocele embolization were recruited.

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Hemobilia is an uncommon and potential life-threatening condition mainly due to hepato-biliary tree traumatic or iatrogenic injuries. Spontaneously ruptured aneurysm of the hepatic artery is seldom described. We report the case of an 89-year-old woman presenting with abdominal pain, jaundice and gastrointestinal bleeding, whose ultrasound and computed tomography revealed a non-traumatic, spontaneous aneurysm of the right hepatic artery.

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The objectives of this study, in which Almitrine bismesylate was administered for one year in chronic bronchitics with obstructive hypoxia, were to assess its clinical and gasometric efficacy and its clinical, laboratory, spirometric and electrocardiac acceptability. The blood gas results show a significant rise in PaO2 (p less than 0.001) rising by 5.

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Palliative chemotherapy in cases of epidermoid bronchogenic carcinoma, initially judged to be inoperable, made it possible to perform operative resection in 50 cases. An association of cis-platinum and bleomycin was used, this combination having previously been considered synergistic. In certain cases the tumour seemed to have disappeared on macroscopic examination of the resected specimen, and in some instances no tumoral cells could be found on histological examination.

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A case of Diazomethane intoxication has been reported. Diazomethane is gaz commonly used by pharmacological and industrial chemist. This case of intoxication is rare, since only 15 other cases have been published up to now.

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A case of large arteriovenous aneurysm in the right upper lobe of a 27-year old man is reported. The pulmonary angioma was responsible for a 30% shunt with hypoxia and polycythaemia but was only discovered while looking for the origin of a cerebral abscess. A few weeks after surgical treatment of the cerebral abscess, the right upper lobe was excised with immediate correction of the hypoxia.

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The coexistence of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and respiratory diseases has led us to raise three questions : 1) how frequent is GER in patients with chronic bronchitis?, 2) is the respiratory function in patients with chronic bronchitis different when they have a GER and when they do not?, 3) is the GER different in patients with chronic bronchitis and in subjects not suffering with chronic bronchitis? The study of esophageal pH after a test meal showed there was a GER in 29 out of the 47 patients studied. The measurements of lung volume, air flow, pulmonary compliance, as well as the alveolo-capillary transfer of carbon monoxide, showed that there was no difference in the lung function of bronchitics whether they had a reflux or not. On the other hand, refluxes are less frequent but longer in patients having bronchitis and a GER, than in those having a GER but not having bronchitis.

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The authors report the retrospective study of 333 cases of pneumococcal infection recorded in in-patients at the Rouen CHU (University Hospital Centre) from january 1974 to december 1978. Pneumococcal infection involves mainly the lungs (210 cases) according to different features. Pleural involvement is found in 70 cases only.

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In one patient with pulmonary sarcoidosis, hypertension occurred during the course of the disease. Aortography showed extensive narrowing of the right renal artery. Surgical exploration disclosed extensive periaortic and perirenal fibrosis.

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The authors report 43 observations of pulmonary or extra-pulmonary tuberculosis, bacteriologically proved, in which liver biopsies revealed more or less complete granulomatous lesions. The culture of 29 liver fragments on Löwenstein and Colestos medium enabled the identification of the tuberculous bacillum in only one case. In the other cases the hepatic lesion has only been related to the tuberculosis because of the clinical and bacteriological context.

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