Retrospective datasets offer essential context for conservation by revealing species' ecological roles before industrial-era human impacts. We analysed isotopic compositions of pre-industrial and modern sea otters () to reconstruct pre-extirpation ecology and offer insights for management. Our study focuses on southeast Alaska (SEAK), where sea otters are recolonizing, and northern Oregon, where translocations are being considered.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSea otters are apex predators that can exert considerable influence over the nearshore communities they occupy. Since facing near extinction in the early 1900s, sea otters are making a remarkable recovery in Southeast Alaska, particularly in Glacier Bay, the largest protected tidewater glacier fjord in the world. The expansion of sea otters across Glacier Bay offers both a challenge to monitoring and stewardship and an unprecedented opportunity to study the top-down effect of a novel apex predator across a diverse and productive ecosystem.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Surgical resection for sarcoma lung metastases has been associated with improved overall survival (OS).
Methods: Patients who underwent curative-intent resection of sarcoma lung metastases (2000-2016) were identified from the US Sarcoma Collaborative. Patients with extrapulmonary metastatic disease or R2 resections of primary tumor or metastases were excluded.
Background: The optimal management of patients with stage IV soft tissue sarcoma of the extremity (STSE) with distant metastases at diagnosis is unclear due to limited evidence and heterogeneity of current practice patterns. National guidelines have recommended surgical management of the primary site (SP) with or without radiotherapy (R), chemotherapy (C), and metastasectomy (M).
Methods: In the National Cancer Database (NCDB), patients with initially metastatic STSE who received definitive SP from 2004 to 2014 were identified.
Some of the longest and most comprehensive marine ecosystem monitoring programs were established in the Gulf of Alaska following the environmental disaster of the Exxon Valdez oil spill over 30 years ago. These monitoring programs have been successful in assessing recovery from oil spill impacts, and their continuation decades later has now provided an unparalleled assessment of ecosystem responses to another newly emerging global threat, marine heatwaves. The 2014-2016 northeast Pacific marine heatwave (PMH) in the Gulf of Alaska was the longest lasting heatwave globally over the past decade, with some cooling, but also continued warm conditions through 2019.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground/objective: Natural history and outcomes for truncal/extremity (TE) soft tissue sarcoma (STS) is derived primarily from studies investigating all histiotypes as one homogenous cohort. We aimed to define the recurrence rate (RR), recurrence patterns, and response to radiation of TE leiomyosarcomas (LMS).
Methods: Patients from the US Sarcoma Collaborative database with primary, high-grade TE STS were identified.
Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are malignancies derived from connective tissue, and regional lymph node metastasis (RLNM), while not common, is an important aspect of prognosis and treatment. Various risk factors, in particular the histological subtype, affect the likelihood of nodal involvement, which can be characterized by imaging features such as nodal dimension and morphology. Currently, surveillance and management vary by institution, as concrete societal guidelines have not been established.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NCT) for high-risk soft tissue sarcoma (STS) is questioned. This study aimed to define which patients may experience a survival advantage with NCT.
Methods: All the patients from the U.
The notochord is an essential part of human development that regresses with age. Masses derived from notochordal tissue may be encountered during imaging of the neuroaxis. Fortunately, the majority of these are benign and can usually be differentiated by radiological and clinical findings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOper Neurosurg (Hagerstown)
October 2019
Background And Importance: Traditionally, when a patient presents with a midline chordoma with extension to the mid-S1 body where neither S1 nerve roots can be spared, the recommendation would be to perform a total sacrectomy for en bloc resection. This procedure, however, results in a large bony defect that makes it difficult to achieve fusion across the lumbosacral and sacroiliac junction (SIJ). To help prevent this challenge in the situation described above, we propose performing a high sacrectomy for en bloc resection with placement of an anterior L5-S1 graft instead in specific situations where the tumor extends to the mid-S1 body leaving the superior aspect of S1 unaffected.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLactation is the most energetically demanding stage of reproduction in female mammals. Increased energetic allocation toward current reproduction may result in fitness costs, although the mechanisms underlying these trade-offs are not well understood. Trade-offs during lactation may include reduced energetic allocation to cellular maintenance, immune response, and survival and may be influenced by resource limitation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Scalp angiosarcomas (SA) are rare, representing <1% of soft tissue sarcomas. The optimal management of these tumors is unknown, with management based on small case series. We sought to assess the impact of different therapies on overall survival (OS), the practice patterns nationally, and identify factors associated with OS for non-metastatic scalp angiosarcomas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Postoperative complications (POCs) negatively impact oncologic outcomes in some malignancies; however, little is known regarding their effect in soft tissue sarcoma (STS). The aim of this study was to determine the impact of POCs on survival after resection of truncal and extremity STS.
Methods: All patients who underwent resection for a primary truncal or extremity STS at a single academic institution from 2000 to 2015 were included and analyzed.
Purpose: To prospectively evaluate percutaneous image-guided nerve cryoablation for treatment of refractory phantom limb pain (PLP) in a pilot cohort for purposes of deriving parameters to design a larger, randomized, parallel-armed, controlled trial.
Materials And Methods: From January 2015 to January 2016, 21 patients with refractory PLP underwent image-guided percutaneous cryoneurolysis procedures. Visual analog scale scores were documented at baseline and 7, 45, and 180 days after the procedure.
Purpose: To evaluate the technical feasibility and clinical efficacy of osteoid osteoma (OO) cryoablation in a large, pediatric/adolescent cohort.
Materials And Methods: An electronic medical record and imaging archive review was performed to identify all cryoablations performed for OOs between 2011 and 2015 at a single tertiary care pediatric hospital. The subsequent analysis included 29 patients with suspected OOs treated by cryoablation (age range, 3-18 y; mean age, 11.
Background: After tumor resection involving the distal fibula, the method for recreating stability of the lateral ankle remains controversial. Many reconstructive options exist, including allograft reconstruction and arthrodesis; however, each of these approaches has significant potential disadvantages.
Description Of Technique: The distal fibula is resected as necessary to obtain negative margins for local control of the neoplasm.
Background: Differentiating large lipomas from atypical lipomatous tumors (ALT) is challenging, and preoperative management guidelines are not well defined. The diagnostic ambiguity leads many surgeons to refer all patients with large lipomatous masses to an oncologic specialist, perhaps unnecessarily.
Study Design: In this retrospective cohort study of patients with nonretroperitoneal lipomatous tumors, preoperative characteristics discernible without invasive diagnostic procedures were evaluated for diagnostic predictive value.
Epithelioid sarcoma-like (pseudomyogenic) hemangioendothelioma (ESHE) represents a rare soft tissue and bone tumor that typically presents as nodule(s) in the distal extremities of young adults. The nodules traverse several tissue planes simultaneously and can involve the dermis, subcutis, skeletal muscle and bone. ESHE shares clinical and microscopic features with epithelioid sarcoma (ES), and, accordingly, is commonly misdiagnosed as ES.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring Arctic summers, sea ice provides resting habitat for Pacific walruses as it drifts over foraging areas in the eastern Chukchi Sea. Climate-driven reductions in sea ice have recently created ice-free conditions in the Chukchi Sea by late summer causing walruses to rest at coastal haulouts along the Chukotka and Alaska coasts, which provides an opportunity to study walruses at relatively accessible locations. Walrus age can be determined from the ratio of tusk length to snout dimensions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis article highlights some of current state-of-the-art applications of interventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology pertaining to the musculoskeletal soft tissues. The rationale for the use of these techniques is to provide modes of minimally invasive diagnosis and/or therapy for a subset of patients whose lesions are not approachable by the traditional modes of interventional radiology and to introduce methods to mark subtle and infiltrative lesions to improve the outcomes of subsequent surgery or radiation therapy. These techniques build on the inherent attributes of MRI, particularly the high soft tissue contrast that made MRI the current mainstay diagnostic modality to identify and characterize musculoskeletal soft tissue lesions.
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