Publications by authors named "Monroe S"

The purposes of the current study were 2-fold: 1) to assess the effects of a new antagonistic analog of GnRH [N-Ac-D-Nal(2)1, D-pC1-phe2, D-Trp3, D-hArg (Et2)6, D-Ala10] GnRH, or detirelix (Syntex Research) on gonadotrope function as reflected by serum levels of immuno- and bioassayable LH, and immunoactive FSH and alpha-subunit concentrations in postmenopausal, hypergonadotropic women; and 2) to determine if androgen production in the postmenopausal ovary is gonadotropin dependent. Six normal postmenopausal women were studied. Each volunteer received doses of 1, 5, and 20 mg detirelix sc in a random order separated by at least a 1-week interval.

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Adult diarrhea rotavirus (ADRV) has caused epidemics of diarrhea in China since 1982 and remains the only group B rotavirus associated with widespread disease in humans. We recently characterized the proteins of ADRV and have now proceeded to identify the gene segments encoding each protein. Viral RNA transcripts were synthesized in vitro with the endogenous viral RNA polymerase and separated by electrophoresis in agarose.

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The authors' aim was to examine direct cardiac responses to isoflurane, enflurane and halothane, as altered during mild hypoxia by the substitution of nitrogen (N2) for oxygen (O2), and additionally by the substitution of nitrous oxide (N2O) for N2. Heart rate, atrioventricular conduction time, left ventricular pressure (LVP), peak positive and negative derivatives of LVP (dLVP/dtmax), coronary flow, O2 delivery (DO2), percent O2 extraction, and myocardial O2 consumption (MVo2) were examined in 47 isolated guinea pig hearts. Changes in the ratio of DO2 to MVO2 indicated the relationship of autoregulation of coronary flow to myocardial O2 utilization.

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Two new astrovirus assays, a rapid biotin-avidin enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and RNA probe hybridization, were developed and compared with an established astrovirus assay, an indirect EIA, and immune electron microscopy. Sensitivity and specificity were evaluated by using a screening panel of 22 astrovirus-positive and 305 astrovirus-negative fecal specimens. The biotin-avidin assay was equivalent in performance to the reference indirect assay, and both could detect about 10 ng of viral protein.

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Advances in the conceptualization and measurement of life stress in the past 2 decades raise several questions concerning traditional diathesis-stress theories of psychopathology. First, comprehensive measures of life stress force investigators to become more precise about the particular stressful circumstances hypothesized to interact with diatheses. Second, the influence of the diathesis on a person's life is typically ignored, which results in several types of possible bias in the assessment of life stress.

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Between 19 and 27 September 1987, a cluster of outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness occurred among persons who had attended a museum fund-raiser in Wilmington, Delaware and an intercollegiate football game in Philadelphia. A survey of four groups attending these events showed that 31% (191/614) became ill. Altogether, those who consumed ice were 12 times more likely to experience either vomiting or diarrhea than those who did not (attack rate, 55% vs.

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The relative importance of astrovirus and adenoviruses as etiologic agents of diarrhea among children in day care was examined. Stool specimens from this prospective study were screened for both astrovirus and adenovirus hexon with two new indirect double-antibody assays and for enteric adenoviruses with an EIA specific for serotypes 40 and 41. Astrovirus was detected in a significantly greater percentage of children with diarrhea (4%, 21/524) than of those without (less than 1%, 1/138) (P less than .

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Immunochemical serum assays for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the free ahCG subunit, and progesterone (P) were considered separately and in combination for their ability to screen for chromosomally abnormal pregnancies in the first trimester. Maternal serum was collected from 141 women undergoing chorionic villus sampling at 9-12 menstrual weeks. Trisomy 21 pregnancies had significantly higher hCG levels, while trisomy 18 and 13 pregnancies had markedly lower hCG and progesterone levels than those of chromosomally normal pregnancies.

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Patients with depression vary greatly in the time between onset of disorder and entry into treatment. Few data exist on the dimensions of this time interval and the forces that influence it. The present article outlines considerations for research on this topic and presents findings for outpatient depressives (N = 61) on life stress and the time lag between onset and treatment entry.

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From April 17 to May 1, 1989, gastroenteritis developed in about 900 people during a visit to a new resort in Arizona, USA. Of 240 guests surveyed, 110 had a gastrointestinal illness that was significantly associated with the drinking of tap water from the resort's well (relative risk = 16.1, 95% confidence interval 14.

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The ability of a potent long-acting antagonistic analog of GnRH to suppress gonadotropin secretion, disrupt follicular development, and inhibit ovulation was studied in six women with normal menstrual cycles. The GnRH antagonist detirelix ([N-Ac-D-Nal(2)1,D-pCl-Phe2,D-Trp3,D-hArg(Et2)6,D-Ala10++ +] GnRH; Syntex Research) was administered to six women by sc injection on alternate days during a 27-day period. Six additional women underwent blood sampling only, without receiving detirelix.

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The gonadotropin dependence of ovarian follicular maturation and corpus luteum function can now be examined in women using antagonistic analogs of GnRH. We studied the responses of three groups of women throughout a control cycle and during the administration of a potent GnRH antagonist, detirelix ([N-Ac-D-Nal(2)1,D-pCl-Phe2,D-Trp3,D-hArg(Et2)6,D-Ala10++ +] GnRH, Syntex Research). Detirelix (10 mg, sc) was administered for 3 consecutive days during the midfollicular phase (n = 4), preovulatory phase (n = 4), and early luteal phase (n = 4).

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We examined some epidemiological features of the viruses associated with gastrointestinal illness, using national data reported by electron microscopists in the United Kingdom. During the 3 years analyzed (1985-1987), a total of 1,993 positive detections of astroviruses, caliciviruses, coronaviruses, and small round structured viruses (SRSVs) were reported. In 1 year of this period, 8,210 rotaviruses were reported.

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Between January and March 1988, an outbreak of gastroenteritis occurred among children and staff at a day-care center in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Over an 11-week period, 53 persons had 101 episodes of gastroenteritis; some patients had 5 separate episodes. The principal etiologic agent in the outbreak, human calicivirus (HCV), was detected by electron microscopy in 32% of fecal specimens from children and staff members with symptoms but in only 8% of asymptomatic individuals (P less than 0.

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Astroviruses are nonenveloped particles with a distinctive star-shaped surface structure that have been detected by electron microscopy in stool samples from humans and animals with gastroenteritis. We examined the patterns of macromolecular synthesis in astrovirus-infected cells with a goal of establishing a molecular basis for taxonomic classification. Trypsin is required for continuous replication of astrovirus in cultured cells; however, during a single cycle of infection, astrovirus antigen was synthesized earlier and at higher levels when serum, rather than trypsin, was included in the growth medium.

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Nitrous oxide has a long clinical history, but its effects on the heart remain controversial. The direct effects of N2O on global myocardial function have not been reported. The authors' aim was to examine the inotropic, chronotropic, dromotropic, and vascular effects of N2O, compared with its N2 control, on hearts isolated from the guinea pig.

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Since the early 1970s it has been known that female rats prefer higher concentrations of sweet stimuli compared with males. Recent data have revealed that electrophysiological responses to sweet tastes recorded in the parabrachial nucleus of the pons (PbN), the second relay in the neural pathway for taste, are larger in diestrus female rats compared with those in males. Because it has been shown that ovariectomized rats have lowered preferences for saccharin compared with intact females, it is possible to predict that responses to sweet stimuli in the PbN of ovariectomized rats might be smaller than those in intact females.

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An outbreak of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) occurred in a 201-bed geriatric convalescent facility in Los Angeles County during December 1988 through January 1989. The attack rate was 55% among residents and 25% among employees. Illnesses were characterized by vomiting and diarrhea to a lesser extent, and the absence of fever.

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