Publications by authors named "Monov A"

The development of some rare complications of renal polycystosis is discussed. Four patients with chronic polycystosis with complications are followed up. In 3 of them (2 of them on chroniodialysis) the cysts suppurated and after an infective conservative treatment they were treated surgically-puncture, cyst excision and unilateral nephrectomy.

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The characteristics of chronic pyelonephritis are studied in 37 patients out of a total of 53 patients with proved renal polycystosis. A group of 71 patients with chronic pyelonephritis selected at random are used as a control group. The frequency of chronic pyelonephritis among the patients with renal polycystosis is 69.

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In patients with chronic renal failure the presence and frequency of acquired cystic changes in the kidneys (acquired cystic renal disease) were studied. 46 patients, 21 to 62 years of age and duration of hemodialysis treatment from 2 up to 126 months, were examined. The patients with polycystic kidneys were excluded.

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The authors share their experience in the clinical observation and treatment of 72 children with acute intoxications by tricyclic antidepressants. The syndromes, forming the clinical picture of the acute intoxication at that age were the cerebrotoxic, cholinolytic and cardiotoxic ones. According to their content, the intoxication advanced in three forms: light, moderately severe and severe.

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Studying the role of magnesium on uremic osseous disease in patients on chroniohemodialysis we examined 50 patients with chrovic renal diseases, chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) and chroniodialysis treatment (CDT) with duration of the dialysis treatment from I to 10 years, 3 years on the average, and compared it with control groups of 20 patients with chronic renal diseases without CRI, with duration of the diseases from 3 to 22 years, 9 years on the average and 20 patients with chronic renal diseases and CRI (stage I--III) on conservative treatment, with a duration of the CRI from 0.5 to 6 years, 2 years on the average. The following indices were studied in all patients: serum levels of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and alkaline phosphatase--montry, to the dialysis patients the samples were taken at the beginning of dialysis séance, and calcium and magnesium content in drinking water used for the preparation of dialysis solution, was twice yearly investigated.

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The authors present their practical experience in the treatment of phalloid fungal intoxication via dialysis methods of treatment, included within the complete therapeutic system of that kind exogenous intoxication. The peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis, with consideration given to the patient's state, enables the reduction of the extremely high lethality. Their early application guarantees higher effectiveness of the dialysis methods of treatment.

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