Rev Esc Enferm USP
October 2024
Objective: To analyze the experiences and meanings attributed by trans men to the breastfeeding process in light of the Theory of Social Representations.
Method: A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study, carried out nationwide, with an intentional sample of five trans men who experienced breastfeeding and aged 18 or over. A semi-structured interview script was applied as a data collection instrument, using the Google Meet® platform, from September to October 2021.
Introduction: The board games is an educational technology that represents an appealing, active and playful pedagogical strategy and may be capable of motivating imprisoned women to learn about Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Methods: A methodological study to develop and evaluate a board game, following these stages: 1. Integrative literature review to identify educational technologies on Sexually Transmitted Infections used by imprisoned women; 2.
BMC Public Health
April 2023
Introduction: Board games can be used as a playful educational practice in the teaching and learning process, as they constitute an educational technology that can be a source of health knowledge and an aid in decision-making. The objective of this research was to assess the effect of a board game on imprisoned women's knowledge about STIs.
Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted in 2022 with 64 imprisoned women who were students at a school located in a prison unit from the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, Brazil.