Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol
January 2025
Background: Central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) and surgical site infections (SSIs) are major healthcare-associated infections that can be prevented by consistently applying evidence-based infection prevention practices.
Objective: To assess equity in preventing CLABSIs and SSIs in pediatric patients at a free-standing pediatric hospital, where evidence-based infection prevention practices are consistently implemented.
Methods: This observational study evaluated 2 cohorts of pediatric patients under 18 years.
Objective: In 2000, the Wisconsin Strategic Plan for the Elimination of Tuberculosis (TB) sets goals of 90 percent treatment completion and 95 percent documentation of treatment improvement for all reported cases of TB. This study measures the success in achieving these goals.
Methods: Data were abstracted from charts of all 249 reported TB cases during 2000-2002.