Rev Esc Enferm USP
August 2021
Objective: To apprehend the factors related to the onset and/or worsening of urinary incontinence in the hospitalized elderly patient, considering the Donabedian's triad.
Method: This is a qualitative, descriptive study, conducted with nurses and nursing technicians from a public university hospital. Data were collected using the focus group technique; content analysis was used for treatment and analysis, with subsequent coding of the registration units in the software WebQDA, relating the corpus obtained with the Donabedian's pillars.
Objective: To analyze the planning and implementation of the care offered by nurses to elders with coronary disease during the hospital-house transition.
Methods: Qualitative research that used the Transitions Theory as a theoretical reference. The participants were 12 nurses who work in a hospital that specializes in cardiology, in the city of Salvador-BA.
Objective: to build and validate an instrument for structural assessment of wards for the preservation of urinary continence in hospitalized older adults.
Method: this is a methodological study divided into two stages. The first corresponded to an integrative literature review that guided the construction of the instrument.