Introduction: The novel coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has spread throughout the globe, causing a pandemic. In Egypt over 115,000 individuals were infected so far.
Objective: In the present study, the objective is to perform a complete genome sequence of SAR-CoV2 isolated from Egyptian coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients.
Introduction: Hemophilias are a group of related bleeding disorders that show an X-linked pattern of inheritance. The clinical phenotype of severe hemophilia may vary markedly among patients as a result of many factors, including genetic prothrombotic risk factors.
Objectives: Our objective was to study the incidence of the most common prothrombotic risk factors for additive effects among Egyptian patients with hemophilia A and their impact on clinical phenotype; annual bleeding frequency and severity of hemophilic arthropathy, as well as the effect of a single variation in these patients.