Strain engineering represents a pivotal approach to tailoring the optoelectronic properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials. However, typical bending experiments often encounter challenges, such as layer slippage and inefficient transfer of strain from the substrate to the 2D material, hindering the realization of their full potential. In our study, using molybdenum disulfide (MoS) as a model 2D material, we have demonstrated that layers obtained through gold-assisted exfoliation on flexible polycarbonate substrates can achieve high-efficient strain transfer while also mitigating slippage effects, owing to the strong interfacial interaction established between MoS and gold.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe wealth of complex polar topologies recently found in nanoscale ferroelectrics results from a delicate balance between the intrinsic tendency of the materials to develop a homogeneous polarization and the electric and mechanical boundary conditions imposed on them. Ferroelectric-dielectric interfaces are model systems in which polarization curling originates from open circuit-like electric boundary conditions, to avoid the build-up of polarization charges through the formation of flux-closure domains that evolve into vortex-like structures at the nanoscale level. Although ferroelectricity is known to couple strongly with strain (both homogeneous and inhomogeneous), the effect of mechanical constraints on thin-film nanoscale ferroelectrics has been comparatively less explored because of the relative paucity of strain patterns that can be implemented experimentally.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe modification of the surface properties of graphene with polymers provides a method for expanding its scope into new applications as a hybrid material. Unfortunately, the chemical inertness of graphene hinders the covalent functionalization required to build them up. Developing new strategies to enhance the graphene chemical activity for efficient and stable functionalization, while preserving its electronic properties, is a major challenge.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGeneration, manipulation, and sensing of magnetic domain walls are cornerstones in the design of efficient spintronic devices. Half-metals are amenable for this purpose as large low field magnetoresistance signals can be expected from spin accumulation at spin textures. Among half metals, La Sr MnO (LSMO) manganites are considered as promising candidates for their robust half-metallic ground state, Curie temperature above room temperature (T = 360 K, for x = 1/3), and chemical stability.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPropose: The present study aimed to assess clinical results, in terms of postoperative pain, functional recovery and recurrence rates of FESSA (Full Endoscopic Suprapubic Subcutaneous Access) technique compared to endoscopic anterior rectus sheaths plication and mesh, in male patients with midline ventral or incisional hernias and severe rectus diastasis (SRD) associated. Secondary aims were to identify intra- and postoperative complications associated with each technique.
Methods: Male patients with midline ventral or incisional hernia and severe rectus diastasis were included in a prospectively maintained databased and retrospectively analyzed from January 2017 to December 2020.
We demonstrate the fabrication of field-effect transistors based on single-layer MoS and a thin layer of BaTiO (BTO) dielectric, isolated from its parent epitaxial template substrate. Thin BTO provides an ultrahigh-κ gate dielectric effectively screening Coulomb scattering centers. These devices show mobilities substantially larger than those obtained with standard SiO dielectrics and comparable with values obtained with hexagonal boron nitride, a dielectric employed for fabrication of high-performance two-dimensional (2D) based devices.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this work, we demonstrate the use of electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for the disentanglement of several dielectric contributions in encapsulated single graphene layers. The dielectric data strongly vary qualitatively with the nominal graphene resistance. In the case of sufficiently low resistance of the graphene layers, the dielectric spectra are dominated by inductive contributions, which allow for disentanglement of the electrode/graphene interface resistance from the intrinsic graphene resistance by the application of an adequate equivalent circuit model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Josephson effect results from the coupling of two superconductors across a spacer such as an insulator, a normal metal or a ferromagnet to yield a phase coherent quantum state. However, in junctions with ferromagnetic spacers, very long-range Josephson effects have remained elusive. Here we demonstrate extremely long-range (micrometric) high-temperature (tens of kelvins) Josephson coupling across the half-metallic manganite LaSrMnO combined with the superconducting cuprate YBaCuO.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBound states in superconductors are expected to exhibit a spatially resolved electron-hole asymmetry which is the hallmark of their quantum nature. This asymmetry manifests as oscillations at the Fermi wavelength, which is usually tiny and thus washed out by thermal broadening or by scattering at defects. Here we demonstrate theoretically and confirm experimentally that, when coupled to magnetic impurities, bound states in a vortex core exhibit an emergent axial electron-hole asymmetry on a much longer scale, set by the coherence length.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPaper has the potential to dramatically reduce the cost of electronic components. In fact, paper is 10 000 times cheaper than crystalline silicon, motivating the research to integrate electronic materials on paper substrates. Among the different electronic materials, van der Waals materials are attracting the interest of the scientific community working on paper-based electronics because of the combination of high electrical performance and mechanical flexibility.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe persistence of ferroelectricity in ultrathin layers relies critically on screening or compensation of polarization charges which otherwise destabilize the ferroelectric state. At surfaces, charged defects play a crucial role in the screening mechanism triggering novel mixed electrochemical-ferroelectric states. At interfaces, however, the coupling between ferroelectric and electrochemical states has remained unexplored.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Phys Condens Matter
February 2021
We investigate the intercalation process of oxygen in-between a PVD-grown graphene layer and different copper substrates as a methodology for reducing the substrate-layer interaction. This growth method leads to an extended defect-free graphene layer that strongly couples with the substrate. We have found, by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, that after oxygen exposure at different temperatures, ranging from 280 °C to 550 °C, oxygen intercalates at the interface of graphene grown on Cu foil at an optimal temperature of 500 °C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe fabricated large-area atomically thin MoS layers through the direct transformation of crystalline molybdenum trioxide (MoO) by sulfurization at relatively low temperatures. The obtained MoS sheets are polycrystalline (~10-20 nm single-crystal domain size) with areas of up to 300 × 300 µm, 2-4 layers in thickness and show a marked p-type behavior. The synthesized films are characterized by a combination of complementary techniques: Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and electronic transport measurements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMagnetoimpedance spectroscopy was carried out on phase-separated LaCaMnO polycrystalline manganites. The LaCaMnO powder was synthesized following an adapted sol-gel route. Structural and magnetic data showed the signs of phase coexistence of ferromagnetic (FM) Pnma and charge-ordered antiferromagnetic (CO-AFM) P2/m phases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTechnologically useful and robust graphene-based interfaces for devices require the introduction of highly selective, stable, and covalently bonded functionalities on the graphene surface, whilst essentially retaining the electronic properties of the pristine layer. This work demonstrates that highly controlled, ultrahigh vacuum covalent chemical functionalization of graphene sheets with a thiol-terminated molecule provides a robust and tunable platform for the development of hybrid nanostructures in different environments. We employ this facile strategy to covalently couple two representative systems of broad interest: metal nanoparticles, via S-metal bonds, and thiol-modified DNA aptamers, via disulfide bridges.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev Lett
January 2019
The electronic reconstruction occurring at oxide interfaces may be the source of interesting device concepts for future oxide electronics. Among oxide devices, multiferroic tunnel junctions are being actively investigated as they offer the possibility to modulate the junction current by independently controlling the switching of the magnetization of the electrodes and of the ferroelectric polarization of the barrier. In this Letter, we show that the spin reconstruction at the interfaces of a La_{0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEstablishing a 3D electrically percolating network in an insulating matrix is key to numerous engineering and functional applications. To this end, using hydrophobic carbon nanofillers is tempting, but still results in suboptimal performance due to processing challenges. Here, we demonstrate how natural cellulose nanofibres can be in situ transformed into graphene-like sheets connected to a 3D network enhancing both the transport and the mechanical properties of sintered engineering ceramics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have assessed the stabilizing role that induced co-deposition has in the growth of nanostructured NiW alloy films by electrodeposition on polished steel substrates, under pulsed galvanostatic conditions. We have compared the kinetic roughening properties of NiW films with those of Ni films deposited under the same conditions, as assessed by Atomic Force Microscopy. The surface morphologies of both systems are super-rough at short times, but differ at long times: while a cauliflower-like structure dominates for Ni, the surfaces of NiW films display a nodular morphology consistent with more stable, conformal growth, whose height fluctuations are in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of rough two-dimensional interfaces.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a new protocol to grow large-area, high-quality single-layer graphene on Cu foils at relatively low temperatures. We use C molecules evaporated in ultra high vacuum conditions as carbon source. This clean environment results in a strong reduction of oxygen-containing groups as depicted by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGraphene functionalization with organics is expected to be an important step for the development of graphene-based materials with tailored electronic properties. However, its high chemical inertness makes difficult a controlled and selective covalent functionalization, and most of the works performed up to the date report electrostatic molecular adsorption or unruly functionalization. We show hereafter a mechanism for promoting highly specific covalent bonding of any amino-terminated molecule and a description of the operating processes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe peculiar features of domain walls observed in ferroelectrics make them promising active elements for next-generation non-volatile memories, logic gates and energy-harvesting devices. Although extensive research activity has been devoted recently to making full use of this technological potential, concrete realizations of working nanodevices exploiting these functional properties are yet to be demonstrated. Here, we fabricate a multiferroic tunnel junction based on ferromagnetic LaSrMnO electrodes separated by an ultrathin ferroelectric BaTiO tunnel barrier, where a head-to-head domain wall is constrained.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMultiferroic materials exhibit two or more ferroic orders and have potential applications as multifunctional materials in the electronics industry. A coupling of ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism is hereby particularly promising. We show that the synthetic melanostibite mineral Mn FeSbO (R3‾ space group) with ilmenite-type structure exhibits cation off-centering that results in alternating modulated displacements, thus allowing antiferroelectricity to occur.
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