Publications by authors named "Moke Magoma"

Background: Maternal and newborn mortality is high immediately after childbirth and up to 42 days postnatally despite the availability of interventions. Postnatal care is crucial in preventing mortality and improving the health of women and newborns. This prospective cohort study investigated the initiation and utilization of postnatal care at health facilities and explored users' and providers' perspectives on utilization of postnatal care services.

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Background: In low and middle-income countries, pregnancy and delivery complications may deprive women and their newborns of life or the realization of their full potential. Provision of quality obstetric emergency and childbirth care can reduce maternal and newborn deaths. Underutilization of maternal and childbirth services remains a public health concern in Tanzania.

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Background: Despite the significant benefits of early detection and management of pregnancy related complications during antenatal care (ANC) visits, not all pregnant women in Tanzania initiate ANC in a timely manner. The primary objectives of this research study in rural communities of Geita district, Northwest Tanzania were: 1) to conduct a population-based study that examined the utilization and availability of ANC services; and 2) to explore the challenges faced by women who visited ANC clinics and barriers to utilization of ANC among pregnant women.

Methods: A sequential explanatory mixed method design was utilized.

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Accountability mechanisms help governments and development partners fulfill the promises and commitments they make to global initiatives such as the Millennium Development Goals and the Global Strategy on Women's and Children's health, and regional or national strategies such as the Campaign for the Accelerated Reduction in Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA). But without directed pressure, comparative data and tools to provide insight into successes, failures, and overall results, accountability fails. The analysis of accountability mechanisms in five countries supported by the Evidence for Action program shows that accountability is most effective when it is connected across global and national levels; civil society has a central and independent role; proactive, immediate and targeted implementation mechanisms are funded from the start; advocacy for accountability is combined with local outreach activities such as blood drives; local and national champions (Presidents, First Ladies, Ministers) help draw public attention to government performance; scorecards are developed to provide insight into performance and highlight necessary improvements; and politicians at subnational level are supported by national leaders to effect change.

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Background: Tanzania achieved the Millennium Development Goal for child survival, yet made insufficient progress for maternal and neonatal survival and stillbirths, due to low coverage and quality of services for care at birth, with rural women left behind. Our study aimed to evaluate Tanzania's subnational (regional-level) variations for rural care at birth outcomes, i.e.

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Background: Unacceptably high levels of maternal deaths still occur in many sub-Saharan countries and the health systems may not favour effective use of lessons from maternal death reviews to improve maternal survival. We report results from the analysis of data from maternal death reviews at Bugando Medical Centre north-western Tanzania in the period 2008-2012 and highlight the process, challenges and how the analysis provided a better understanding of maternal deaths.

Methodology: Retrospective analysis using maternal death review data and extraction of missing information from patients' files.

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Background: Tanzania is on track to meet Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4 for child survival, but is making insufficient progress for newborn survival and maternal health (MDG 5) and family planning. To understand this mixed progress and to identify priorities for the post-2015 era, Tanzania was selected as a Countdown to 2015 case study.

Methods: We analysed progress made in Tanzania between 1990 and 2014 in maternal, newborn, and child mortality, and unmet need for family planning, in which we used a health systems evaluation framework to assess coverage and equity of interventions along the continuum of care, health systems, policies and investments, while also considering contextual change (eg, economic and educational).

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Background: Maternal and neonatal mortality remains a serious challenge in Tanzania. Progress is tracked through maternal mortality ratios (MMR) and neonatal mortality rates (NMR), yet robust national data on these outcomes is difficult and expensive to ascertain, and mask wide variation.

Search Strategy: We searched EMBASE, MEDLINE, Popline, and EBSCO online databases, basing search terms on ("maternal" OR "neonatal") AND ("mortality" OR "cause of death") AND "Tanzania.

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Background: Despite the available cost effective antenatal testing and treatment, syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are still among common infections affecting pregnant women especially in developing countries. In Tanzania, pregnant women are tested only once for syphilis and HIV during antenatal clinic (ANC) visits. Therefore, there are missed opportunities for syphilis and HIV screening among those who were not tested during ANC visits and those acquiring infections during the course of pregnancy.

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Yael Velleman and colleagues argue for stronger integration between the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and maternal and newborn health sectors. Please see later in the article for the Editors' Summary.

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Background: Inadequate water and sanitation during childbirth are likely to lead to poor maternal and newborn outcomes. This paper uses existing data sources to assess the water and sanitation (WATSAN) environment surrounding births in Tanzania in order to interrogate whether such estimates could be useful for guiding research, policy and monitoring initiatives.

Methods: We used the most recent Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) to characterise the delivery location of births occurring between 2005 and 2010.

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Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of birth plans in increasing use of skilled care at delivery and in the postnatal period among antenatal care (ANC) attendees in a rural district with low occupancy of health units for delivery but high antenatal care uptake in northern Tanzania.

Methods: Cluster randomised trial in Ngorongoro district, Arusha region, involving 16 health units (8 per arm). Nine hundred and five pregnant women at 24 weeks of gestation and above (404 in the intervention arm) were recruited and followed up to at least 1 month postpartum.

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Background: Evidence for the association between Human immunodeficiency virus infection and cervical cancer has been contrasting, with some studies reporting increased risk of cervical cancer among HIV positive women while others report no association. Similar evidence from Tanzania is scarce as HIV seroprevalence among cervical cancer patients has not been rigorously evaluated. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between HIV and tumor differentiation among patients with cervical cancer at Bugando Medical Centre and Teaching Hospital in Mwanza, North-Western Tanzania.

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Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an extremely common reproductive tract condition worldwide with reported high prevalence among African population. Factors associated with this condition include preterm labour, premature rupture of membranes, preterm delivery and possibly spontaneous abortion. Nevertheless, antenatal screening and treatment is not routinenly available in most poor-resource countries including Tanzania.

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Malignant mixed Mullerian tumour is a rare gynaecological tumour commonly presenting with vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain or mass in the uterine cavity, cervix or vagina. The neoplasms are commonly seen in postmenopausal women although it has been observed in younger women. Ovaries and the corpus of the uterus are commonly involved, whereas involvement of the cervix and vagina is rare.

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Objective: Uterine prolapse with giant cervical polyp is a rare combination. Although uterine prolapse is common among elderly and menopausal women, giant cervical polyps are commonly encountered in young reproductive-age adults.

Case Presentation: A 55-year-old, para 7, Tanzanian woman, 7 months postmenopausal, presented with history of a protruding vaginal mass for 3 months.

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Background: Many women in Sub-Saharan African countries do not receive key recommended interventions during routine antenatal care (ANC) including information on pregnancy, related complications, and importance of skilled delivery attendance. We undertook a process evaluation of a successful cluster randomized trial testing the effectiveness of birth plans in increasing utilization of skilled delivery and postnatal care in Ngorongoro district, rural Tanzania, to document the time spent by health care providers on providing the recommended components of ANC.

Methods: The study was conducted in 16 health units (eight units in each arm of the trial).

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Introduction: Skin hyperpigmentation is common during pregnancy and often is due to endocrinological changes. Usual patterns include linea nigra, darkening of areola and melasma. We report a rare diffused hyperpigmentation condition in a pregnant woman of dark colored skin.

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Background: In Tanzania, more than 90% of all pregnant women attend antenatal care at least once and approximately 62% four times or more, yet less than five in ten receive skilled delivery care at available health units. We conducted a qualitative study in Ngorongoro district, Northern Tanzania, in order to gain an understanding of the health systems and socio-cultural factors underlying this divergent pattern of high use of antenatal services and low use of skilled delivery care. Specifically, the study examined beliefs and behaviors related to antenatal, labor, delivery and postnatal care among the Maasai and Watemi ethnic groups.

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