Anthropogenic activities contribute to nearly half of current Hg emissions to the atmosphere. In the marine habitat, oceanic predator fishes bioaccumulate Hg throughout their lives, making their consumption the main route of Hg exposure in humans. In this context, several publications, between 1973 and 2022, were selected, analyzed, and duly compiled, with the objective to investigate Hg contamination in nine species of bony fish: Thunnus thynnus (8 publications), Thunnus albacares (19), Thunnus obesus (7), Thunnus atlanticus (5), Thunnus alalunga (4), Katsuwonus pelamis (8), Xiphias gladius (18), Coryphaena hippurus (7) and Euthynnus alletteratus (4), as well as two species of cartilaginous fishes Prionace glauca (13 publications) and Isurus oxyrinchus (8).
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