Sex chromosomes are generally derived from a pair of autosomes that have acquired a locus controlling sex. Sex chromosomes may evolve reduced recombination around this locus and undergo a long process of molecular divergence. At that point, the original loci controlling sex may be difficult to pinpoint.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndogenous viruses form an important proportion of eukaryote genomes and a source of novel functions. How large DNA viruses integrated into a genome evolve when they confer a benefit to their host, however, remains unknown. Bracoviruses are essential for the parasitism success of parasitoid wasps, into whose genomes they integrated ~103 million years ago.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicrosporidia are obligate intracellular eukaryotic parasites of vertebrates and invertebrates. Microsporidia are usually pathogenic and undergo horizontal transmission or a mix of horizontal and vertical transmission. However, cases of nonpathogenic microsporidia, strictly vertically transmitted from mother to offspring, have been reported in amphipod crustaceans.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicrobial endosymbiosis is widespread in animals, with major ecological and evolutionary implications. Successful symbiosis relies on efficient vertical transmission through host generations. However, when symbionts negatively affect host fitness, hosts are expected to evolve suppression of symbiont effects or transmission.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare is an original model to study the evolution of sex determination and symbiosis in animals. Its sex can be determined by ZW sex chromosomes, or by feminizing Wolbachia bacterial endosymbionts. Here, we report the sequence and analysis of the ZW female genome of A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe highly compact mitochondrial (mt) genome of terrestrial isopods (Oniscidae) presents two unusual features. First, several loci can individually encode two tRNAs, thanks to single nucleotide polymorphisms at anticodon sites. Within-individual variation (heteroplasmy) at these loci is thought to have been maintained for millions of years because individuals that do not carry all tRNA genes die, resulting in strong balancing selection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProc Natl Acad Sci U S A
December 2016
Sex determination is a fundamental developmental pathway governing male and female differentiation, with profound implications for morphology, reproductive strategies, and behavior. In animals, sex differences between males and females are generally determined by genetic factors carried by sex chromosomes. Sex chromosomes are remarkably variable in origin and can differ even between closely related species, indicating that transitions occur frequently and independently in different groups of organisms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The discovery of many fragments of viral genomes integrated in the genome of their eukaryotic host (endogenous viral elements; EVEs) has recently opened new avenues to further our understanding of viral evolution and of host-virus interactions. Here, we report the results of a comprehensive screen for EVEs in crustaceans. Following up on the recent discovery of EVEs in the terrestrial isopod, Armadillidium vulgare, we scanned the genomes of six crustacean species: a terrestrial isopod (Armadillidium nasatum), two water fleas (Daphnia pulex and D.
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