Publications by authors named "Miroslav Petr"

Background: This cross-sectional study investigated the relationship between genetic variations in monocarboxylate transporter genes and blood lactate production and removal after high-intensity efforts in humans. The study was conducted to explore how genetic variations in the MCT1, MCT2, and MCT4 genes influenced lactate dynamics and to advance the field of sports genetics by pinpointing critical genetic markers that can enhance athletic performance and recovery.

Methods: 337 male athletes from Poland and the Czech Republic underwent two intermittent all-out Wingate tests.

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This study aimed to investigate the effects of a single bench press (BP) vs. leg press (LP) resistance training sessions on testosterone, cortisol, C-reactive protein (CRP) interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) concentrations, and creatine kinase (CK) activity in strength-trained males. Eleven strength-trained males participated in a cross-over randomized trial, undergoing two experimental sessions each consisting of five sets of the BP or the LP exercise to volitional failure with a load corresponding to 50% of one-repetition maximum.

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400-m races are based on anaerobic energy metabolism, they induce significant muscle fatigue, muscle fiber damage, and high blood lactate (LA) concentration. Despite extensive research on sprint training, our understanding of the training process that leads to world-class sprint performance is rather limited. This study aimed to determine differences in LA concentration and anaerobic power using jumping tests after an intense glycolytic effort in a group of elite and sub-elite 400-m runners.

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Healthcare data held by state-run organisations is a valuable intangible asset for society. Its use should be a priority for its administrators and the state. A completely paternalistic approach by administrators and the state is undesirable, however much it aims to protect the privacy rights of persons registered in databases.

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The use of herbal medicinal products and supplements in amateur and professional sports has increased in the last decades. This is because most of these products and supplements contain bioactive compounds with a variety of biological properties that exert a physiological effect on the human body. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of dietary supplementation with lyophilized black chokeberry extract on the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, hepcidin, and selected markers of iron metabolism in a group of young football players.

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Body composition (BC) and inter-limb anthropometric asymmetries (LA) may influence the physical performance of soccer players. This study aimed to determine differences in BC and LA among soccer across four performance levels. The study involved 110 male soccer players participating in Czech senior teams who were grouped into four different performance levels (i.

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In humans, most free tryptophan is degraded via kynurenine pathways into kynurenines. Kynurenines modulate the immune system, central nervous system, and skeletal muscle bioenergetics. Consequently, kynurenine pathway metabolites (KPMs) have been studied in the context of exercise.

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Background: The study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of 6-week supplementation with a daily dose of 2g of curcumin on VO and prooxidant/antioxidant homeostasis in middle-aged amateur long-distance runners during the preparatory period of the macrocycle.

Methods: Thirty runners were randomly assigned to a placebo group (PL) and a curcumin-supplemented group (CU). Their VO was assessed before supplementation and after 6 weeks of supplementation.

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Purpose: In our study, we examined changes in short-term episodic memory and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in women after an exercise program alone or in combination with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 PUFA) supplementation.

Patients And Methods: Fifty-five healthy elderly women (65-80 years) were randomly split into two groups: in the first group were women attending an exercise program while taking wax esters-rich oil (Calanus) supplementation (n = 28) and in the other group were women undergoing the same exercise program while taking placebo (n = 27). The 16-week exercise program consisted of functional circuit training (twice a week) and Nordic walking lessons (once a week).

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Human adipocytes release multiple adipokines into the bloodstream during physical activity. This affects many organs and might contribute to the induction of inflammation. In this study, we aimed to assess changes in circulating adipokine levels induced by intense aerobic and anaerobic exercise in individuals with different adipose tissue content.

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Heritability studies on sport-related traits accepted that endurance, speed, power, and strength abilities include an active genetic predisposition to elite soccer participation. This study evaluates the influence of selected genetic variants on performance in speed, power, and strength laboratory tests on a group of elite soccer players, including their playing position. A ninety-nine male elite soccer players were compared to controls (n = 107) and tested for quadriceps and hamstrings isokinetic strength at speed 60°/s, 180°/s, and 300°/s, jump performance, and genotypes of ACTN3 (R577X, rs1815739), ACE (I/D, rs1799752), NOS3 (Glu298Asp, rs1799983), AMPD1 (34C/T, rs17602729), UCP2 (Ala55Val, rs660339), BDKRB2 (+9/-9, rs5810761) and IL1RN (VNTR 86-bp).

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The intrathoracic pressure and breathing strategy on bench press (BP) performance is highly discussed in strength competition practice. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze whether different breathing techniques can influence the time and track characteristics of the sticking region (SR) during the 1RM BP exercise. 24 healthy, male adults (age 23 ± 2.

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Drinking alkaline water after intense anaerobic exercise may enhance both cognitive and physical performance. This study aimed to investigate the effect of high mineral alkaline water consumed over three consecutive days on reaction time after anaerobic exercise in twelve healthy young males (aged 21.1 ± 1.

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: A growing number of studies indicate the importance of vitamin D supplementation for sports performance. However, the effects of a single high-dose vitamin D supplementation on ultramarathon-induced inflammation have not been investigated. We here analyzed the effect of a single high-dose vitamin D supplementation on the inflammatory marker levels in ultramarathon runners after an ultramarathon run (maximal run 240 km).

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Objective: The squat exercise is one of the most exhaustive ones in which different resistance training methods can elicit various changes in the concentration of many metabolites circulating in the blood. Therefore, this study aims to assess the differences between slow (5/0/3/0) and conventional (2/0/2/0) barbell squat movement tempo to concentric failure on acute metabolites and hormonal responses.

Materials And Methods: Ten experienced powerlifters (24.

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High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is frequently utilized as a method to reduce body mass. Its intensity of work results in a number of beneficial adaptive changes in a relatively short period of time. Irisin is a myokine and adipokine secreted to the blood during exercise and it takes part in the regulation of energy metabolism.

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The main aim of this study was to determine whether the level of experience in strength training has a significant effect on differences in the value of exercise volume determined on time under tension (TUT) and number of repetition (REP) for a specific movement tempo. The study examined 68 men divided into groups of beginners and advanced strength trained athletes. The participants performed 5 sets of bench press (BP) at 70% 1RM using either a REG, MED or SLOW metronome guided cadence.

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We investigated changes in functional fitness after an exercise program in combination with Calanus oil supplementation, a novel source of bioactive lipids rich in wax esters with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 PUFA). Fifty-five healthy sedentary women aged 65-80 (mean age 70.9 ± 3.

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The Valsalva manoeuvre, intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and intrathoracic pressure (ITP) play important roles in resistance training and common daily activities. The purpose of this review is to summarize the ITP and IAP responses to resistance exercises and to determine which exercises elicit the highest or lowest body pressure values under high-intensity resistance exercise. The PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases were searched until November 1, 2018.

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Background: Although the scientific literature regarding sports genomics has grown during the last decade, some genes, such as peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs), have not been fully described in terms of their role in achieving extraordinary sports performance. Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review was to determine which elite sports performance constraints are positively influenced by PPARs and their coactivators.

Methods: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines were used, with a combination of PPAR and sports keywords.

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Background: PPARα is a transcriptional factor that controls the expression of genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, including fatty acid transport, uptake by the cells, intracellular binding, and activation, as well as catabolism (particularly mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation) or storage. gene polymorphisms may be crucial for maintaining lipid homeostasis and in this way, being responsible for developing specific training-induced physiological reactions. Therefore, we have decided to check if post-training changes of body mass measurements as well as chosen biochemical parameters are modulation by the genotypes.

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The nutrition of soccer players is an important topic and its knowledge may help to increase the quality of this popular game and prevent possible health problems and injuries in players. This meta-analysis aims to estimate the current dietary trends of three basic macronutrients in junior and senior soccer players during the first two decades of the 21st century. We analyzed data from 647 junior players (mean age 10.

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Stastny, P, Lehnert, M, De Ste Croix, M, Petr, M, Svoboda, Z, Maixnerova, E, Varekova, R, Botek, M, Petrek, M, Lenka, K, and Cięszczyk, P. Effect of COL5A1, GDF5, and PPARA genes on a movement screen and neuromuscular performance in adolescent team sport athletes. J Strength Cond Res 33(8): 2057-2065, 2019-The risk of injury increases with adolescents' chronological age and may be related to limited muscle function neuromuscular, genetic, and biomechanical factors.

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Article Synopsis
  • Cytokines, especially interleukins, play a key role in cell signaling and inflammation, particularly during ligament and tendon injuries, prompting researchers to investigate gene variants linked to these injuries.
  • A case-control study aimed to assess whether specific genetic variants (rs1143627, rs16944, rs1800795, rs2228145) are associated with susceptibility to ACL ruptures in a Polish population.
  • Results showed that only the rs1800795 polymorphism was significantly linked to ACL rupture, while the other variants did not show meaningful differences, indicating the need for further research with larger samples to validate these findings.
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Objective: Research indicates that among the many elements of resistance exercise protocols, training volume and total training load are the key factors for post-exercise increase in the secretion of testosterone (T), growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and cortisol (C). The aim of this study was to determine the effects of resistance exercises with variable volume and constant intensity and movement tempo on post-exercise concentrations of selected anabolic and catabolic hormones.

Materials And Methods: 28 experienced powerlifters (27.

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