Publications by authors named "Mirna H R Seleghim"

Microbial strains isolated from extreme and understudied environments, such as caves, are still poorly investigated for the production of bioactive secondary metabolites. Investigation of the ethyl acetate extract from the growth medium produced by the soil-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SDC28, isolated from a Brazilian cave, yielded two anthraquinones: versicolorin C (1) and versiconol (2).

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The toxicity of the insecticide carbofuran and herbicide diuron (individually and in mixture) to the invertebrates Paramecium caudatum and Ceriodaphnia silvestrii was evaluated. Acute and chronic toxicity tests were carried out with the diuron and carbofuran active ingredients and their commercial products, Diuron Nortox® 500 SC and Furadan® 350 SC, respectively. Individual toxicity tests showed that C.

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Few studies have evaluated the trophic level in tropical caves, and none related the microbial biomass dynamics in the immobilization of carbon and nitrogen. Here, four tropical caves of Terra Ronca State Park, Brazil, were studied: Angélica, São Bernardo, Terra Ronca I, and Terra Ronca II caves. Physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters (microbial biomass and respiration) were estimated in the dry and wet seasons.

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Isolation and screening of new fungal strains from extreme and understudied environments, such as caves, is a promising approach to find higher yields enzyme producers. Cellulolytic fungal strains isolated from a Brazilian cave were evaluated for their enzymatic production after submerged (SmF) and solid-state fermentation (SSF). After SmF, three strains were selected for their high enzymatic activities: Aspergillus ustus for endoglucanase (4.

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The contamination of agricultural lands by pesticides is a serious environmental issue. Consequently, the development of bioremediation methods for different active ingredients, such as pyrethroids, is essential. In this study, the enantioselective biodegradation of (±)-lambda-cyhalothrin ((±)-LC) by marine-derived fungi was studied.

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In aquatic environments, organisms are often exposed to mixtures of several pesticides. In this study, the effects of carbofuran and diuron and their mixtures on the microalgae Raphidocelis subcapitata were investigated. For this purpose, toxicity tests were performed with the single compounds (active ingredients and commercial formulations) and their combinations (only active ingredients).

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In order to contribute to the increase of the body of knowledge on the sensitivity of tropical indigenous species to pesticides, acute and chronic toxicity tests were conducted with the neotropical cladoceran Ceriodaphnia silvestrii. Tests were carried out with the active ingredients diuron and carbofuran and one of their commercial formulations, the Diuron Nortox® 500 SC and the Furadan® 350 SC, respectively. For carbofuran, the active ingredient was more toxic than the commercial product, whereas for diuron, the commercial product appeared more toxic.

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Esfenvalerate biodegradation by marine-derived fungi is reported here. Esfenvalerate (S,S-fenvalerate) and its main metabolites [3-phenoxybenzaldehyde (PBAld), 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (PBAc), 3-phenoxybenzyl alcohol (PBAlc), and 2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-methylbutyric acid (CLAc)] were quantitatively analyzed by a validated method in triplicate experiments. All the strains (Penicillium raistrickii CBMAI 931, Aspergillus sydowii CBMAI 935, Cladosporium sp.

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Application of a refined procedure of experimental design and chemometric analysis to improve the production of curvularin-related polyketides by a marine-derived Penicillium sp. DRF2 resulted in the isolation and identification of cyclothiocurvularins 6-8 and cyclosulfoxicurvularins 10 and 11, novel curvularins condensed with a mercaptolactate residue. Two additional new curvularins, 3 and 4, are also reported.

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Seven strains of marine-derived fungi (Aspergillus sclerotiorum CBMAI 849, Cladosporium cladosporioides CBMAI 857, Penicillium raistrickii CBMAI 931, Penicillium citrinum CBMA 1186, Mucor racemosus CBMAI 847, Beauveria felina CBMAI 738, and Penicillium oxalicum CBMAI 1185) and terrestrial fungus Penicillium chrysogenum CBMA1199 were screened as catalysts for the asymmetric reduction of α-keto azides 5-8 to their corresponding β-azidophenylethanols 9-12. The marine fungi showed Prelog and anti-Prelog selectivities to the reduction α-keto azides 5-8. The fungi A.

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A screening was performed using nine marine-derived fungi as biocatalysts and the natural products (-)-ambrox® (1), (-)-sclareol (2), and (+)-sclareolide (3) in order to select the microorganisms able to catalyze the biooxidation of these compounds. It was observed that only the Aspergillus sydowii CBMAI 934, Botryosphaeria sp., Eutypella sp.

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Seven marine fungi strains (Aspergillus sydowii CBMAI 934, A. sydowii CBMAI 935, A. sydowii CBMAI 1241, Penicillium decaturense CBMAI 1234, Penicillium raistrickii CBMAI 931, P.

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In aquatic ecosystems, bacteria are controlled by several organisms in the food chain, such as protozoa, that use them as food source. This study aimed to quantify the ingestion and clearance rates of bacteria by ciliates and heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) in a subtropical freshwater reservoir (Monjolinho reservoir - São Carlos - Brazil) during one year period, in order to verify their importance as consumers and controllers of bacteria in two seasons, a dry/cold and a rainy/warm one. For this purpose, in situ bacterivory experiments were carried out bimonthly using fluorescently labeled bacteria with 5-(4,6 diclorotriazin-2yl) aminofluorescein (DTAF).

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This study reports the biotransformation of methylphenylacetonitriles by Brazilian marine filamentous fungus Aspergillus sydowii CBMAI 934 under eco-friendly reaction conditions. The phenylacetonitrile 1, 2-methylphenylacetonitrile 2, 3-methylphenylacetonitrile 3, and 4-methylphenylacetonitrile 4 were quantitatively biotransformed into 2-hydroxyphenylacetic 1a, 2-methylphenylacetic acid 2a, 3-methylphenylacetic acid 3a, and 4-methylphenylacetic acid 4a by enzymatic processes using whole cell as biocatalyst. The marine fungus A.

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Marine fungi belonging to the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium, and Bionectria catalyzed the biotransformation of phenylacetonitrile to 2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. Eight marine fungi, selected and cultured with phenylacetonitrile in liquid mineral medium, catalyzed it quantitative biotransformation to 2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. In this study, the nitrile group was firstly hydrolysed, and then, the aromatic ring was hydroxylated, producing 2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid with 51 % yield isolated.

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Nine marine fungi (Aspergillus sclerotiorum CBMAI 849, Aspergillus sydowii Ce19, Beauveria felina CBMAI 738, Mucor racemosus CBMAI 847, Penicillium citrinum CBMAI 1186, Penicillium miczynskii Ce16, P. miczynskii Gc5, Penicillium oxalicum CBMAI 1185, and Trichoderma sp. Gc1) catalyzed the asymmetric bioconversion of iodoacetophenones 1-3 to corresponding iodophenylethanols 6-8.

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A fractional factorial design approach has been used to enhance secondary metabolite production by two Penicillium strains. The method was initially used to improve the production of bioactive extracts as a whole and subsequently to optimize the production of particular bioactive metabolites. Enhancements of over 500% in secondary metabolite production were observed for both P.

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The fungi Aspergillus sydowii Ce15, Aspergillus sydowii Ce19, Aspergillus sydowii Gc12, Bionectria sp. Ce5, Penicillium miczynskii Gc5, Penicillium raistrickii Ce16 and Trichoderma sp. Gc1, isolated from marine sponges Geodia corticostylifera and Chelonaplysylla erecta, were evaluated for their ability to grow in the presence of DDD pesticide.

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Fipronil is a phenylpyrazole pesticide widely used to protect sugar-cane crops from insect pests. After reaching the environment, this insecticide may have several fates. This research aimed to propose a kinetic model to describe the fate of commercial fipronil Regent 800WG in the sediment-water interface of the Oleo Lagoon in the Mogi-Guaçu river floodplain, situated within the Jataí Ecological Station, by means of a microcosm scale experiment.

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The biotransformation reactions of α-bromoacetophenone (1), p-bromo-α-bromoacetophenone (2), and p-nitro-α-bromoacetophenone (3) by whole cells of the marine fungus Aspergillus sydowii Ce19 have been investigated. Fungal cells that had been grown in artificial sea water medium containing a high concentration of chloride ions (1.20 M) catalysed the biotransformation of 1 to 2-bromo-1-phenylethanol 4 (56%), together with the α-chlorohydrin 7 (9%), 1-phenylethan-1,2-diol 9 (26%), acetophenone 10 (4%) and phenylethanol 11 (5%) identified by GC-MS analysis.

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The asymmetric reduction of 2-chloro-1-phenylethanone (1) by seven strains of marine fungi was evaluated and afforded (S)-(-)-2-chloro-1-phenylethanol with, in the best case, an enantiomeric excess of 50% and an isolated yield of 60%. The ability of marine fungi to catalyse the reduction was directly dependent on growth in artificial sea water-based medium containing a high concentration of Cl(-) (1.2 M).

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Marine organisms have been shown to be potential sources of bioactive compounds with pharmaceutical applications. Previous chemical investigation of the nudibranch Tambja eliora led to the isolation of the alkaloid tambjamine D. Tambjamines have been isolated from marine sources and belong to the family of 4-methoxypyrrolic-derived natural products, which display promising immunosuppressive and cytotoxic properties.

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Chemical investigation of the cytotoxic and anti-tuberculosis active butanone extract obtained from the growth media of the marine-derived fungus Beauveria felina led to the isolation of two new destruxins, [beta-Me-Pro] destruxin E chlorohydrin (1) and pseudodestruxin C (3), along with five known cyclic depsipeptides. The structures of the new destruxin derivatives were established by analysis of spectroscopic data, while the absolute configuration of the common amino acid residues was established by Marfey's analysis. The absolute configuration of the 2(R),4(S)-5-chloro-2,4-dihydroxypentanoic acid residue in 1 could be established by application of a J-based configuration method followed by derivatization with R-MPA-Cl and NMR analysis.

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Brazil is blessed with a great biodiversity, which constitutes one of the most important sources of biologically active compounds, even if it has been largely underexplored. As is the case of the Amazon and Atlantic rainforests, the Brazilian marine fauna remains practically unexplored in the search for new biologically active natural products. Considering that marine organisms have been shown to be one of the most promising sources of new bioactive compounds for the treatment of different human diseases, the 8000 km of the Brazilian coastline represents a great potential for finding new pharmacologically active secondary metabolites.

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