Publications by authors named "Mirkhodzhaev A"

Echography was found more preferable in the differentiation of diffuse and nodular types of goiter and in the detection of thyroid cancer. Scanography was shown to be a valuable method for the determination of a shape, topography and function of the thyroid and its zones as well as in the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis.

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Altogether 252 case records of patients operated on for thyroid cancer were analyzed to determine the frequency of combination of a neoplastic process with autoimmune thyroiditis. Analysis of morphological findings of the operative material has shown that thyroid cancer in autoimmune thyroiditis occurs 2.5-times less than in adenomatous goiter and 1.

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The examination of 448 patients with diabetes mellitus has shown that the use of indices of cholesterol, nonesterified fatty acids, ketone bodies, residual nitrogen, urea and creatinine using range normal limits permits the assessment in combination with clinical findings of the state of compensation. Change in the state of fat and protein metabolism was shown to be related, to a great extent, with a type of diabetes rather than with a patient's age.

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A device for centering a gamma-camera indicator is described. It permits the use of available medical coaches instead of a table with a transparent top. The device can be used for centering an indicator (when it is fixed at the low end of a gamma-camera) on a required area of the patient's body.

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The device consists of the upper part of the gamma chamber pillar to which a rod is rigidly fastened with a disk of acrylic plastic moving freely on the opposite end. This disk is placed coaxially and is equal to the gamma chamber detector crystal. The device makes it possible to use ordinary medical couches covered with a porolone mattress when the gamma chamber detector is placed below.

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The most adequate method of extracting the background in radionuclide images is proposed. The level of the 131I labelled cholesterol in the adrenal glands is detected with the system consisting of the gamma camera and computer. The method represents a solution of an incorrect problem.

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Significant correlation between the values of the effective renal blood flow (RBF) and indices calculated on a curve of "blood" radioactivity was established. Based on a comparison between RBF values and indirect indices some equations were obtained characterizing mathematical dependence between them. A conclusion has been made that the integral index of blood clearance of labeled hippuran calculated by indirect indices, is more accurate and can be used in routine studies.

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The renal function was investigated in 17 subjects with disordered glucose tolerance, in 14 patients with diabetes mellitus of the I type, persisted up to one year, and in 11 patients with primary diabetes mellitus of the II type. The renal secretory-excretory function (RSEF) and the effective renal circulation (ERC) were studied by means of radioisotopic technique, using 131I-hippuran. The patients were examined over a period of diabetes mellitus decompensation.

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A new photon-correlation method for measuring blood flow and traditional methods for blood flow measurements according to the clearance of 133Xe were studied and compared. The measurement data of the skin circulation by the photon-correlation method and according to the clearance of 133Xe are in linear relationship, the correlation ratio being equal to +0.93 (P less than 0.

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A group of 516 patients was studied using the routine renographic method. It can be admitted that 3 min after registration of maximum radioactivity in the kidney the curve of the radionephrogram in the interval of 7 min and that of radioactivity in the cardiac area within the same time interval are similar. Proceeding from this supposition coefficients of intensity of hippuran comparative outflow from the kidneys (K), from the kidney and blood (D) have been proposed.

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The use of quantitative analysis (point system) suggests that informativeness of a complex of tests of radioactive iodine absorption by the thyroid and radioimmunoassay of hormones is conclusive. It is recommended that a staged approach (primary application of the available tests) be used in the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction.

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One of the basic mechanisms of the thyroid hyperplasia development, not depending on the thyroid abnormality character, is the necessity for augmentation of the contact extent between the blood and thyroid gland, resultant from an absolute or relative iodide deficiency in the thyroid tissue.

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Renal function (glomerular filtration) and vascular permeability were studied in 89 patients with diabetes mellitus by means of labeled renotropic compounds. There was a direct relationship between the reduced glomerular filtration, severity and duration of the disease, condition of compensation, age and body weight of diabetic patients, and the presence of diabetic vascular lesions. Vascular permeability proved to be increased in the form of diabetes mellitus and in patients with marked renal pathology.

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Renal function (glomerular filtration) and vascular permeability under the effect of an angioprotector were studied by means of labeled renotropic compounds in 55 patients with diabetic angiopathies. The patients were divided into 3 groups: the first group comprised 23 patients treated with anginin or prodectin alone; the second one--16 patients given dicinon or docsium, and the third one--16 patient who were given combined treatment. The best effect was noted in the latter group of patients.

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Radioimmunological method was applied to the study of glucagon content in patients with diabetes mellitus of different severity and duration of the disease. Glucagon level on fasting stomach in patients with diabetes at the state of compensation failed to differ from that in healthy persons. But in decomensated disease with the ketoacidosis phenomena there was a sharp elevation of glucagon content with restoration to the normal after the compensation was reached.

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On the basis of analysis of case histories of patients with various functional conditions of the thyroid gland it was found that the use of the stage-by-stage program of mathematical diagnosis of the thyroid diseases was more expedient in clinical and economic respect than the use of a one-stage program with single introduction of the whole initial information concerning the patient's condition.

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Determination by the radioimmunological method of thyrotropic hormone (TTH), thyroxin and triiodothyronine in the blood serum of patients with Itsenko-Cushing's disease showed thyroxin level to decrease depending on the duration of the disease and the severity of the clinical course of the disease. Triiodothyronine content rose against the background of the elevated TTH content, this indicating the presence of latent hypothyroidism in these patients; one of the causes of the latter can be changed in thyroxin metabolism with the formation of a less active form of triiodothyronine.

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