Introduction: In terms of access to treatment of acromioclavicular joint injuries, there are many controversies, especially after the appearance of works that promote "neglecting of injury".
Goal: The aim of this paper is to give a comparative analysis of the results of rehabilitation of patients after acute injury of the acromioclavicular joint of the third degree, treated by two surgical techniques: by Phemister and Vukov.
Material And Methods: In this study, we investigated a total of 60 operated patients: 30 patients were operated by Phemister techniq-ue, and 30 by Vukov technique.
Unlabelled: Fractures of the upper end of the humerus are relatively common. They are predominant in the female population (85%), age over 50 years, where the force that leads to fractures in 90% of cases is moderate. Multifragmentary (three-part and four-part) fracture of the upper end of humerus, treated nonoperatively, often leaves behind a significant disability.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Electrodiagnostic tests are performed in order to obtain information on the severity of lesions and the possibility of functional recovery. Classic electrodiagnostics implies excitability testing by faradic and galvanic currents, and chronaximetry. This method has been pushed out by new diagnostic procedures, although it is a reliable method that can give data about the severity of lesions and precise data about the maximal possible function recovery and the time it takes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: This paper deals with implementation of functional tests used in early rehabilitation into medical record databases. A pilot-testing of certain measurement instruments was performed to establish if they can be used in short intervals as variables for traumatic brain injury patients and those with stroke in intensive care units. The steering group gave critera for inclusion/exclusion.
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