Brazil is one of the largest consumers of herbicides in the world, and glyphosate-based herbicides (e.g., Roundup) are commonly applied in cropland.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNitrogenous pollution has been reported to be a major threat to biodiversity and, therefore, it may be related to the decline of amphibians, the most threatened group of vertebrates in the world. In spite of this, and the widespread release of nitrogenous compounds into the environment, research on the impact of this pollution on Neotropical species remains limited. The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity of one anuran species inhabiting in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Dendropsophus haddadi) to NaNO by an acute exposure laboratory experiment, addressing also whether carryover effects exist.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFauna inventories reduce biodiversity knowledge gaps by providing comprehensive data on species distribution, richness, and abundance. Furthermore, they identify undocumented species and enhance understanding of ecosystem dynamics and conservation needs. The richness and abundance of amphibian species were studied in two Semideciduous Seasonal Forest areas in the municipalities of Potiraguá (Serra Azul) and Itarantim (Serra do Mandim) in southwestern Bahia, Brazil.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFComp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol
November 2024
Body temperature (Tb) variation and environmental temperature gradients are more intense in small individuals because their body size allows for a more intimate relationship between Tb and the environment. To contribute to a methodological consensus on the ecophysiology of small ectotherms, we aimed to investigate whether different approaches and methodological techniques affect the measurement of critical temperatures in a small lizard (Coleodactylus meridionalis, Sphaerodactylidae) from the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia, Brazil, and subsequently its vulnerability assessment. We measured two metrics of thermal physiology: critical thermal minimum (CTmin) and critical thermal maximum (CTmax).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAcoustic communication in animals can be affected by multiple biotic (intra and interspecific) and abiotic (e.g., wind and rain) natural noises.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn Acad Bras Cienc
June 2024
The ecology of movement is an expanding area, marked by the diversity of analytical methods and protocols, which enables this integrative reading. We investigated movement ecology aspects of Coleodactylus meridionalis in southern Bahia, northeastern Brazil, using fluorescent powder with mineral oil to track individuals. We monitored 69 individuals of C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTemperature affects the rate of biochemical and physiological processes in amphibians, influencing metamorphic traits. Temperature patterns, as those observed in latitudinal and altitudinal clines, may impose different challenges on amphibians depending on how species are geographically distributed. Moreover, species' response to environmental temperatures may also be phylogenetically constrained.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAmphibians are organisms which mainly have a biphasic life cycle. When at the larval stage, their habitat is generally aquatic, and when adults, they become terrestrial. Pond-breeding amphibians are sensitive to some disturbances in their environment which lead to the decline of a population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA solid basis to address the conservation challenges of amphibians requires an increased knowledge on their natural history and biology. Recent data on reproductive modes in amphibians suggest that they are much more complex and variable than previously thought but understudied. However, detailed information on the reproductive history is especially important to fill the current knowledge gaps.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe a new species of Vitreorana from the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia state, in north-eastern Brazil. Vitreorana assuh sp. nov.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn amphibians, stressful environments can lead to accelerated metamorphosis at the expense of total length, resulting in the occurrence of morphological abnormalities. Many studies have linked the occurrence of these phenomena to the pollution of habitats by pesticides and thermal stress. Here, we assessed how exposure to Roundup Original DI® and higher constant temperatures affect the survival of Boana faber tadpoles and estimate the CL5096hs for the population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMolecular species delimitation methods are efficient tools to identify species, including the discovery of new taxa and cryptic organisms, thus being useful to biodiversity studies. In the present work, 16S mitochondrial sequences and cytochrome oxidase I (COI) were used to evaluate the richness of species in the genus Scinax and Ololygon from a biodiversity hotspot in Atlantic Forest. A total of 109 specimens formally belonging to eight species of Scinax and three species of Ololygon were collected in 13 localities along the state of Bahia (northeastern Brazil) and one site in Espírito Santo (southeastern Brazil).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest (AF), amphibians (625 species) face habitat degradation leading to stressful thermal conditions that constrain animal activity (e.g., foraging and reproduction).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe genus is a fascinating group of miniaturized anurans from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, comprising the conspicuous, brightly colored pumpkin-toadlets and the cryptic flea-toads. Pumpkin-toadlets are known to contain tetrodotoxins and therefore, their bright colors may perform an aposematic function. Previous studies based on a limited number of mitochondrial and nuclear-encoded markers supported the existence of two clades containing species of pumpkin-toadlet phenotype, but deep nodes remained largely unresolved or conflicting between data sets.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe relationships of the hyline tribe Dendropsophini remain poorly studied, with most published analyses dealing with few of the species groups of Dendropsophus. In order to test the monophyly of Dendropsophini, its genera, and the species groups currently recognized in Dendropsophus, we performed a total evidence phylogenetic analysis. The molecular dataset included sequences of three mitochondrial and five nuclear genes from 210 terminals, including 12 outgroup species, the two species of Xenohyla, and 93 of the 108 recognized species of Dendropsophus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe South American and West Indian Casque-headed Treefrogs (Hylidae: Hylinae: Lophyohylini) include 85 species. These are notably diverse in morphology (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe a new species of the Scinax ruber clade from Northeastern Brazil that occurs in widely separated geographic areas in the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia state and the Highland Humid Forest of Serra de Baturité, northeast Ceará state. Scinax tropicalia sp. nov.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInformation gaps about species distribution hamper the evaluation of conservation status and decisions on biodiversity conservation, affecting to a greater extent, areas with high species richness and endemism. In this context, biological inventories are an important tool to fill these gaps by providing data on the composition, richness, and abundance of species in each locality. The Parque Nacional da Serra das Lontras (PNSL) protects various mountain range just up 1000 m.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Atlantic Forest is one of the largest and richest tropical rainforests on the planet, being one of the 25 world priorities for conservation. The Atlantic Forest portion located north of the São Francisco River corresponds to the Pernambuco Endemism Center (PEC). We describe the snake composition of the PEC, providing information about the diversity, natural history and geographical distribution of the species, based on records from five scientific collections and additional information from the literature.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNyctimantis Boulenger, 1882 was considered a monotypic genus for over a century. In a recent phylogenetic analysis of the Lophyohylini tribe with more than 96% of its representatives, Nyctimantis was redefined with the well-supported inclusion of some species from the genus Aparasphenodon, Argenteohyla and Corythomantis (Blotto et al. 2020).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe known diversity of treefrogs of the genus has rapidly increased in recent years, currently comprising 14 species. Recent field work in the Atlantic Rainforest of the state of Bahia lead to the discovery of a new large species of which is herein described based on multiple evidence including morphological, acoustical and genetic data. sp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe hyline tribe Lophyohylini includes 87 species of treefrogs, of which cytogenetics aspects have been studied in less than 20% of them. In order to evaluate the evolution of some of its chromosome characters (NOR position, C-bands, and DAPI/CMA3 bands), we studied the karyotypes of 21 lophyohylines, 16 of them for the first time, and analyzed them in a phylogenetic context. Most species showed similar karyotypes regarding chromosome number (2n = 24) and morphology (FN = 48), excepting Phyllodytes edelmoi and Osteocephalus buckleyi with 2n = 22 (FN = 44) and 2n = 28 (FN = 50), respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: Species distributions are one of the most important ways to understand how communities interact through macroecological relationships. The functional abilities of a species, such as its plasticity in various environments, can determine its distribution, species richness and beta diversity patterns. In this study, we evaluate how functional traits influence the distribution of amphibians, and hypothesize which functional traits explain the current pattern of amphibian species composition.
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