Publications by authors named "Minjia Lang"

Mnemonic training can improve episodic memory function, the most aging-sensitive functional domain in older adults. However, it remains unclear whether memory training gains can be maintained over time. In this meta-analysis, we aimed to investigate the long-term effects (pretest to follow-up) of mnemonic training in improving memory among older adults.

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Normal aging is associated with the shift in motivational priorities from knowledge acquisition to emotion regulation. Current evidence indicates an age-related increase in preferences for positive over negative stimuli in true memory. In the present study, using the categorized pictures paradigm, we investigated whether older adults would exhibit a greater increase in false memory for positive versus negative lures, compared with young adults.

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Older adults demonstrate greater susceptibility to high-confidence memory distortions. Cognitive processes underlying memory errors in older adults remain unclear. Here, in a categorized pictures paradigm, we used the event-related potential (ERP) to examine the electrophysiological correlates of false recognition.

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Two competing hypotheses attempt to explain the effects of emotional content on the production of false memory. The conceptual relatedness account posits that negative emotion increases false memory by strengthening familiarity process, whereas the distinctiveness heuristic account postulates that negative emotion reduces false memory by influencing recollection process. Here, using the categorized pictures paradigm, we examined these hypotheses by investigating emotional influences on false recognition memory performance and the event-related potential (ERP) correlates of familiarity and recollection.

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Both cognitive intervention and physical exercise benefit cognitive function in older adults. It has been suggested that combined cognitive and physical intervention may induce larger effects than cognitive or physical intervention alone, but existing literature has shown mixed results. This meta-analysis aimed at assessing the efficacy of combined intervention on cognition by comparing combined intervention to control group, cognitive intervention and physical exercise.

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