Publications by authors named "Mina Rakoski"

Background: Expedited liver transplant evaluations of critically ill patients can be challenging due to limited time for data gathering and psychosocial evaluation.

Aims: To compare clinical outcomes between expedited and traditional transplant evaluation patients and assess for differences in outpatient resource utilization and staff burden between groups.

Design: Adult liver transplant recipients who underwent transplant from 2015 to 2019 were included.

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Background: Symptom-focused trials are critically needed for patients with cirrhosis. However, this work would benefit from standard processes and validated measures.

Methods: A writing group was formed among hepatologists, nurses, palliative care providers, pharmacists, and clinical trial experts focused on symptom management in patients with cirrhosis to define the key (1) components of trial design, (2) symptom targets, (3) measurement, and (4) outcomes for each target.

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Coexisting coronary artery disease (CAD), end-stage liver disease (ESLD), renal failure, and hypercoagulable state poses a formidable clinical challenge. Here, we discuss the first known case of a patient with antiphospholipid syndrome (APLS), ESLD complicated by hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), and severe CAD who successfully underwent combined coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and simultaneous liver/kidney (SLK) transplant.

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Individuals with advanced liver disease (AdvLD), such as decompensated cirrhosis (DC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), have significant palliative needs. However, little research is available to guide health care providers on how to improve key domains related to palliative care (PC). We sought to identify priority areas for future research in PC by performing a comprehensive literature review and conducting iterative expert panel discussions.

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Aims: There are limited data on the management and outcomes of chronic liver disease (CLD) patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), particularly according to the subtype of CLD.

Methods: Using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (2004-2015), we examined outcomes of AMI patients stratified by severity and sub-types of CLD. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to assess the adjusted odds ratios (aOR) of receipt of invasive management and adverse outcomes in CLD groups compared with no-CLD.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study investigates how U.S. hepatology practitioners view and manage the use of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for patients with hepatitis C who also have hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), despite differences in opinions regarding HCC recurrence risks following DAA treatment.
  • Out of 476 surveyed providers, a majority believe that DAAs are beneficial for patients who have successfully been treated for HCC, recommending them for early-stage patients, but less so for those with intermediate or advanced HCC.
  • There is a notable variation in when providers prefer to start DAA therapy after HCC treatments, with many suggesting initiation within three months post-surgery or procedure, while others advocate for
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Purpose Of Review: End-stage liver disease (ESLD) is associated with high symptom burden, poor quality of life, and significant healthcare costs. Palliative care, which is not synonymous with hospice or end-of-life care, is a multidisciplinary model of care that focuses on patient-centered goals with the intent of improving quality of life and reducing suffering. This review will summarize current literature supporting the benefits of early integration of palliative care in patients in this population.

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Objectives: Access to subspecialty care may be difficult for patients with liver disease, but it is unknown whether access influences outcomes among this population. Our objectives were to determine rates and predictors of access to ambulatory gastrointestinal (GI) subspecialty care for patients with liver disease and to determine whether access to subspecialty GI care is associated with better survival.

Methods: We studied 28,861 patients within the Veterans Administration VISN 11 Liver Disease cohort who had an ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for liver disease from 1 January 2000 through 30 May 2011.

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Objectives: Early rehospitalizations have been well characterized in many disease states, but not among patients with cirrhosis. The aims of this study were to identify the frequency, costs, predictors, and preventable causes of hospital readmissions among patients with decompensated cirrhosis.

Methods: Rates of readmission were calculated for 402 patients discharged after one of the following complications of cirrhosis: ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, renal failure, hepatic encephalopathy, or variceal hemorrhage.

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Unlabelled: Prevalence of cirrhosis among older adults is expected to increase; therefore, we studied the health status, functional disability, and need for supportive care in a large national sample of individuals with cirrhosis. A prospective cohort of individuals with cirrhosis was identified within the longitudinal, nationally representative Health and Retirement Study. Cirrhosis cases were identified in linked Medicare data via ICD-9-CM (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification) codes and compared to an age-matched cohort without cirrhosis.

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Background & Aims: Mallory-Denk bodies (MDBs) are inclusions found in hepatocytes of patients with chronic liver diseases. Their clinical significance and prognostic value are not understood.

Methods: We performed cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) enrolled in the Hepatitis C Antiviral Long-Term Treatment against Cirrhosis (HALT-C) trial to identify clinical features associated with MDBs and changes in MDBs over time.

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Background: Surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is recommended in patients with cirrhosis, but earlier studies suggest that it is used less than one-third of the time. Patient factors associated with surveillance rates are incompletely understood.

Goals: The aims of our study were to determine HCC surveillance rates in a tertiary-care center and to identify patient predictors of receiving surveillance.

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