Synopsis of recent research by authors named "Min-Ren Huang"
- Min-Ren Huang's research primarily focuses on the genomics and transcriptomics of plants and fungal interactions, with notable studies on the chitinase gene family in *Populus trichocarpa* and the genome sequencing of the fungal pathogen *Marssonina brunnea* that affects poplar trees.
- Huang addresses challenges in differentiating plant and fungal gene expression in infected tissues and has explored reference genes for expression studies in *Lycoris longituba*, showcasing the importance of accurate genomic analysis in understanding plant responses to pathogens.
- His work also encompasses comparative genomics of forest tree species, revealing conserved genome organization over evolutionary time, and highlights the genetic diversity and functional characteristics of various plant species through studies on floral transcription factors and secondary vein development in *Lycoris aurea*.