Publications by authors named "Milos Buric"

Crayfish are emerging as model organisms for various disciplines. Moreover, decapod crustaceans also exhibit pain-like reactions and heightened anxiety when exposed to harmful stimuli, leading to short-term or persistent behavioral shifts. Awareness of decapod crustacean sentience and thus, suffering calls for refinement of current laboratory protocols.

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The concept of a standardized reference diet (SRD) is used in laboratory model organisms to ensure nutritional control between studies and laboratories. Although models using the genetically identical, all female parthenogenetic marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis) are growing in popularity, research into nutrition in this species still has many knowledge gaps. To fast track the development of a SRD in terms of protein and amino acids (SRD) for this species, we first analyzed the composition of its body amino acids to determine the ideal protein concept (IPC) of indispensable amino acids in wild-caught P.

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Fatty acid accumulation was studied in the parthenogenetic all-female marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis using six arbitrarily designed experimental feeds and related to individuals with glair glands (sexual maturity) after 100 days of ad libitum feeding at 21 °C, including gravid females from the wild as a reference. Fatty acids 16:0 and 18:1n-9 comprised 40% of the total amount of fatty acids and tended to up-concentrate in bodies. Shorter chain 14:0 depleted from feed to body.

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The round goby is a notoriously invasive fish originating from the Ponto-Caspian region that in recent decades has successfully spread across the globe. One of its primary impacts is direct predation; in addition, when entering new ecosystems, the round goby is likely to become a food resource for many higher native predators. However, little is known either about the indirect effects of predators on the round goby as prey or its feeding behaviour and activity.

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Standardised terminology in science is important for clarity of interpretation and communication. In invasion science - a dynamic and rapidly evolving discipline - the proliferation of technical terminology has lacked a standardised framework for its development. The result is a convoluted and inconsistent usage of terminology, with various discrepancies in descriptions of damage and interventions.

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Multisensory stimuli provide organisms with information to assess the threat present in the surroundings. Olfactory cues show dominance over other sensory modalities in the aquatic environment. The impact of chemical predator cues combined with experiences gained (learning) in species without previous contact is not fully understood.

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Hemolymph is the circulatory fluid that fills the body cavity of crustaceans, analogous to blood in vertebrates. Hemolymph coagulation, similar to blood clotting in vertebrates, plays a crucial role in wound healing and innate immune responses. Despite extensive studies on the clotting process in crustaceans, no comparative quantitative analysis of the protein composition of non-clotted and clotted hemolymph in any decapod has been reported.

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Pharmaceutically active compounds are common and increasing in the aquatic environment. Evidence suggests they have adverse effects on non-target organisms, and they are classified as emerging pollutants for a variety of aquatic organisms. To determine the effects of environmentally relevant levels of psychoactive compounds on non-target organisms, we analyzed cardiac and locomotory activity in early developmental stages of marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis.

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Personal care products, including organic UV filters, are considered emerging contaminants, with their toxic effects being a concern in recent decades. UV filters continually enter surface waters via wastewater and human activity. Despite the presence of organic UV filters in the freshwater environment, little is known of their impact on aquatic biota.

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Regeneration refers to the regrowing and replacing of injured or lost body parts. Crayfish antennae are nervous organs that are crucial for perceiving environmental signals. Immune cells (hemocytes) are responsible for neurogenesis in crayfish.

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Background: Antennae in crayfish are essential for gaining information about the local topography and localising food, chemicals, conspecifics or predator. There are still gaps in the research on the morphology of antennae in decapods compared to other arthropods.

Methodology: Biometrical and ultrastructural methods were applied using light and cryo-scanning electron microscopies to study the morphology of antennae in six different crayfish species, including marbled crayfish , Mexican dwarf crayfish , red swamp crayfish , signal crayfish , common yabby , and spiny-cheek crayfish to find their potential morphological differences.

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Using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis (δC and δN) to assess trophic interactions in freshwater ecosystems is a well established method, providing insight into ecosystem functioning. However, the spatial and temporal variability of isotope values, driven by environmental fluctuation is poorly understood and can complicate interpretations. We investigated how the temporal variation of stable isotopes in consumers (fish, crayfish and macrozoobenthos) of a canyon-shaped oligotrophic reservoir is associated with environmental factors such as water temperature, transparency, flooded area, and water quality measures.

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The round goby is an invasive fish in Europe and North America that threatens native species by predation and competition. Its habitat preferences are similar to those of the European bullhead, which it displaces from shelters and out-competes for available resources. We assessed the microhabitat preferences, shelter use, and activity of the round goby and European bullhead in single-species experiments in habitat simulator systems to investigate their behavior in a novel environment.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study investigates the impact of round goby on macroinvertebrate communities, particularly crustaceans, in freshwater streams.
  • Using a functional response approach, researchers manipulated prey densities to analyze foraging efficiency and consumer behavior.
  • Results show that round goby exhibits a type II functional response, significantly attacking and killing the more prevalent prey species, suggesting its potential threat to river ecosystems.
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Biological invasions are increasingly recognized ecological and economic threats to biodiversity and are projected to increase in the future. Introduced freshwater crayfish in particular are protruding invaders, exerting tremendous impacts on native biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, as exemplified by the North American spiny-cheek, signal and red swamp crayfish as well as the Australian common yabby. The marbled crayfish is among the most outstanding freshwater crayfish invaders due to its parthenogenetic reproduction combined with early maturation and high fecundity.

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The effects of chloridazon (Ch) and its metabolite chloridazon-desphenyl (Ch-D) at the environmentally relevant concentrations of 0.45 µg/L and 2.7 µg/L on signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus were assessed in a 30-day exposure followed by a 15-day depuration period.

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Despite their low concentrations in many aquatic environments, evidence exists to suggest that herbicides do affect non-target organisms. Given that burrowing is a primary life-history trait in crayfish, herbicides could potentially have serious negative effects on these ecologically important freshwater macroinvertebrates. In this study, we exposed the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii to terbuthylazine (a triazine) and metazachlor (a chloroacetanilide) at an environmental concentration of 2.

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The phylogeny of European crayfish fauna, especially with respect to Eastern European species, is still far from being completely resolved. To fill this gap, we analyzed most of the European crayfish species focusing on the phylogenetic position of the endemic crayfish Astacus colchicus, inhabiting Georgia. Three mitochondrial and one nuclear marker were used to study evolutionary relationships among European crayfish species, resulting in the unique phylogenetic position of A.

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Pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) are ubiquitous in the aquatic environment worldwide and considered emerging contaminants. Their effects on growth, behavior, and physiological processes of aquatic organisms have been identified even at very low concentrations. Ecotoxicological investigations have primarily focused on single compound exposure, generally at a range of concentrations.

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The effects of chloridazon exposure at concentrations of 2.7 μg/L (maximal real environmental concentration in the Czech Republic), 27 μg/L, 135 μg/L and 270 μg/L on early life stages of marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis) were evaluated. Significantly higher glutathione S-transferase activity and reduced glutathione level was observed at all tested concentrations of chloridazon compared with the control.

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Methamphetamine (METH), a central nervous system stimulant used as a recreational drug, is frequently found in surface waters at potentially harmful concentrations. To determine effects of long-term exposure to environmentally relevant levels on nontarget organisms, we analysed cardiac and locomotor responses of signal crayfish to acute stress during a 21-day exposure to METH at 1 μg L followed by 14 days depuration. Heart rate and locomotion were recorded over a period of 30 min before and 30 min after exposure to haemolymph of an injured conspecific four times during METH exposure and four times during the depuration phase.

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Pharmaceutically active compounds (PhAC) have been increasingly detected in freshwater and marine waterbodies worldwide and are recognized as major emerging micropollutant threat to the aquatic environment. Despite their low concentrations in the environment, there is evidence of effects on non-target aquatic organisms in natural habitats. To assess the potential effects of PhACs on its burrowing behavior, we exposed the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii to methamphetamine or tramadol at the environmentally relevant concentration of 1 μg/L.

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The effects of the herbicide metazachlor and its major metabolite metazachlor OA at two concentrations, including environmentally relevant concentrations of metazachlor (0.0115 µmol/l and 0.0790 µmol/l) and metazachlor OA (0.

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Pharmaceutically active compounds are major contaminants of aquatic environments. The effects on aquatic organisms have been assessed mostly through eco-toxicological tests performed using static exposure systems or flow through systems with constant concentrations. Yet, constant concentration exposures ignore the spatio-temporal dynamics of chemicals in flowing environments.

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Pharmaceutically active compounds are major contaminants of aquatic environments that show direct and indirect effects on aquatic organisms even at low concentrations. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of the illicit drug methamphetamine and the antidepressant sertraline on clonal marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis. Crayfish exposed to the environmentally relevant concentrations of methamphetamine of ∼1 μg L did not exhibit significant differences from unexposed controls in distance moved, velocity, and activity level with or without available shelter.

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