Recent studies in humans have shown that certain pesticides could affect the composition and functions of the gut microbiota, an essential modulator of vertebrate physiology, leading to potential dysbiosis. However, this relationship remains largely unknown in wild birds despite the implications of pesticides in the current decline of farmland species. The present study sought to fill this gap by providing data on the association between pesticide concentrations in blood and gut microbiota characteristics in relation to individual traits in a farmland raptor, the Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPluripotent stem cells (PSCs) offer many potential research and clinical benefits due to their ability to differentiate into nearly every cell type in the body. They are often used as model systems to study early stages of ontogenesis to better understand key developmental pathways, as well as for drug screening. However, in order to fully realise the potential of PSCs and their translational applications, a deeper understanding of developmental pathways, especially in humans, is required.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntensive use of synthetic pesticides in conventional agriculture may harm non-target organisms through sublethal effects on life-history traits. Farmland birds are exposed throughout their life cycle, but the fate of non-persistent pesticide mixtures in wild birds remains unknown. In this study, we investigated changes in pesticide contamination levels in Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus) nestlings during their growth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnviron Sci Pollut Res Int
September 2024
Pesticide contamination is often cited as a key factor in the global decline of farmland birds. However, the majority of studies on pesticide exposure in non-target fauna are not representative of what happens in nature because they are limited to artificial conditions. The aim of this study was to define and compare, for the first time, pesticide contamination in grey partridges (Perdix perdix) from two different contexts, i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGraphene oxide (GO) nanosheets were functionalized with Schiff base and reduced Schiff base. Covalent and non-covalent functionalized GO nanostructures have been tested for the removal of pesticides with different chemical structures and properties (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Haemophilic arthropathy (HArt) is a serious complication in patients with hemophilia. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to minimise the development of HArt. The use of biomarkers may improve early diagnosis of HArt.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe presence of pesticides in fogwater plays a major role in accumulating relatively substantial levels of trace compounds due to their unique physico-chemical characteristics. The radiation wintertime fog in Alsace has been studied in the past few years (between 2015 and 2021) at four sites (Geispolsheim, Erstein, Strasbourg, and Cronenbourg). Fog samples are extracted using the liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) performed on the XTR Chromabond cartridge coupled with gas/liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To identify circulating micro-RNAs differentially expressed in patients with erosive hand osteoarthritis (HOA) compared to patients with non-erosive HOA and patients without HOA.
Methods: In the screening phase, 768 well-characterized micro-RNAs using Taqman low-density array cards were measured in 30 sera from 10 patients with erosive HOA, 10 patients with non-erosive HOA, and 10 controls without HOA, matched for age and body mass index (BMI). In a second step, we validated the micro-RNAs identified at the screening phase (adjusted p value < 0.
Small fractions of patients suffer from radiotherapy late severe adverse events (AEs Grade ≥ 3), which are usually irreversible and badly affect their quality of life. A novel functional DNA repair assay characterizing several steps of double-strand break (DSB) repair mechanisms was used. DNA repair activities of peripheral blood mononuclear cells were monitored for 1 week using NEXT-SPOT assay in 177 breast and prostate cancer patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigates the degradation of TCB in methanol, ethanol, hexane, and benzene solutions using gamma radiolysis. Kinetic properties of TCB dechlorination and its pathway are examined, with TCB selected as a representative chlorinated organic compound. Chromatograms of irradiated samples and mass spectra of liquid-phase products are presented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEtruria contained one of the great early urban civilisations in the Italian peninsula during the first millennium BC, much studied from a cultural, humanities-based, perspective, but relatively little with scientific data, and rarely in combination. We have addressed the unusual location of twenty inhumations found in the sacred heart of the Etruscan city of Tarquinia, focusing on six of these as illustrative, contrasting with the typical contemporary cremations found in cemeteries on the edge of the city. The cultural evidence suggests that the six skeletons were also distinctive in their ritualization and memorialisation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHorse sacrifice and deposition are enigmatic features of funerary rituals identified across prehistoric Europe that persisted in the eastern Baltic. Genetic and isotopic analysis of horses in Balt cemeteries [1st to 13th centuries CE (Common Era)] dismantle prevailing narratives that locally procured stallions were exclusively selected. Strontium isotope analysis provides direct evidence for long-distance (~300 to 1500 kilometers) maritime transport of Fennoscandian horses to the eastern Baltic in the Late Viking Age (11th to 13th centuries CE).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHuman activities have led to the contamination of all environmental compartments worldwide, including bird species. In birds, both the environment and maternal transfer lead to high inter-brood variability in contamination levels of pollutants, whereas intra-brood variability is generally low. However, most existing studies focused on heavy metals or persistent compounds and none, to our knowledge, addressed the variability in contamination levels of multiple pesticides and the factors influencing it.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To identify a microRNA signature associated to sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults form the SarcoPhAge cohort.
Methods: In a screening phase by next generation sequencing (NGS), we compared the hsa-miRome expression of 18 subjects with sarcopenia (79.6 ± 6.
Three-dimensional (3D) structure information, now available at the proteome scale, may facilitate the detection of remote evolutionary relationships in protein superfamilies. Here, we illustrate this with the identification of a novel family of protein domains related to the ferredoxin-like superfold, by combining (i) transitive sequence similarity searches, (ii) clustering approaches, and (iii) the use of AlphaFold2 3D structure models. Domains of this family were initially identified in relation with the intracellular biomineralization of calcium carbonates by Cyanobacteria.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnviron Sci Pollut Res Int
January 2024
There is a worldwide concern about the presence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the environment because of their toxicity, bioaccumulation, and resistance to degradation. Various conventional monitoring techniques have been used to assess their presence in diverse environmental compartments. Most currently available methods, however, have limitations with regards to long-term monitoring.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report the first large-scale palaeoproteomics research on eastern and southern African zooarchaeological samples, thereby refining our understanding of early caprine (sheep and goat) pastoralism in Africa. Assessing caprine introductions is a complicated task because of their skeletal similarity to endemic wild bovid species and the sparse and fragmentary state of relevant archaeological remains. Palaeoproteomics has previously proved effective in clarifying species attributions in African zooarchaeological materials, but few comparative protein sequences of wild bovid species have been available.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe characterize a new experimental model for inducing retinal ganglion cell (RGC) dysfunction and degeneration in mice. C57BL/6J mice were subjected to two acute periods of intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation (50 mmHg for 30 min) by cannulation of the anterior chamber. We used full-field electroretinography and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to measure subsequent changes in retina and optic nerve function, and histochemical techniques to assess RGC survival and optic nerve structure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs epigenetic regulators of gene expression, circulating micro-RiboNucleic Acids (miRNAs) have been described in several bone diseases as potential prognostic markers. The aim of our study was to identify circulating miRNAs potentially associated with the severity of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) in three steps. We have screened by RNA sequencing for the miRNAs that were differentially expressed in sera of a small group of OI patients versus controls and then conducted a validation phase by RT-qPCR analysis of sera of a larger patient population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEarth's mantle has a two-layered structure, with the upper and lower mantle domains separated by a seismic discontinuity at about 660 km (refs. ). The extent of mass transfer between these mantle domains throughout Earth's history is, however, poorly understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGroundwater monitoring is the highest tier in the leaching assessment of plant protection products in the EU. The European Commission requested EFSA for a review by the PPR Panel of the scientific paper of Gimsing et al. (2019) on the design and conduct of groundwater monitoring studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective of this study was to develop a serum biochemical marker of the degradation of type III and IV collagens, as an index of synovium turnover, and evaluate its performance in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for serum synovial collagen fragments (Col3-4) was developed using an antibody recognizing a specific sequence from human type III collagen, which shares 70% homology with type IV collagen. Immunohistochemistry was performed to localize Col3-4 and the matrix metalloprotease MMP-9 which is upregulated in RA synovial fibroblasts in the synovial tissue from a RA patient.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring intravasation, cancer cells cross the endothelial barrier and enter the circulation. Extracellular matrix stiffening has been correlated with tumor metastatic potential; however, little is known about the effects of matrix stiffness on intravasation. Here, we utilize in vitro systems, a mouse model, specimens from patients with breast cancer, and RNA expression profiles from The Cancer Genome Atlas Program (TCGA) to investigate the molecular mechanism by which matrix stiffening promotes tumor cell intravasation.
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